Do u think theres gonna be a cure in 20 years?


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Well by prevention Im guessing you mean propecia which yes does do a good job at prevention. My issue is that propecia is not perfect at prevention in the long run and very importantly in my opinion its dangerous in terms of the role DHT plays in the prostate and who knows what else. A safer probably topical way of doing what propecia does is the ideal long term solution for preventing hair loss safely so I think CB 03 01 or something along those lines is needed kind of badly still. Maybe even stopping a mature hair line for those that do not want one? Aside from that I do agree of course regrowing as much hair is possible is what to shoot for.
PGD2 might be huge but we need big companies and more research to figure out how to exactly turn this info into a good concrete product not guys experimenting in their basements it will never show its true potential like that. Little details matter a whole lot and we dont yet know a lot of them.


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Probably not.

Unless you start messing with your genes so that your hair is made to not be affected by DHT.
For the next years while it still even matters for me, I am personally betting my hopes on injection type topicals that may be coming i.e. histogen. It's not going to be effective enough alone therefore not even close to being a cure though but it should help in conjunction with finastride.


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Fixing all the bad genes to to cure male pattern baldness in the next 20 years? No I dont see that happening but its never possible to say for sure.


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Fk no. I cant find anything to stop this ish for nothing. Trying to regrow seems impossible. Darn.

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No. I'm a girl.

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I gotta question. Why is it so hard to stop dht from being produced at the follicular level? Huh? Why is that so fkg hard?


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the one thing that looks promising is the bitamoprost thing... they are allready in the second clinical trials now... replicell is good but its taking sooo much time.


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The cb-03-01 sounds promising. I mean, of course it won't be a cure but it seems great, at least in theory. It won't mess with our dht or 5-alpha-reductase, it will only work at the androgen receptor level, and it will be locally...


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Yes I agree that CB 03 01 could in theory at least stop male pattern baldness safely and that is really what we need while we search for better ways to regrow hair. Also CB could help acne and unwanted hair growth. I hope it all works out and works really well hopefully for all these conditions.


My Regimen
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Idk quantum physics is way worse

Check it out some time

Its not too complicated for science, but too complicated for a bunch of unmotivated nw1s who are underfunded and rly only care about squeezing even more money out of the balding man

If i see a hair loss researcher who doesnt have hair loss i think theres a very high chance he doesn give a **** about our well being, why shud he?

He hasnt experienced the pain of hair loss


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I think part of the problem is what we already got on the market. Minoxidil and finasteride are obiously the top sellers as well with the hair transplant surgeons. They will try everything to keep scientist from developing a cure so as long as they can still turn a profit. There is too much in stake for all of the companies that sell hair loss solutions to allow a cure. If you took what we have out on the market right now, I would say yes there is a cure out there, mabe sooner than later.

uncomfortable man

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Evil companies holding the bald man down, preventing science from saving us once and for all.


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I think part of the problem is what we already got on the market. Minoxidil and finasteride are obiously the top sellers as well with the hair transplant surgeons. They will try everything to keep scientist from developing a cure so as long as they can still turn a profit. There is too much in stake for all of the companies that sell hair loss solutions to allow a cure. If you took what we have out on the market right now, I would say yes there is a cure out there, mabe sooner than later.
good point. a cure or a far more effective treatment than minoxidil/finasteride would put them out of business.

Breaking Bald

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Is nobody excited about Histogen???


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My Regimen
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Breaking Bald

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Well yeah, but you might of already read it. Impressive numbers, but so far the pictures are extremely lacking. But a lot of people are very optimistic about its potential and possible release in 2015 in Asia.

Did you watch the interview?

This forum really lacks discussion on leading treatments.

Expensive, not very exciting results.

It's hard to get excited about it.

Breaking Bald

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Expensive, not very exciting results.

It's hard to get excited about it.

Where do they mention price? And they have only injected small areas (not the whole scalp), so they still may achieve substantial growth within the next 2-3 years.


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Where do they mention price? And they have only injected small areas (not the whole scalp), so they still may achieve substantial growth within the next 2-3 years.

Yes they mentioned price, it was in the range of a FUE but sightly less. Edit it was in one of their PDF's.

Breaking Bald

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How much was it? Don't you think they should be capable of better results is more injections?


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I don't remember the exact number but you can find it on HLH or here, I forgot the source. Maybe, hair growth takes much time, who knows but I want something more accessible like CB gel that you put 3 or 4 times a week plus takes care of acne as well.