do you think a girl cares if you wear concealer?



do you think she cares? if it looks good and nearly undectable. though im not sure if its undectable.

so what you think . does she care?

and how to tell her?


haha i was thinking makeup concealer for a second. but no i dont think most girls would care unless you try to hide it.


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helpme007 said:
do you think she cares? if it looks good and nearly undectable. though im not sure if its undectable.

so what you think . does she care?

and how to tell her?

Yes, they would hold it against you, because it show's your insecure, which they view as a feminine trait, and thus will be repulsed by it and you. Though if you were bald looking, she wouldn't be attracted to you in all likelihood, you'd be "creepy". so either way, you're going to lose.


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Most girls actually like it when balding dudes do something to make their hair look better. If you act insecure about it however, thats a different story. Put your concealer on, dont give a sh*t about it, and she probably wont care either.


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porajj said:
Most girls actually like it when balding dudes do something to make their hair look better. If you act insecure about it however, thats a different story. Put your concealer on, dont give a $#iT about it, and she probably wont care either.

If you "didn't give a sh*t" about it, you wouldn't even use concealer. So if you do something about it, she'll view you as insecure.


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recboi said:
porajj said:
Most girls actually like it when balding dudes do something to make their hair look better. If you act insecure about it however, thats a different story. Put your concealer on, dont give a $#iT about it, and she probably wont care either.

If you "didn't give a $#iT" about it, you wouldn't even use concealer. So if you do something about it, she'll view you as insecure.

jesus!! cmon people, go outside and look around, you will see plenty of attactive girls with bald/balding guys!


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haunted-ballroom said:
recboi said:
porajj said:
Most girls actually like it when balding dudes do something to make their hair look better. If you act insecure about it however, thats a different story. Put your concealer on, dont give a $#iT about it, and she probably wont care either.

If you "didn't give a $#iT" about it, you wouldn't even use concealer. So if you do something about it, she'll view you as insecure.

jesus!! cmon people, go outside and look around, you will see plenty of attactive girls with bald/balding guys!

Note that they likely aren't using concealer. Rogaine and propecia, fine, she probably isn't as concerned about, because it' isn't deceitful.. But I bet if you use concealer, they will feel misled, and will think you are insecure.


recboi said:
porajj said:
Most girls actually like it when balding dudes do something to make their hair look better. If you act insecure about it however, thats a different story. Put your concealer on, dont give a $#iT about it, and she probably wont care either.

If you "didn't give a $#iT" about it, you wouldn't even use concealer. So if you do something about it, she'll view you as insecure.

no more insecure than she seems for wearing makeup to cover up her perceived facial flaws. she being a hypothetical girl.

You know those statements on side car mirrors: caution objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Well here's one for you:

Caution: girls with makeup may appear hotter than they actually are.


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JayMan said:
recboi said:
porajj said:
Most girls actually like it when balding dudes do something to make their hair look better. If you act insecure about it however, thats a different story. Put your concealer on, dont give a $#iT about it, and she probably wont care either.

If you "didn't give a $#iT" about it, you wouldn't even use concealer. So if you do something about it, she'll view you as insecure.

no more insecure than she seems for wearing makeup to cover up her perceived facial flaws. she being a hypothetical girl.

You know those statements on side car mirrors: caution objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Well here's one for you:

Caution: girls with makeup may appear hotter than they actually are.

But the double standard makes it okay for them to do that, but you are insecure about your looks if you do that. It's afeminine trait, and if you remind them of themselves, they'll get turned off.


recboi said:
JayMan said:
recboi said:
porajj said:
Most girls actually like it when balding dudes do something to make their hair look better. If you act insecure about it however, thats a different story. Put your concealer on, dont give a $#iT about it, and she probably wont care either.

If you "didn't give a $#iT" about it, you wouldn't even use concealer. So if you do something about it, she'll view you as insecure.

no more insecure than she seems for wearing makeup to cover up her perceived facial flaws. she being a hypothetical girl.

You know those statements on side car mirrors: caution objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Well here's one for you:

Caution: girls with makeup may appear hotter than they actually are.

But the double standard makes it okay for them to do that, but you are insecure about your looks if you do that. It's afeminine trait, and if you remind them of themselves, they'll get turned off.

well then f*** them. f*** them up their stupid asses, right?

not all girls are like that, but some are.


