DHT causes anger.


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Ever notice that woman don't really get angry. They can get upset, frustrated, and annoyed. But they don't have rage anger.

I used to get raging mad before I took finasteride. While on finasteride i never got angry.

I have a friend that took creating supplements and got so mad he threw a chair and dented our front door.

Is there a connection?

Wolf Pack

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That's testosterone and DHT you're talking about - both give men that aggression or whatever you want to call it.


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I'm a woman and I'm angry all the time. But I think it's justified since I suffer from male pattern baldness since the age of 20 as a female... It would turn even the calmest girl into a raging monster.


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Testosterone definitely makes an impact on men, I'd say some men more than others. Why you see all these alpha ***s who try ultra masculine or whatever. I think it comes down to the individuals personality and hard wired attributes at the end of the day, were your testerone levels above normal range? If not, it's just you probably.
I think its wrong to say women don't get angry lol.

g.i joey

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yup, i was so emotionally blunted on finasteride it was uncomfortable for me... i really didnt feel like my aggressive, witty self. i think reducing dht cause minor changes in a person that is definately bearable, but you are slightly different.. and thats what i think people dont get yet.. they focus on the sexual sides, but what about your well being... me personally, i couldnt get excited for stuff like i usually do... and i noticed alot less zest for life too


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No I don't think so. I am just equally prone to anger when on Propecia. These stressful tests make me wanna break ****, DHT or no.


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No, its the hair loss that causes anger and aggression in men because of DHT. Have you ever noticed it's always the balding guy's that seem be be angry and aggressive ? I have, While the full heads are not.
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I don't know if it "causes" anger, but if it is in high concentrations in your body it may intensify the anger response.


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I have seen educated women go into psychotic rages far more than men. Lol@ your friend turning into Trevor Phillips after taking creatine supplement. Its not the creatine supplement, its some other underlying reason which makes him go into rage mode. He probably needs to talk to a shrink about it.

Captain Hook

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Finally, now I know why I've been such an *** lately!



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Balding causes anger.