Do I understand role of spironolactone & Propecia correctly?

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I know that spironolactone is an anti-androgen. Is my following understanding correct?

Propecia prevents the formation of DHT by attaching itself to 5ar so that it can't join with T in forming DHT.

But spironolactone nuetralises the remaining DHT that "slips thru" from what the Propecia did not prevent (as propecia reduces about 60% of DHT).

This leads to the next question:
Is T alone harmful to the hair follicles? If so, then I assume spironolactone will also block the T in attacking hair follicles?

Lastly, some people say spironolactone also inhibits the 5ar. Is that true?


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Whether or not testosterone itself is directly harmful to hair follicles remains highly controversial. I suspect that it IS harmful to some degree, although obviously not as bad as DHT.

There is conflicting information on whether or not spironolactone inhibits 5a-reductase. I've seen one study which claimed that it does, and another study which claimed that it doesn't. Take your pick! :)

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But do I understand the role of spironolactone properly?
How does it "block" the DHT and T? It changes them to something else?
Thank you.