DO NOT USE AHI in jacksonville Fl


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they are scum- the owners and who do the actual surgical procedures have high school degrees - thatsit- Larry Leornard is a complete liar and his website is nothing but lies- DO NOT USE Them They suck


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My wife and I thank you for your excellent memory! We have been looking for quite some time for a clinic and this poster “JBurton†seemed very suspicious. Now we know for a fact they are deceitful and manipulative. We knew something was not right because after researching, we discovered AHI is known all over for their excellent FUE and micro punch technique. We actually had another doctor (who wanted to do a strip) say “if you want FUE, then go to AHI in Jacksonville, they are one of the best I have ever seenâ€. That spoke volumes to us coming from a strip doctor who struggled in the past to do the “tedious†FUE. In his words “you have to have excellent hands and the patience of Job†to be real good. Also, my wife remembered seeing this guy “Dean†(fake pluggy picture from JBurton) somewhere on the net but couldn’t remember where. It’s a big relief as we had narrowed our search down to two clinics…one was out of the country and AHI in Jacksonville. We didn’t see a reason to fly out of the states and were in the process of sending photos to AHI this week.

One of our close friends had work done at AHI recently and the results were incredible. He’s only 7 months out and we can’t believe the growth. It was one of the main reasons why we are considering these guys. We called him to ask if he had ever heard of any problems and told him about the now, “exposed posterâ€. He told us that this sounded like the same poster that has been banned from several other forums because they were posting as numerous identities, all with an agenda, to slam these guys in Jacksonville. This same “fraudulent poster†was actually (at one point) speaking to them self as they had posted as multiple people simultaneously to create pandemonium. Apparently, after they were subsequently banned (IP address blocked), it turned out to be another clinic with an inferior technique and skill.

The charade that the exposed poster “JBurton†was trying to achieve has just made us want to have the procedure that much more. Both my wife and I are in need of some work. We thought if another clinic is this jealous and bothered by AHI’s technique and skills then we made the right choice. All of our research did, if fact, lead us to the right place. We should thank “JBurton†or whatever the next name they come on the forums tomorrow with, as their deception backfired in their face.

The several forum sites out there have been very invaluable to us and who knows how many other people in the world. People, for the most part want to help. It’s the bad people with an ulterior motive that skew our perspective. Going forward, we will all know to question a new poster slandering another clinic…especially a very well known one. Why wouldn’t they post a picture of their receipt from said clinic with letter head? Be aware, phony, "JBurton" will fade away like the disturbed con they are and reappear with another name as they have done before. They were so DESPERATE that they posted two different heads claiming both were theirs. How dumb to they think we are? Clearly, “JBurton†has rocks in their real head which is neither of the two "fake ones" they posted. That’s what got them caught.

Thank you again for your memory…


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I am glad to be of help. I am somewhat well known on the internet sites and my reputation for not treading lightly and speaking my mind is one that is well deserved.

I will not hold back commenting on a clinic regardless if they did work on me or not. AHI does some of the best FUE work in the world. In fact, I use them and I can afford to use anyone in the world and travel anywhere to get the best work done.

They use .75mm punches for the scalp and .8mm punches for body hair which are not only the smallest in the industry but, leave the least amount of scarring as well.

Their pricing is very reasonable and they are a professional outfit. I have had over 6000 body hair extractions and 3000 scalp hair extractions from them alone so I can speak intellignetly on them.


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Thank you. All of our research both with physicians and previous patients of other clinics has really paid off. We kept hearing AHI in Jacksonville over and over again for months, they must be doing something right. We are of the same opinion as you, it is definitely not the money… both my wife and I come from wealthy families. It’s nice to see their prices are very competitive for some of the best work in the world. Actually, we were shocked that they weren’t more expensive for the kind of work they do…most clinics would have capitalized on that…I hope for everybody’s sake they don’t change and become absorbed with greed like many other inferior clinics who think they’re great.

The fraudulent poster not only was uneducated (which was evidenced by their writing, wow, my wife and I are still laughing) but very low I.Q. as well, to try and pass off two heads as one. It sounded like an immature seven year old little girl whining about being scorned on the playground. Obviously, another clinics act of frustration and desperation. That’s why I have always loved competition because it brings out the best in everybody…in this case we all win big! I am trying to get our friend with excellent BHT results to post his pictures but he has no clue how to do it?

By the way, what’s the best hotel over there, maybe on the beach? They gave us several names but we just don’t know.


