Diffuse thinning=propecia shed, be honest can i pull the shaved look


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Do you think diffuse thinning ppl have finasteride shed when they use finasteride just something i tought about, and be honest guys can i pull shaved head, shaved My head could not handle the shed got mental shutdown i am 176 cm 173 pounds shreded 9%bf i am gonna get a sleave tattoo just to make the shaved STYLE more nice

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You can prolly pull off the shaved look being tan. I am not sure I would get a tattoo just to match a shaved head though.


My Regimen
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Do you think diffuse thinning ppl have finasteride shed when they use finasteride just something i tought about, and be honest guys can i pull shaved head, shaved My head could not handle the shed got mental shutdown i am 176 cm 173 pounds shreded 9%bf i am gonna get a sleave tattoo just to make the shaved STYLE more nice

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View attachment 40003

You lucky bastard! shave it bald and let it go. You're one of the few people that look just as good.


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I still want My hair, hairloss sucks hope we all get our hair back soon this **** is awful **** this money over anything thinking


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I feel you man, but you kill it with the shaved look so you're honestly good either way

g.i joey

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Dat jawline doe. Thatll be our saving grace when we go bald, it really suits you dude.


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Dude, you're set.

Hop on finasteride and maintain that hairline.


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Thx so much guys hope we all finde peace in this hairloss Madness, My self-esteem has really taken a hit because off this much love to all of you, my girlfriend has notice this and is taking advantage to be the king in realtionship, crazy as b**ch I like to think there is no such thing, but she has gotten the upper hand and bossing around and says I feel we are more like fiends after a fight we had today and that was it I said it's enough in my own brain and said then gtfo if your feeling that way and break up and she said no, tierd of here bull**** time to stop this crazy mother****ers "gangster" attitude, it's sad that when your being nice and a real gentleman they use it to make something bad instead of a beautiful mode

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She does not know about my hair loss and has not noticed anything. But damn girls are evil, I am a loyal guy that treat women good like men should but some b****s take advantage


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My Regimen
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your girlfriend has noticed your loss of self esteem? thats terrible man my girl knows about my hairloss and she buzzes my hair somethings lol


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Dude, you do NOT need to worry about hair loss. You look straight up movie star badass with a shaved head. I mean, sure if you like hair, that's great and all, but at this point, the less drugs/chemicals you put in your body to save your hair, the better. And plus all that stress of not worry about your hair.

My opinion? Keep it bald!


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Do you think diffuse thinning ppl have finasteride shed when they use finasteride just something i tought about, and be honest guys can i pull shaved head, shaved My head could not handle the shed got mental shutdown i am 176 cm 173 pounds shreded 9%bf i am gonna get a sleave tattoo just to make the shaved STYLE more nice

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View attachment 40003

You honestly do not only look okay but good with it like that. I would avoid treatments if I could pull it off like that and just move on and enjoy my life.


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My Regimen
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You're lucky af. You got the perfect face/head shape for a shaved head man. Get a sleeve tattoo if you want, but don't get it just to look good bald because you will look fine regardless. And I know you say the hair loss still sucks, because it is a huge change for everyone even if it doesn't destroy your looks, but I'm telling you that look suits you way better than most who go the shaved head route.


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You are, in my opinion, one of the rare few who can pull off the look, whether it be buzzed or Mr. Clean style. Everyone's right, you're one lucky bastard.


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Yes the shaved look works great for you. You are better looking than 90% of dudes probably with or without hair (no homo).

But you should take finasteride to prevent further loss. You won't see the negative effects of the shed cause you've already buzzed/shaved your head. A shaved head is a shaved head - nobody can notice the hair density. Its not like half is just gonna fall out.

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Also don't get a sleeve tattoo...


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Really no point in taking finasteride, dude. You'll keep your remaining hair? There isn't much left, and plus, we've all said you look great. Listen to us!