Did anybody else lose their mind when they started to lose their hair?


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After being on this forum, I'm starting to feel better about what happened to me when I started losing hair at age 20. I really think it traumatized me, but I never wanted to admit it, because people act like its no big deal. But I got so depressed and psychotic its embarrassing


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Not so much when I started losing, but once I fully realized I can't bloody stop it and won't be able to for a number of years to come ... yeah, totally. In fact that happened only recently - now that I've exhausted practically all options.

But at least there's those few days where I feel completely detached from society, as though I've got nothing to lose, since I'd already lost something essential to my happiness. In that sense, it really is like a near-death experience ... y'now, except I've not yet been brought back.


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Yea, the weird thing is, I know its just hair, but I have a friend who has cancer and when he lost his hair he said he felt like he lost his identity. It's the strangest thing. I feel so vain and all my friends who have their hair say it's no big deal, but it's like a body part has fallen off and you feel deficient. Follisket, have you tried finasteride or dutasteride? how old are you?


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I lost probably everything..
But dont lose money..
Means dont lose career..

Because Its the single most important thing...


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all my friends who have their hair say it's no big deal

Most people with full heads of hair will say that. They are always the one's that recommending to "just shave it" or "if it happened to me I would just shave my head". When I hear this in real life I usually just laugh my *** off knowing that if hair loss hit these guys in their early 20's like it did me, they would have offed themselves years ago.


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worrywart, I'm 28 and yeah, I got on finasteride the moment it became clear that minoxidil wasn't really doing anything. Stubbornly pushed through some hella scary side effects for over a month before finally quitting. Been slowly recovering for over year now, and am almost back to normal. It's also made it clear that AAs just aren't an option for me, which sadly leaves me with nothing.


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I thought I would become George Costanza, a sexless virgin, a caricature, and the butt of the joke for the rest of my life.

So how far away is Amsterdam from you? Met a Venezuelan girl there that i'll never get out of my head. Thai girls are really nice too.


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Most people with full heads of hair will say that. They are always the one's that recommending to "just shave it" or "if it happened to me I would just shave my head". When I hear this in real life I usually just laugh my *** off knowing that if hair loss hit these guys in their early 20's like it did me, they would have offed themselves years ago.

+100. And as hair loss sufferers, we get so frustrated and angry that we feel the need to vent our frustrations to others. Yet the extreme ignorance of those who have never been in our shoes is enough to drive us f***in insane.


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Most people with full heads of hair will say that. They are always the one's that recommending to "just shave it" or "if it happened to me I would just shave my head". When I hear this in real life I usually just laugh my *** off knowing that if hair loss hit these guys in their early 20's like it did me, they would have offed themselves years ago.

That's when you pull a razor out of your back pocket and tell them to shave it off if it's no big deal to be bald.
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I'm going through an identity crisis right now, I don't even like being seen in public. It's hard losing my hair badly at 17, real hard on me. Some days I've actually cried about it, because I'm so used to being able to talk to girls, and now I feel like I make them disgusted. And F2005, people are definitely super ignorant of what it's like to be losing hair. They say it's only cosmetic, and they say to suck it up, but we were born with hair. It's a part of our identities and it's being stripped from us. Man I never thought in a million years i'd already be balding this bad at 17 years old, as kids we think only old people go bald. Then BAM, it hits me as a junior in high school. It's terrible

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That's when you pull a razor out of your back pocket and tell them to shave it off if it's no big deal to be bald.
HAHA EXACTLY, one day me and my friend made a bet that he couldn't get any girls if he shaved his head, because i always told him that i have a better looking face than him, but my hair loss throws off my looks. so one day when my friend is over, I shave his head down to the skin. When he saw what he looked like, he wore a hat for like 2 weeks lol. We were planning on going to the mall or somewhere to talk to girls after I shaved his head, but he didnt have the balls to do it once i shaved his head lol.