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What the f*** is this sh*t? Is there some sort of grudge fight going on between Jacksonville and a disgruntled customer? If there is, take it outside.


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From what we gathered and understand as we are in the process of using them, inferior competitor not customer…this fake poster stuff has happened before to mislead people. The competitor (which AHI still will not disclose) admittedly had patients that were slaughtered go to AHI for repair work that went very well. Apparently, that was too much for the slaughterhouse. We have been able to narrow it down but aren’t sure who.


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I would love for the admin to check the IP and see where the posts originated. I would bet a dime to a dollar it was somewhere out of Atlanta.


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Agreed. It would not surprise me whatsoever....they could even have moles in same city. I'd like to get an answer to the double head question. We all know there is no answer other than they LIED.


balloonman and still looking,

Did you know Larry Leaonard used to work with Dr. Cole in Atlanta but left him as did his brother Leif Leoanard? It's no wonder why the covert posting activity is going on. Possibly a certain clinic in Atlanta views this clinic in Jacksonville as a threat in competition?


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Gill: I knew that already but, thank you for posting that. Larry and Leith both worked for Cole and both quit. He goes through so many employees it makes you wonder what the hell he is doing to make everyone leave. Even Girltech quit and she was his biggest fan.

This is also why I asked for the IP address because I too felt it was coming from atlanta.


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I heards that as well. The one guy Larry has trained dozens of doctors all over the world. That came from the hair transplant Strip guy and his partner that recommended them. It just helps the whole process when competition gets ramped up to find the best way.

Did the double headed little girl “JBurtonâ€￾ fade away into the world of absurdity? I should change my name to STILL WAITING for an answer to the double head question...


Several years ago in early 2003, maybe six months or so after Dr. Cole was working the forums for business, there was the same thing discovered at the HairTransplantNetwork forum. That is, multiple covert posters coming from the same IP address in Cole's office. I read the posts and the accusations and suddenly Dr. Cole disappears from that forum. Do you guys remember that? And it was not ForHair (Dr. Cole's full time internet promoter) because his IP address from Atlanta was completely different. Dr. Cole has not participated in that HTN forum since that incident. :roll:

Anyways, balloonman, I completely agree with your post on the other "Dr. Cole in one month thread" IMO, you really hit the nail on the head! :freaked:


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Thanks Gil. It is very difficlut to find people on these forums that will support you when you have something negative to say about a Dr. It usually becomes a gang up on balloonman scenario with former Cole patients coming out of the woodwork to defend him.

In the end, his donors speak for themselves, his personality spekas for itself and the fact that his employee turnover is higher than McDonalds tells me that the "genorous and kind" Dr is probably the A-hole we all think he is behind closed doors.

Besides all that, he is condescending to everyone, like we and all other Drs are dumb and should bow down to him. He lies and tries to tell people that his CIT method differs in some way from ALL OTHER FUE practicioners, but refuses to explain how.

I could go on and on but, I have good reasons for disliking Cole as a Dr, as human being and as a businessman and all are valid and supported by facts.


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it's kind of interesting that baloonman and STILL LOOKING joined this forum on the same day. can anyone say "CONSPIRACY"


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You have some serious logical reasoning issues. What’s more interesting is that you didn’t factor what event precipitated me and my wife actually chiming in. A SHAM! I can’t speak for Ballonman, as I don’t know him but we all (including you, unless you work for a hair transplant clinic) owe him a debt of gratitude. If he didn’t remember this was a picture from five years ago, before said clinic existed, it would have clouded the perspective and judgment of how many people? We were in the process of sending pictures and booking a date with said clinic and had vested interest in every conceivable way.

What’s nonsensical about your post is rather than be happy that the truth was exposed and demand answers from the fraudulent posters (which there are none other than they lied), you question the poster that exposed them to protect us all????????????? You could have a full head of hair reading this thread and STILL appreciate the exposed truth.

Aren’t these forums for those of us that need work to educate ourselves about the best and worst ideas and alternatives? Do you really NOT want to know the truth? Do you even care about the truth? If so, why the ridiculous comments to the person exposing the truth and not a peep to the deceitful poster. If not, why are you on the forums unless YOU have an agenda? Why haven’t you questioned the “double head syndromeâ€â€¦.This just speaks volumes about your credibility. Would you rather have Ballonman keep his mouth closed about knowing about and subsequently proving a SHAM??? WOW!