Do you find it difficult staying motivated?


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yes. literally its the first thing I think of when I wake up. I try not to obsess about it, but its impossible to erase from your mind. Certain things like excercise and playing guitar help. But when I'm not completely busy, I'm thinking about it.


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Yes, im the same, every morning i look in the mirror and my heart sinks when i see how bad it is. whenever i'm out i hide under a hat and constantly look at other mens hair and how luky they are to have such thick hair, i think men look so much beytter with styled hair and im gona gave to shave mine by the time im 25 which is devastating.
i cant wait to hit mid to late 30s so i might look ok with the bald look, but why should i wish the best years of my life away. lifes a b**ch i hate it.
But i try not to fink about it, try have fun and socialise as much as possible. try to dress as best as possible.(gota try and look better in other ways).
i also got really pumped in the gym last year and started feeling so much better cos i had the muscle instead.
But summer last year after getting to the final test of becoming a firefighter(never been so happy), i slipped a disc in my back and needed operation.
I now can never be a firefighter and cant go gym for atleast two years. ive lost all my muscle, cant play football again and on top of all that, my hair line has got worse.
but the last three months have been great, been partying non stop and actually managed to pull a few girls (although it will never be as good as being a firefighter), but ive realised life is too short.
Only thing now is i gota start a new career in office or something which is crap.
But my advice is, if you can go gym, play sport, keep active, dress to impress, get some stylish headwear u will feel alot better.


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Gutted about slipping a disc like that mate, only takes one thing like that to ruin a dream you might have.
I crippled my arm falling off a fence so I can never join the forces etc, but that doesn't bother me so much as I never really wanted to anyway.

I may not think consciously about male pattern baldness every day, but it is always there, like an unbearable weight bearing down on my soul.
Might sound silly but sometimes I even feel like you do a few weeks after splitting with a girlfriend you loved. You don't feel quite complete and sometimes I have trouble thinking about what to do with myself.


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Yes, it frigging sucks.
I look in the mirror every morning and reminisce about the days when my hair was thick and abundant. Let's face it, the only reason bald men reproduce is that they start having kids before their hair goes away. If not for that, we'd never get laid and the baldness gene would be eradicated.
That might be streching things a little, but you get my drift.


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Yeh, i might never reproduce so that my son won't go through male pattern baldness like i am. Or i will look for a woman with the biggest, fullest, thickest hair i have ever seen, try and defeat male pattern baldness over a few generations, lol.

Maybe they should make it a law that all men who suffer from male pattern baldness get the snip, it will cure millions of lives of devastation, lmao

uncomfortable man

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Looking at me the wrong way is all the motivation I need.


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I hope the poster said that he might not have kids because they might get male pattern baldness is joking. Possibly the most ridiculas thing I've read. For one you might not have a boy and secondly if you did theres no reason just because you had male pattern baldness he would. Plus many people who bald dont obsess about it.

People must have too much time on their hands if you make hairloss affect your life that much.


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Would you want to give your kids such nice gift if you knew it will f*** up their twenties?!... i know i wouldnt!


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errr how would you know how his child would react, as I explained how would you know you would have a boy? and if you did theres not guarentee that child would have male pattern baldness anyway.

I think counselling might be an option if hairloss is affecting you so much that you might not have children because of it.

I feel for you if you're letting it affect you that much I really am but with all the help we have thesedays imagine what will be availably in the next 20 years.

I hate to say 'get a grip' but I come on here to try and feel better and get things into perspective its hairloss FFS.


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I think we're going round in circles.

I believe 99.9% of the population would think that not having a baby because it might have male pattern baldness is very odd. I also think that the reason people come to forums like this is for help and encouragement but some seem only want to be negative I don't understand it. Surely we want to be positive about our problems and try and improve the way we feel and not let it get us down or affect our lifes too much.

Looking back and thinking why did I let it ruin my life when theres no reason it should would be truely sad, and not having a family, depriving a childs life not because you dont want children but because that child might lose some hair is possibly the most depressing and selfish thing I've read on a hairloss forum.

Anyway we'll just go round and round in circles. You have your views I have mine, I guess it would be a boring place if we all felt the same way all the time :) . I wish you luck. :)

All the best.


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I think if you ask yourself that question in the first place you probably should'nt be having kids.

somone uk

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yeah, i mean i have stopped doing quite a lot of the things i used to do
i spend every day evaluating how my life would be different if i didn't have male pattern baldness
as far as having kids, i don't wanna have kids because i don't think diabetes, male pattern baldness, bipolar and a hernia are particularly good birthday presents

i really do think people should objectively analyse whether or not they should have kids, i mean we have to face the fact that the world's resources cannot support every couple having 3 kids
not to mention there are 1000's of kids up for adoption, imho every kid should have a rightful home before we bring more into the world


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somone uk said:
yeah, i mean i have stopped doing quite a lot of the things i used to do
i spend every day evaluating how my life would be different if i didn't have male pattern baldness
as far as having kids, i don't wanna have kids because i don't think diabetes, male pattern baldness, bipolar and a hernia are particularly good birthday presents

i really do think people should objectively analyse whether or not they should have kids, i mean we have to face the fact that the world's resources cannot support every couple having 3 kids
not to mention there are 1000's of kids up for adoption, imho every kid should have a rightful home before we bring more into the world

I hear you someone UK. I want my own kids but there are overpopulation problems in the world and also lots of kids up for adoption. Sometimes I think I'll compromise and adopt a kid and then have one of my own. BTW is that vince from FF7 in ur avatar.


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If you want a son, marry someone who doesn't carry the X-chromosome for baldness. Anyone can be checked now for like a couple hundred dollars.

It comes from the mother, not you.

As an example, there are literally NO bald men on my father's side of the family. I get it from my mother's mother's father who was bald. None of my grandfathers were bald, even. Sucks.


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It can come from either side. I got it from my mom too but I know people who got it from their fathers.


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As far as baldness affecting my motivation...

It has greatly. I can't seem to attract women at all anymore, and being unemployed, I question whether I should even try getting a high-paying job again. I'm not that materialistic, so what's the point of all the stress? So I can have a gold-digging wife who is around me only for my money like that bald f*** who used to run Tyco?

somone uk

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Nene said:
BTW is that vince from FF7 in ur avatar.
yes it is :)

baldness doesn't come from the X chromosome otherwise i wouldn't be here
there are loads of chromosomes it comes from