Diffuse thinner crown pictures. Need some clarity on my story. ( see photos )


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Male - 27

Been taking finasteride for about 6 months or so now. And noticed a increase in shedding -

About 10/20 hairs per shower and another 10/20 during the day.

I’ve only just noticed an increase in hair shedding and was keeping an eye on it throughout the 6 months, the only things I can put it down to is

  1. finasteride doing its job

  1. Seasonal shedding due to it coming to fall.

  1. The additional medication I’ve been taking for about a month now or just shy is ( Morning - Shillajit vitman b12 and complex B. Evening - biotin, zinc, magnesium, saw pamletto, selenium, vitman d3 + K2

The reason on taking so many vitamins is because I work a LOT of hours. I underwent some blood tests a while back while I was on finasteride ( 6 months in - then stopped for a month or two ( stupid )

Anti TPO normal range 0.00 - 34.00 ( 66.30 ( high )

Testosterone normal range 2.49 - 8.36 ( 12.90 high )

DHT normal range 143.00 - 824.00 ( 595.20 still quite high )

CRP normal range 0.00 - 5.00 ( 7.79 )

( MCV normal range 77.0 - 94.00 ( 94.8 )

Vitamin b12 normal range 197.00 - 771.00 ( 350.00 )

Vitamin D - not sure on range on this but mine looks to be on the lower end ( 21.10 )

They were the things that flagged up hence the reason on taking the vitamins.

I’m not sure if that’s a contributing factor of the shed or I’m just going through the motions of finasteride but would be keen to see what people think.

Most hairs which I shed are long but very fine. Almost wispy / have curl to them but not your standard miniaturised length unless I’m mistaken? Length is a bit 50cm long or so but thin. Is this a good or bad sign?

Lastly - how bad is my crown from photos shown? Is there a possibility I’m overreacting and just need to chill or do I up my game and add in minoxidil? Is it possible I have an unfortunate cowlick and need to part the back of my hair better instead letting it dry naturally in its own position.

I’ve also started to use anti clarifying shampoo because I have such greasy hair - I’m not sure if it’s the environment I work in and just genetics but my hair is always greasy and I toss and turn a lot in bed so have to wash it before work because it’s everywhere.

Going to attach some photos below of my current hair under pretty direct lighting, obviously hair looks better when not in direct bright lighting but wanted to show for all it’s worth.

Any input would be so so much appreciated it’s weighing me down quite a bit I just want to make sure I’m on the right path or I’m missing the trick.