Diffuse Thinners...

Knight Rider

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Ok I’m pretty sure I’m a Diffuse thinner. Seems hair is thinning all over for the last 3 years. Started with the Nioxin and slowly moving up the chain of treatments. Anyhow...

Questions is, for all you diffusers out there. It seems that my hair is taking a weird turn. There is a Line of extreme thinness or baldness running down the middle of my head. :freaked: Has anyone experienced or is experiencing this.



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I'm diffuse/thinnning as well. I'm 23 and for the past 6 months I have been diffusing a lot, if I part my hair in the middle it looks really noticable, and I am thinning like mad on my crown as well and you can see my shiny head through the hair.

I ordered some Nioxin 1% last night, and I am looking into finasteride and Rogaine.

Can anyone tell me what the best solution for diffuse/thinning hair is? Will Nioxin 1%, 1mg finasteride, and 2.5% Rogaine work? Or not? Should I stick with the 2.5% Rogain, or would it be better to just go for the 5% Rogaine?

Or is it better to go a different route than the "big 3" for diffuse/thinning?


knightrider, is it possible that you are suffering from the Ludwig type of hairloss which occurs mainly on women, but occasionally on men as well? Post a pic!

Knight Rider

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Taugenichts- You know I was thinking the same thing if it weren’t for the Diffuse all over. Weird thing is one of my temples has receded a bit more in the last few weeks. Its funny cause its only ONE side.

I am going to post some pics as soon as I find out how to do it...

you can see my shiny head through the hair.

Same here bud. As for the other treatment you thinking about, I honestly don’t know. I am still kind of new to all this as well. If you look at my regimen I’m starting with some easy stuff first. Just ordered REVITA Also, For an every day shampoo, once that comes in my NIZORAL 2% which ive only been using for 3 weeks is going to be fazed out. Or I might still use it once a week.


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Knight Rider said:
Ok I’m pretty sure I’m a Diffuse thinner. Seems hair is thinning all over for the last 3 years. Started with the Nioxin and slowly moving up the chain of treatments. Anyhow...

Questions is, for all you diffusers out there. It seems that my hair is taking a weird turn. There is a Line of extreme thinness or baldness running down the middle of my head. :freaked: Has anyone experienced or is experiencing this.


Yes...check out my story :)

Thin Jim

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I know I get my diffuse loss from my mother. She is in her fifties as has real thin hair all over. My fathers side all has great hair. That's why I think I can beat it. When people recede the follicles die off but I know my follicles are all still alive and its a case of getting them sprouting healthy hairs again. I dint think I have ever seen a receeder regrow lost hair over a bald piece if scalp (not to a cosmetically beneficial level anyway).

I really think us diffusers stand the best chance of getting our hair back.


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Well im new here obviously, and i was actually going to make a post similiar to this! what a coincidence. Anyways heres a quick background on me. Started noticing my hair thinning when i was 20, did my homework and jumped on Propecia Jan 06. Started off at .5mg, then got nervous and jumped to the whole pill (1mg) August 06. Sides increased, such as testicular pain, and noticeable erection difference. didnt really care just wanted to keep my hair. Seemed to be maintaining hair pretty well, but still losing ground. No set pattern, just losing hair from all over the male pattern baldness area. Hair has always been thin, blonde hair. Feb 07 for money reasons i switch to generic finasteride 5mg. split pill into 4 pieces. no name for the new version, just says finasteride 5mg, got it from rite aid. Now for the last few weeks, the wierdest sh*t has been happening to me. My whole head feels much thinner and the hairs that i lose all look so weak, and towards the root u can clearly see the hair shaft get smaller and weaker looking. Most hairs that i lose are so light and small, u can hardly see them. its scary, all my hairs are like this. I know the generic is legit, cause i still get an occasional nut ache? so im asking u fellow diffusers. what is that state of the hair u lose? I still have a full head of hair to work with, but damn is it getting thin. the whole top, especially the crown to mid scalp section. THE PART that finasteride is suppose to work best for! the only other factor that could be there is that i started taking horny goat weed about the same time as the generic, for the minor sexual sides i experience. i also started taking nitrotech whey protein after every workout, every other day. comments please, and thank u. also glad to be here.


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Hey guys,

I share the same problem. I dont know if you have long hair as I have, it is easy to hide my shiny head this way. But it is getting f*****g hard to comb my hair, I dont have the courage to go a barbershop. It has been 4 monthies since my last cut. I am using spironolactone, my doctor said that I have female pattern baldness I think it is the same as diffuse thinning even that I hope its not. Has no side effects but i see no improvements, maybe a slow down in hair loss but not sure. I know that finasterid doesnt work in sides, so probaly if you use it, you should use spironolactone with it since it competes with dht to bind hair.
But I think you shouldnt worry that much, it sucks to get bald but you have to understand that its not that you getting old ealier, or affect you confidence. Women are countless, and pretty women there a lot of them.
I will tell you a little history, yesterday I was thinking how slobby I was, messed hair with my basktball cap, long beard, didnt brush my theet and my nails were dirty. Guess what? Of all my friends an nice looking girl aprroched me, how the f*** understand women?

thats it,

take care baldie brothers.

vitor from Brazil.

