Dermmatch Question (again)


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Hi, i've recently picked up both Toppik and Dermmatch as i'm suffering from thinning all over my crown and also over the entire top of my head now :(
Dermmatch does a great job of covering but, like many, i find it washes straight out under the shower without shampoo. From reading on here i'm assuming i'm using too much, so will try less tomorrow.
First question - how much should i be applying? I apply it to my damp hair, should every bit of scalp be covered? Or will this effect happen when it's dried / brushed through?
Also if i am applying too much and it's just excess Dermmatch washing out then surely my head shouldn't look like it does after shampooing? I'm sure ALL of the Dermmatch, not just excess, is coming out :(

Any help will be greatly appreciated as i love my hair and i really don't suit a skin head lol :freaked2:


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i usually get a rag or paper cloth with windex or alcohol to take it off so so much of the color wont be in the tub