Do You Ever Feel Pity For Young Balding Men?


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I work on a university campus, so I regularly see men who are 18-25 and balding. A lot of NW1, NW2, and NW3's. Some might not realize that they're balding yet, some are sporting embarrassing combovers.

I find myself feeling sorry for them. I know some things they might not know, like the fact that baldness will be socially harmful for them if they don't have a masculine bone structure, I know that they can get on treatments, and so on. But I say nothing. I know that to bring it up opens me up to ridicule, it opens them up to being offended, it's just really risky and not worth it.


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In the cafeteria I often see one guy who is 25 and NW7 bald skin to the bone, f*****g DUPA sides and donor.
I don't feel pity, I'm f*****g scared that I'll suffer the same fate.


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Its heinous crime to make people conscious for their hairloss.

Being redpill for hairloss can f*** up such kids education.

I will never never never support giving hairloss advice unless they asked for it.

Hairloss is depressive.

Only active people can handle this nightmare with ease.
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My Regimen
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Of course i feel some pity for my brothers and sisters in arms
Someone got to be a f*****g piece of sh*t to be balding and not feel pity for the other doomed
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My Regimen
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I redpilled my medical friend on balding. He thinks skinhead look is cool even though he will look like Louis C.K.

I might attempt to persuade him to inject dutasteride in scalp for experiment but chances are I will do it before he does.

He is Norwood 2.75 right now.


My Regimen
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A couple of times my friends told me that they've seen a young bald guy at university and kinda laughed about it. On the one hand it makes me feel good that they apparently havent noticed that I'm losing hair (about Norwood 2.5 at 19 years old), otherwise they would never joke about a bald guy in my presence, just like I would never talk about fat people with an obese friend, but on the other hand I notice even more how screwed I am if treatments wont work

I jumped on finasteride when I was 19 and everyone on forums was shrieking about finasteride making others dicks fall off. If I could, I would've taken it when I was 17.


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The decision to take/not take finasteride actually reveals a lot about a person, their ability to think for themselves and not mindlessly follow the herd. Overwhelmingly, the feedback you get from the outside world will be variations of "finasteride is dangerous and will make your dick limp", and "bald guys are sexy, just shave it off". But observing reality will tell you that neither of these things are true.

It's a real risk. Ask Dante.


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how some people can have such a low self awareness, hoooowwww?
i mean, doesnt he notice he get less and less attention from girls over the years? (which must be true if he is balding)
even with my slowly receding i could clearly notice the difference on interactions with girls...

He is depressed and doesn't want to risk it. Only to lift and get a job and have sex with silicone bimbos.
He doesn't care it seems, for now.


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The decision to take/not take finasteride actually reveals a lot about a person, their ability to think for themselves and not mindlessly follow the herd. Overwhelmingly, the feedback you get from the outside world will be variations of "finasteride is dangerous and will make your dick limp", and "bald guys are sexy, just shave it off". But observing reality will tell you that neither of these things are true.

It takes a true leap of faith to get through the wall of FUD that the Propecia fear-mongerers and delusional sly dudes have put up over the years.

Not really. Those prone to anxiety might very well be able to think for themselves and not mindlessly follow a herd. But also might be less inclined to take finasteride due to worries about side effects and/or how they might react to taking the drug regardless of the actual affects of the drug.

Also those who are overly negative, but have no inclination of not thinking for themselves or following a herd might focus on the negatives and not on the positives of taking finasteride, and end up regretting their decisions only after they have been fucked by hairloss.

Finasteride is mostly a preemptive treatment, to an ailment that is not very predictable and often underestimated in terms of it's downsides. Thus I think there are a host of reasons that people decide not to take finasteride.


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I don't feel bad for the 19 year old who is a NW2 on the basis of his NW2, I feel bad thinking of the fury that is to come.

The NW2 is probably a non-impediment to a social life, however if they have a NW2 at that age then they might be NW5 by 25.

It's like watching an incoming train wreck.


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The worst feeling is when your with a group of people (women and fullheads who arent norwood spotters) with your nw2 or nw3 and they start ripping on baldcels or guys with bad loss and you know your losing your hair too. On one hand your scared because your thinking that will be me their talking about soon, on the other your low key mad at ppl for being cruel and you want to stand up and curse em out but you gotta remain awkwardly oblivious. Shttt sucks..


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As a college student I'm constantly analyzing the hair of other students, and yes I feel pitty and saddens me to see some students with even worse hair loss than me. I remember this one guy I used to have many classes with, sporting norwood 4 or 5 and diffusing, he always used to sit in the back and never talked to anyone. It was depressing as hell.


My Regimen
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I can relate to that, happened many times with different people! Even the other day a friend casually dropped a comment about a random guy's hair at a coffee shop. He was like an obviously thin Norwood 2.5 even to non spotters but still had coverage. "I think his hair is dead" she said. At that point I'm just thinking, I'm glad I took action to escape this ****.

Tfw i heard girls at work saying this about a NW0 guy with a poor hair texture but no hairloss at all


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different game and you're guaranteed to lose.

Sure it is, it was just to point that for some hairs hamers being NW0 is not even enough, sick


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Probably close to 10 times I've heard my friends rip rooney for his lack of hair.

The latest one was mistakenly said in front of one of my NW5 mates. (Only 24). Something like "he couldn't keep his morale up" was said on the tv, and my mate said "he couldn't even keep his hair after a transplant". Usually there'd be laughs but everyone knew not to with the NW5 there and it was kind of awkward. I'm not sure but I think it might have been worse for him, because I think he clearly knew why no one laughed.

Anyway yeah, I do feel bad for bald guys. But, to be perfectly honest, usually only when they have it worse than me. Guys with NW2's make me feel better about myself and I often hope to see it. Which is horrible, I know, but I really can't help it.

I never get this feeling about guys with NW4's though, I feel bad for their shitty situation and only envision my possible future.

Once again, being completely honest, it's different with height. I always like seeing guys shorter than me. I guess it's because attraction due to height is such a relative thing. Guys with similar looks to me, but just taller, are the people I'm most jealous of. For whatever reason I'm much less jealous of more attractive guys. I guess it's a combination of my 4 taller brothers and the fact that I blame my lack of height mostly due to my sh*t diet.