Do You Ever Get Depressed?


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Hi, new here, 21, been losing my hair since I was about 17, using minoxidil 5% for almost a year, it works alright at keeping things the way they were, not seeing much regrowth though.
My hair looks good and healthy now, if I shave my head it's noticeable that I've been losing my hair for quite some time but if I keep it at the current length nobody can tell.
Anyway, sometimes I'm thinking to myself, man, I'm gonna be using this thing (minoxidil) for the rest of my life... that's so depressing, it's like it's taking a lot of the spontaneous-ness out of my life.
Then I tell myself that I should be grateful for other things and that at least it actually works and that looking good has it's price and eventually I forget about it for some time.
Anyone else getting this feeling?
When I look at other people my age, which is a relatively young age to be losing your hair in my opinion, who are also balding but obviously not doing anything about it it makes me "stronger"(I'm not sure if that's the right word, I'm not a native English speaker), it makes me feel good about myself for not giving up like them.
But I still get that feeling I was talking about every now and then and it makes me really depressed.
Just wanted to share and maybe hear some opinions and tips


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it's tough, but also it's a part of being male.

Erm, in my usual Hoppi style, how is your health? Your health when you started losing hair was a-ok?

You think your hair loss is totally genetic?

Hope you feel alright man, and erm.. yeah it used to get me down LOADS but I guess I'm used to it now!



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Hoppi said:
it's tough, but also it's a part of being male.

Erm, in my usual Hoppi style, how is your health? Your health when you started losing hair was a-ok?

More bullshit! Dont spread these false 'health issue' theories they dont do anyone any favours. M.P.B is not a health/diet/stress issue!


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My health was fine when I started going bald. Infact, the baldies I know seem to be the healthier bunch, and the NW1's are generally fatter/slobbier.
Face it Hoppi, you haven't got a clue what you're talking about.
Did you see that guy on Youtube who bigged up "holistic health" and natural remedies for his male pattern baldness, and would post new videos weekly touting up some new veg shake or whatever? He was saying "I can feel my hair regrowing" "My hair is thicker than ever" and you could SEE that he was still receding and diffusing badly. He went from a NW2 to practically a very receded NW4 before his denial could hold him no longer, he realised it was all bullshit and closed his account.


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Nope. Honestly if my regimen will prove to be successful in retaining my hair I will consider it a smal price to pay having to apply it twice a day and I will be an ecstatic man hairwise. How long does it take? At most 10 minutes, that's nothing.

Even if you skip a day or two it is not like your hair will fall out instatny unlike having diabetes and missing a dose of insuline


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Yes! But when I read the posts on this forum it's brings me out of the feeling of being depressed. Depression is very common in a world with war and diseases. I find women tend to be more open about depression than men. More women take anti-depressants than men.


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Thanks guys these comments really help.
Sometimes I look in the mirror and I'm thinking that minoxidil is effing worth the trouble and the money! I love how my hair looks!
But sometimes I'm about to apply the thing and I'm feeling like I'm still a kid and I already have to deal with too much "mature" problems (my life is really complicated)
I hope that watching most of my friends go bald in 10 years will make it easier haha


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hoppi man unfortunetly i think health has so little to do with it....

My best friend smokes so much, drinks whiskey constantly and eats sh*t whenever he even eats! (skinny guy) His dad has similar facial features and is bald... yet my friend has thick black asian hair... and he isn't asian lol.

I on the other hand, work out a lot, try my best to eat well, do not smoke and rarely drink, and when i do, it's usually red wine! lol. and my dad is 51 with a full head of black hair. both my grandads had hair...

We're both 21.. I'm the one moving into NW3 territory. On paper that should be him, not me. Go figure.


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Losing your hair because of health issues is very different from male pattern baldness, it also looks different (health issues will usually make the hair on the side of your hair fall and not just on the top)


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finfighter said:
dudemon said:
About 15 years ago, I used to have this supervisor who was a total prick. Everyday he used to make fun of me because of my hair. There wasn't a single day when he didn't make hurtful comments about me losing my hair such as, "Hey man, if I were you, I'd be investing in a company that makes hair tonic, because you're really gonna need lots of it! Damn you're bald! ... ahahahahaha!"

Then that jerk started telling the owner of the business that I was losing my hair because I was drug addict, which was completely false. So, I ended up getting fired from that job because the owner was totally ignorant about hairloss, and he believed my supervisor. (They used another reason, BTW, which was 100% false). The owner bought it "hook, line and sinker," and he was so pissed that he had a "drug addict" working for him that he informed the police. They ended up raiding my apartment.

It's amazing how hairloss can affect people in ways you never thought possible.

But the whole thing was quite depressing. Losing my job, my apartment getting raided, and being humiliated and made fun of on a daily basis for a couple years ... all because of hairloss.

Damn, that's gotta be the worst story that I have read on here. Sorry Dude.

How did the police justify the warrent? You should have sued their ***!
Dudemon's story is quite incredible and certainly one of the most extreme you will find. I am really sorry to learn about that situation.

But if someone fills in a complaint, I think the police gets the right to raid your house. But then you can drag him back to justice for false accusation. He would deserve very well that price.

uncomfortable man

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Knowing the dude, it would have just backfired on him and made everything even worse. Don't make waves if you don't want your boat rocked.