Knight Rider

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Difusse hair Product.

Hey guys a lil update.

Well recently I have been doing research on diffuse thinners and the women’s baldness also known as LUDWIG. Well DS Laboratories has a new product called "SPECTRAL RS." Not to be confused with "Spectral DNC." The RS version was specifically designed for Diffuse Thinners and does NOT have minidoxil in it. You can click here to learn more about it, but I have already ordered it and will report in a few weeks as to the results.


I'm remaining pretty optimistic with this product and I’m glad to see something specific for diffuse thinners.

IF any of you have pics of your diffuse hair or LUDWIG and you’re a MALE please post. I will be posting mine soon, as I am waiting for my digital camera to arrive. :)

If anyone does go ahead with this product, please post..



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Knight Rider-The reason you have a particularly noticeable balding bit down the middle of your head is because you have probably had a parting there at one point for some time, so the hair is bent or shaped to go away from this area(well my theory anyway)


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I'm also suffering this diffuse thinning, thinner on top than on the sides and back, but pretty thin all over. My hairline is intact and is the thickest stretch of hair on my head. Hence, Ludwig.

Like ThinJim, my mother also suffers from diffuse hair loss - her scalp is visible all over her head. Her problem has improved since she started treatment for an underactive thyroid, but not by much. I had the thyroid test done but the doctor said the result was fine.

There have been some real rows on this board about the nature of diffuse thinning and whether is it male pattern baldness or distinct from male pattern baldness. The consensus is that it's just another bastard form of this disorder. One can hope against hope that this isn't true but at the end of the day, male pattern baldness or not, it remains a mystery to treat outside of conventional meds.

I'd be interested to hear any results from diffusers on Spectral RS. This is the first time I've heard of a product evolved specifically for it.

Good luck everyone.

Knight Rider

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Ok Guys..Just got the Spectral RS and the Revita...

Will update on this thread in 2 weeks or beforehand if I start seeing results. :hairy:

Hey guys..I think we should have a separate forum on this site for Diffuse Thinners? What you guys think? Just a thought. :D


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Knight Rider, I agree with you in that we should have a seperate section for diffuse thinners.



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Have any of you diffuse thinners using Revita noticed a big increase in shedding since you started using it? Because, man oh man, after five weeks, I've noticed a lot more hairs on my pillow in the morning and in the drain in the shower.


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what are peoples opinions on this, Knight Rider lets us know your status. I heard this stuff contains amenixel isnt that kinda like minoxidil will hair be dependant on that?, is there shedding anyone?

Guy Legend

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jimmyjames said:
Have any of you diffuse thinners using Revita noticed a big increase in shedding since you started using it? Because, man oh man, after five weeks, I've noticed a lot more hairs on my pillow in the morning and in the drain in the shower.

Yes. I've been on it for about 6 weeks now and it's now just starting to slow down.

Knight Rider

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Minor update

Hey guys...

I just received both the Rivita shampoo and spectral RS. I have been using both simultaneously for about a week. Obviously at this point, I don't really see a significant difference. However, I will stick with the program until my supply is consumed. When using the shampoo, there is some dryness. However, I use Jason’s thin to thick right after and that seems to take care of the problem.

In regards to the spectral RS the treatment requires the use twice per day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. However, I have found that when applying the spectral RS, the hair does appear thinner. This is because the hair is completely wet by the solution. Spectral RS does warn its customers ahead of time that there may be shed shortly after use. You can view the product specs on there website. I suggest those who are interested check it out and come back and give us your thoughts.

Will update progress in three weeks time. In terms of my NORWOOD I will be posting my BEFORE pics soon. I am actually still trying to figure out what type of hair loss I am experiencing but form the evidence I am concluding I have the LUDWIG. I hope once I post my pics you guys can give me some advice as to what you think my Norwood might be.

These two products look very promising and I am feeling positive. I will give it another month, let’s see what happens.


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keep us updated knight rider...you should give it more than a couple months though i would say at it would take at least 6 months to notice any significant regrowth. Also, it would be very beneficial to you to have a DHT inhibitor to your regimen. Have you considered finasteride? If you don't want to take any internals then maybe you can check out 5% spironolactone cream. I wish you the best on your regimen dude.