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HairlossTalk said:

I gave you statistics on the #'s of people who have died due to medical system errors, and that includes doctor misinformation and misdiagnosis. You saw those #'s ... something like 1 to 200,000 people dying every year. Why still asking for statistics?

You are ducking the issue. Lets say that I give you that the data is accurate ( it is based on small sample sizes, post facto judgement, etc). Anyway, it compares to WHAT? Zero mistakes?

What is the context for the number. I am not defending that a death is not important. We have 40K killed on the highways each year. How many is a good number? Should we build 200,000 dollar cars only, so that we have fewer deaths? Should we drive 35 to reduce deaths?

Maybe, maybe not. Depends who you ask.

Having said that, it is clear to me that your personal experience with MDs is related to why you BLAME THEM as being at the center of all this upset and loss.

As the late Dr. Deming would have said, it is the process, not the person!


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how many of those are drunk drivers lol?


Bob_Marley said:
Have never been refused care. In fact, no one in America is actually refused care but if they don't have the dough, they get in back of the line.

That's the biggest load bullsH*t I have ever heard. If they don;t have dough they don't get treatment, while paranoid assH*les like stromshadow get cheap avodart to treat hairloss because they have coverage. FACT IS, then people with little coverage or no coverage can;t get checked out properly for tumours and die, while stormshadow gets checked out right away, because his father had money.

You probably come form wealthy family Bruce and your ignorance shows through on this issue. I'm all for the strong surviving and those who worked hard should be able to go out and buy better care. And this happens in Canada. Like you said, the one';s taht can afford it go out and get he best care anyway, regardless of whether they get it free or not. At elast those less fortunate can still get care.

YOu obviously don't understand economics if you outright claim this to be such a balck and white issue by saying my opinion to be SOCIALIST Drivel. Come on, I would expect more form you than that.

Remeber not everyone is born onto money and the old boys club. OR get job promotions becasue they are good looking or afford a good school etc etc etc. But at least there healthcare is not compromised because of this.

Unviresal indicators used around the world of quality of life, puts Canada above the states, and one big reason is universal health care.

I wouldn't know a sub par hospital, because i have never been in a hospital in the US. But I've read that there are big differences in hospitals in the US, even across streets. Here, no difference.

Actually, I grew up in the projects in NJ where we used to chase the rats for sport. And I have an honors degree in business with a minor in economics. MBA in Finance too, so I can make my way around an economic discussion.

Be that as it may, most of these issues are philosophical, not economic. As I said, I am fine about having a medical system driven primarily by free market economics, and you are not.

Whether one makes for a "better system" or not, we can debate till we are blue in the face.

Still, at the end of the day, I like having Mass General and Sloan Kettering in our que. Having said that, if you like Canada, you like Canada.
Did not intend to get you so riled up. After all, we not going to change our system anyway, no matter what you and I think about it.


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Did the rats win? I did'nt know NJ had projects, it could'nt have been in NEwark. Where everybody is covered by healthcare, especially African American people.

Anyway, you're right. We could argue forever, like many have, and many still do. And, It would probably be a good discussion seeing as you're an educated fellow. However, I still think you're over simplifiying the issue saying that the your medical system is run by free market economics. I'm more recently educated with a Major in Economics and took health economics. Health's a tricky issue and many economic models get thrown out the window and new one's evolve. Hence, they offer a Master's degree in health economics. .

Mass general sloan kettering. Who be dem?


Bob_Marley said:

Did the rats win? I did'nt know NJ had projects, it could'nt have been in NEwark. Where everybody is covered by healthcare, especially African American people.

Anyway, you're right. We could argue forever, like many have, and many still do. And, It would probably be a good discussion seeing as you're an educated fellow. However, I still think you're over simplifiying the issue saying that the your medical system is run by free market economics. I'm more recently educated with a Major in Economics and took health economics. Health's a tricky issue and many economic models get thrown out the window and new one's evolve. Hence, they offer a Master's degree in health economics. .

Mass general sloan kettering. Who be dem?

Yes, Bob, the rats did win; clever little devils but kinda scary at night. And yes, NJ has plenty of ghetto projects, although Newark is the acknowledged leader in that area. And, right again, Medicaid coverage is pretty darn good in NJ (at least it was). I was never on Medicaid but did run an insurance plan that served Medicaid recipients.