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recboi said:
JayMan said:
recboi said:
porajj said:
Most girls actually like it when balding dudes do something to make their hair look better. If you act insecure about it however, thats a different story. Put your concealer on, dont give a $#iT about it, and she probably wont care either.

If you "didn't give a $#iT" about it, you wouldn't even use concealer. So if you do something about it, she'll view you as insecure.

no more insecure than she seems for wearing makeup to cover up her perceived facial flaws. she being a hypothetical girl.

You know those statements on side car mirrors: caution objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Well here's one for you:

Caution: girls with makeup may appear hotter than they actually are.

But the double standard makes it okay for them to do that, but you are insecure about your looks if you do that. It's afeminine trait, and if you remind them of themselves, they'll get turned off.

Not all people come straight out of a text book. There are plenty of girly guys with girlfriends. Ive even heard some girls say they love a feminin bloke lol


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It depends how noticeable the conceiler looks. See its all about if she will be embarresed in front of her friends and others. If it looks good I bet she will like it. If you look like the Ron Popeil commercial wth the spray paint she wont. I use putty instead of gel and no girls mind. That is concealing isnt it?


ya that is concealing too. but i actually still use toppik.

i think she didnt see it that i use it. so i guess she shouldnt care that much about it if i tell her.


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It all depends if your hair is your best feature. If it is you better realize hair is a small percentage of what a girl likes. Concealer or not.


hm, she likes to run her fingers through my hair. but she only did it in the back where i dont use concealer and hairspray. but i think she likes me more for who i am than for my hair.

though what is good is that my hair got thicker in the back on the crown so i dont need concealers there anymore. thats a very good thing and a good ego boost. :)

i hope my front follows that , though its already much better than before.

anyway, thx for the tips guys. keep them coming.


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Yep...I think they would care. Girls want men to be men...and being a man does not include wearing makeup for your head.


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everyone, men and women, would rather have someone who has perfect whatever, than just looks like they do. As far as if they prefer conceler to baldness, it just depends how good it looks. Some people can get away with a shaved head, or a receding hair line, others can't. I don't think anyone here can say for sure until they see you before and without.

I think your main problem is you will attract women who only go for guys with perfect hair, and when they find out, they will dump you. You need to deliborately go a half step below them, but a step higher than what you could get with the scalp showing, and those ones will be more likely to stay with you. That will be tough work. If you are a 7.5, it is very possible a 4 would turn you down because she thinks she deserves an 8 or 9. Also some women are just taken. So it will take you time to figure out who you should go for. And there is a very small chance a 9 might not know she is a 9 because never got hit on.


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The funny part is beleive it or not alot of 9 's dont get hit on as much as you think because guys are to intimidated. They think they will say no for sure. The only guys that ask are drunk loosers who are dumb. Did you ever notice who 9's are almost always with hmmmmm.


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jj_24 said:
The funny part is beleive it or not alot of 9 's dont get hit on as much as you think because guys are to intimidated. They think they will say no for sure. The only guys that ask are drunk loosers who are dumb. Did you ever notice who 9's are almost always with hmmmmm.

That's not true. I go out all the time and wherever I go, the hottest girls there have guys lined up to talk with them, and they pick and choose, shoot down, etc, it's fun and entertaining for them, and i fsomeone really impresses them, they either give their number or go home with him. don't fall for that BS that attractive women intimidate guys. Women like confidence, which is the absence of fear of rejection, for you have other options, and consider guys who are intimidated by them to be less than men. Of course if the guy isn't attractive to her, she won't view it as confidence, but rather as "creepy", thinking "why would a guy who looks like that think I might be interested in him?"


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Mate I have to say that girls are attracted to those men with confidence whatever their appearance. Ok it's easier to be confident when you have male model looks and a full head of hair but that just means that the rest of us have to work that bit harder to feel good about ourselves but it can be done and it does work. A confident happy smile will go a long way and girls are really not as worried /concious about hairlossa as we think they are. I wish you weren't so negative man, you must have a lot going for you and it's a shame you cna't focus on the positives of your persona. Don't approach a girl thinking "that guy over there has better hair than me, I don't stand a chance" approach her thinking "I'm far funnier. far more interesting and intelligent than that jerk so HE doesn't stand a chance."

get out there man! :)