Do You Think That My Hairline Is Receding?


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Hi guys. I've made a couple of threads already, and I'm sure I'll get annoying eventually, but I just wanted to check in again anyway and see what people think of my hairline.

About a year ago I suspected I was losing my hair, something that made no sense since my dad and grandfathers have all had thick heads of hair with low hairlines (no uncles to compare to though). My hairline has undergone no detectable change for the last two years I'm happy to report, which as I understand it is uncommon for most cases of male pattern baldness once they start. Crown is also totally full. Unfortunately I've almost always worn my hair long, so I don't have a lot of pics from when I was young to compare my current hairline to. I did find some very low quality old pictures from when I was like 10 that sort of show off my hairline, and it seems like there's maybe some naturally low density at the temples since I assume I wasn't already losing hair then. I also have always had weak temple peaks as you can see. Hard to tell, but it's all I've got.

A dermatologist has said that she wouldn't currently diagnose me with male pattern baldness, but she was just eyeballing it and didn't perform any of those tests or anything. I almost hope I do have a receding hairline since it's at least something that could be potentially fixed. If this is my natural hairline I'm kind of bummed since my forehead is large enough to project a movie on and I'll never be able to fix it. I feel like I'll be stuck with a shaggy hard to manage haircut forever.



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Experienced Member
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It's possible that some minor hair loss is starting to form, but no one can tell you if it's so at this point. I don't think the chances of you going bald are high, considering your family history. Your best course of action right now is not worrying about it. Come back in ~ 6 months to compare and see if there's any difference