Do you feel more confident around others with worse hair?


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I've found that, whilst in the company of other men who are either bald or who are either half way or nearly there, that i feel more confident and comfortable with myself in a i know that may sound bad, but it's not what you think. I'm comparing this to the moments where i'm in the company of guys who have nice thick heads of hair, and i'd find myself feeling a bit insecure, and i'll usually close in, thinking of my own hair. Btw i'm a NW2.

For instance, once i came back from uni on what was a hot day, i came home, didn't care to 'check' my hair, and i heard a knock on the door, they ended up being some old friends of my parents (a father and son) who came to preach their religion, which i had zero interest in, but my mum invited them in anyway. Both of them were completely bald, and i discovered that i wasn't even the slightest insecure about my own hair, regardless that i knew it wasn't styled how i wanted it to be when in the company of others, i just didn't care, and i felt more comfortable and confident as i started telling them to stop forcing their views on others.

Another time was in a physics subject i was taking, we were assigned a partner for the labs during the semester, and the guy i was with was bald, and i kinda felt 'better' about my own hair in a way, which i also felt bad about since that's not the right way to go about things, ie comparing yourself to others. But anyway, the guy was great, we got along well.

Anyone else ever been in a similar position?


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Well i thought being bald suited him, he seemed rather confident and all. But going bald would not suit me, i don't have the type of shaped head, i'd just look extremely weird, and my low esteem that would come with it, would add to the weirdness. No, having hair is how i look good..


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To be honest, when I see a bald guy, especially a bald guy who doesnt look good bald, which is like most bald guys imo, I die a little inside. Thats my impending fate in front of me.

Yippee! yay! Im going to eat happiness for breakfast.


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If you don't care what people think about you (and your hair),you gonna live more comfortable and confident even you look like sh*t...opps ! ;)

The best way to happiness.. :innocent: