Did not plan on quitting on propecia


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I'm about 1 and half months into taking finpecia and the results so far are not as I expected. After reading and studying quite a bit on propecia I expected to shed a little bit but my temples are thinning and my left temple is receding at a very scary pace. I don't think this is supposed to happen especially when propecia is supposed to maintain. I don't know what to do now. I did not plan on quitting on finpecia after I read about shedding....I was expecting something like it but it doesnt look like it will grow back. What other options do I have? Spectral DNC is pulling in my interest since theres a chance it will help in the front.


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it could be just your normal male pattern baldness??
i have continue to loose hair whilst on propecia
this morning there was about 30 hairs in the bath, bastards!
but i experienced some regrowth after 3 months
but it takes hair a while to grow, a lot longer than it does to fall out

shedding is meant to be a decent sign
from what ive read it happens on / off whilst on propecia
maybe you should wait till 3 months at least as your hair takes ages to grow

if you quit the hair that you have lost whilst on it is unlikely to grow back
but there is a chance that it wont on propecia either
everyone on here says wait till 3/6 months on propecia see if you respond to see if its worth staying on and then add something like spectral dnc, but if you are really unhappy with propecia then stop and move over
try the scalp excersises too to stimulate growth at the front

Fallout Boy

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ha . Ripple Effect. Are you saying that you came up with the phrase "If theres a will theres a way" ??


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I haven't experienced a mass shedding just normal shedding and every week or so I look in the mirror and I see more and more of the top of my scalp...esp in front. Could this still mean that theres a chance?


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Cassin said:
I'm very curious for you to answer Fallout Boy's question. :)

Me too. :roll:


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About a month into my regimen I was shedding massive amount of hair in the shower, but then I was already losing hair anyway so that wasn't a big deal for me.

What I can say to you is you should just keep at it. 1 1/2 month is not enough time to see any result. Stop staring at your bald spots so much and just stick with the treatment. Need some encouragement? check out my pictures of baseline and of month 4 1/2:



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I think I'm noticing a greater shed. Hopefully this is a good sign. I have no choice now but to stay on finpecia. My hair has defintely gotten thinner ever since I started using Finpecia. Actually right now Im just scratching my head and usually when I do that Ill usually yank the hair at the spot of the itch and I keep pulling out on avg 2-3 thick/thin hairs....its a combination of both. I just want to know if everyone who's been successful on finpecia have noticed increased shedding and noticeable hair loss during their first 3 months? Not just the sudden shed.

Answer to Fallout boy: If there's no will, then there's no way


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ripple-effect said:
I'm about 1 and half months into taking finpecia and the results so far are not as I expected. After reading and studying quite a bit on propecia I/quote]

If you really studied up on it you would know your time frame expectations are wayyyyyyyyyyy off.


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You're not getting me.....I'm seeing thinning along with shedding....I don't mind the shedding just the thinning. Am I supposed to experience thinning?


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am experiencing exactly the same results as yours...i called my doctor and she said its normal because its MInoxidil thats really causing the shed(i wonder:propecia suppose to maintain whats left right?!)..but am really gettin frustrated. am nearly on my month1 in using propecia.. at my first two weeks..i noticed dramatic less shedding..but 3rd week...major shed up to now...am loosing more hair than ever and my patch is even bigger than i first startd...is major shededing really normal? and am experiencing decrease in libido so am thinking its possibly working but my hair just wouldnt stop from falling...can any1 give any reply me?