Doctor Proctor

Doctor Z

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I haven't been able to find much discussion on Dr. Proctor's products here. He apparently is a doctor/physician who makes some shampoo and topical products that combine antiandrogens with minoxidil-like ingredients. I won't even post a link to his website so that folks won't think I'm trying to plug the guy. His site is VERY bare-bones but the products themselves seem to have some scientific backing. I'm thinking of trying his shampoo/conditioner to compliment what I'm already doing. Thoughts appreciated.


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I have used his products, mostly his SOD-based Prox-N and his NANO shampoo which is supposed to be a more natural version of minoxidil. I felt that his shampoos and SOD are very good quality but at the time I was not using an internal 5AR inhibitor so it made it that much harder to make a call whether or not they were working. Yet from what I could tell, I was making slow progress on it. Now that I am back on Propecia, I feel that they will work even better.

As far as his topical Proxiphen goes, I would like to try it and many people have reported success on it. The only problem that comes down to is cost and being a student.

So I would try his products but everyone's mileage varies on it.