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HAHA EXACTLY, one day me and my friend made a bet that he couldn't get any girls if he shaved his head, because i always told him that i have a better looking face than him, but my hair loss throws off my looks. so one day when my friend is over, I shave his head down to the skin. When he saw what he looked like, he wore a hat for like 2 weeks lol. We were planning on going to the mall or somewhere to talk to girls after I shaved his head, but he didnt have the balls to do it once i shaved his head lol.



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That's when you pull a razor out of your back pocket and tell them to shave it off if it's no big deal to be bald.

Exactly!!! They will NEVER do it. Only judge people by their actions; words without action do not mean SH*T.

Captain Hook

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Most definitely. Once it was apparent I was leaving NW1 and heading for NW2 just a few months ago, Androgenetic Alopecia pretty much became a vortex of anxiety for me to be drawn into. However, it was greatly ameliorated by my decision to start treatment with finasteride.

Many people are in denial for quite a long time though, it's really quite unnerving. I have a friend who is NW2A at best and I tried to have a serious conversation about Androgenetic Alopecia with him, as he's a close friend of mine I've known since we were 12. He told me he'd let me know if he started experiencing any problems in the future and thanked me for my advice on treatment and detection. He's delusional, needless to say at the end of the conversation I really started to question people's perceptual abilities.


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Yea after 10 years of lying to myself...I'm finally read to acknowledge it and it's impact on my life. I don't know if I will ever accept it. I really lost touch with reality for a long time...and I always thought that my psychosis and depression was out of nowhere so it scared me. But I have to admit it was as soon as the girl I was in love with brought it to my attention that I was losing my hair....I shut out reality


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Yes I "lost my mind" because of it. Or, well it have created depressions - anxiety - social phobia that keeps coming back to me. I started losing my hair when I was 14-15. I still remember when I noticed my hair started thinning, I remember myself thinking something like "this is not good", but I could never imagine at that time what it would do with my life and my mental health. I am now 30 and so many things would have been so much better in my life if I wasn't hit by balding. It has been totally devastating.


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Meh, hair loss kind of gave me a weird mindset over the past few months. I'm living my life (just turned 18 so everything is legal as well :D) right now with a relatively good head of hair, getting it on with quite a few girls (for my standards at least) with the occasional lay. When I'm too far gone, I probably kill myself.

That's a win-win in my book. I get to enjoy the experience of being a fullhead and when I'm past a certain point I'll end it all so I don't get to fully experience the pain of being mocked, getting hurt and all the other **** that comes along with it. Just need to find a way to make it as less painful for my family and close friends. Make it look like an accident or something. Though I fear that when the time comes to end it (AKA my looks are near dead and discrimination will get to it's fullest), it's going to be harder to make that decision than I'm making it look right now.

I guess the above sounds pretty ****ed up but it's how I get past each day.

Agustin Araujo

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It had become real, I was indeed going bald. I was 19.

The fact that something like genetic hair loss even exists is a real shame. It's disabling to lose hair. I can't believe hair loss is treated so trivial, it's looked at as a 'joke' condition when it has the potential to destroy anyone's life whoever is to experience the issue. Dealing with something which one never brought upon themselves without choice while no one around you cares and are expected to overcome it like it's absolutely nothing is a real devastation to go through. There's a lot of apathy inflicted towards us about our hair loss, and it won't be stopping anytime soon unfortunately.


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My minds been gone since balding hit me. I've ruined a lot of relationships with people bc I blew than off or snapped on them just bc I was unhappy with my own sh!tty situation. It sucks losing a part of you espically a part that played such a huge role in your "look" or identity. Girls I know look at me in a different way that as if they lost interest. My buddies all take polite jabs at me thinking since I'm a guy I shouldn't give af. I mean how can u not lose your mind when you lose your hair. You go from being a regular/normal person to the constant butt of a joke, the guy your friends bring out cause u make them look better, pretty much a piece of garbage.

but until there is some magically cure or treatment that comes out all you can do is keep on keepin on. Find a hobby or something like working out not to just better yourself or make yourself look more appealing, but to literally take your mind off of the tragedy that is slowly taking place on top of head.