DHT 3 times slower dissassociation rate from Andro. receptor

michael barry

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If as discussed below one subscribes to the idea that both T and DHT mediate their effects by interacting with a single nuclear receptor protein, then how can we account for the requirement of both T and DHT for sexual development? The answer may be found by examining the ability of these androgens to interact with the AR. Several investigators have demonstrated that T has approximately 3 times faster association and dissociation rates than DHT on both the rat (72) and human (73, 74) AR. In agreement with these binding kinetics, Zhou et al. have demonstrated that T is less effective at stabilizing AR than DHT (74). These observations suggest that DHT, by enhancing the stabilization of AR and its action, amplifies the T signal in those tissues which contain 5a-reductase. Perhaps in these tissues, the AR expression is not sufficient for T to mediate a physiologic response, but due to the ability of DHT to enhance AR activity, a response is observed.


I had seen other language on this years ago that stated that DHT had a five times slower dissassoiciation rate from the androgen receptor and was twice as likely to bind with the androgen receptor as testosterone. Something like 76% of the androgen uptaken in the scalp was DHT as compared to T if I remember correctly (its been a few years since I read that).