Anyway, you are a good fellow and I enjoyed the brief and good spirited jousting. At heart, I am a libertarian and free market type with a deep and abiding distrust of anything compulsory. So, naturally, I would run way away from any social program.

Having said that, I would be the last person to argue that what we have now in US is a true free market system of healthcare and finance. The level of regulation in medicine is truly astonishing and I would argue, is PART of the problem.

Alas, no perfection in my lifetime.


BTW-the are two of the best hospitals in the world.

Nice place to be IF you are sick.


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Nicely said Bruce! It is insane at how far some people's general bias towards doctors has become. I will be the first to admit a majority of dermatologists are less than informed when it comes to hair loss, but that's like complaining that your GP wouldn't remove the tumor in your brain. Dermatologists, until in the last 12 years or so, had nothing to treat male pattern baldness with, and even now their main concern is not dealing with hair. If you want the best advice about your hair GO SEE A HAIR SPECIALIST, instead of a doctor concerned with all the skin on your body. I doubt anyone in their right mind would head down to their local GP's office and ask for them for a heart transplant, but I might be giving some of you too much credit on intelligence.

The other thing is that it is obsurd at how some people have gone on a doctor bashing spree. Especially when the first time something is wrong with them we all know where they are heading, and no it's not to the internet for a how to guide for treatment. No one ever said doctors are perfect, which goes the same for everyone of us, but they do their absolute best with the help of others to make sure mistakes are at a minimum. Instead of posting how many mistakes were made why don't you post how many lives of people were saved due to doctors, which some of you seem to take for granted. Another thing is that if a person is in need of medical care they will be able to see a doctor, even if they don't have insurance. Sure they might pay an arm and a leg for the care but at least they will be alive which is more important than money.


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Have you guys seen the four new random threads, posted by random newbies here in the last week, reporting all the absurd, misinformed comments their doctors made to them? Check 'em out! If you have any doubt how pathetically unqualified doctors are these days, that should help form your opinion better, assuming you're able to be unbiased on the issue.

It astounds me that intelligent guys like Odelay can just plug their ears, close their eyes, and scream "Doctor Bashing" really loudly so they don't have to read this feedback from patients on their experiences with their doctors. 90% of the world's decisions is based upon client feedback but somehow you guys manage to ignore everything I've said about my personal experiences, my family's personal experiences, and weekly all the new threads by total strangers who drop by here and complain about their experiences with their doctors. How do you guys ignore the mountain of perpetual discontent by literally EVERYONE who posts here regarding their doctor?

Can we at least agree that there is a HUGE number of people who are GROSSLY dissatisfied with the service they get from their doctor? I think that's a point we can both agree on because its being screamed loudly from every direction here and everywhere I go. You don't have to admit that doctors are grossly undereducated, or treat many of their patients like crap. We can agree to disagree on that. But you can't claim that the sheer # of complaints are nonexistent.

What idiot said they were going to their General Practitioner to ask for a Heart Transplant? Is that the best you can do? Imply that everyone who disagrees with you is a total idiot? Your analogy is incredibly poor, and unrelated. People don't expect heart transplants from General Practitioners. They do however expect a f*****g dermatologist who is supposed to know about Male pattern baldness - to know about male pattern baldness. Unfortunately that is too much to expect from most dermatologists, and THAT is what people are complaining about. Try an analogy that actually is on target next time.

You know what would be a blast? Taking a random group of 50 physicians, and giving them a very simple, basic test on their understanding of hair loss and its surrounding treatments. I wonder how many of them would fail miserably.

And Odelay. What the hell is a "Hair Specialist" anyways? Are you referring to a Trichologist? You are more of a hair specialist than any Trichologist out there simply by reading this web site. What does that tell you about the state of the medical system and the education of those who are supposed to know *more* than we do? Dermatologists are supposed to be the hair specialists for consumers. They do Skin, Nails and Hair. They are the ones who should know everything. And they don't. You can't outweigh the damning facts posted about the horrible state of the medical system in this and other threads by posting over and over how wonderful doctors are. Sorry.

All im going to say is, I hope you don't ever end up with a health condition that is even a tiny bit elusive. The day that happens, you are going to be in for a huge awakening as to how grossly undereducated, underfunded, overworked, and unorganized the medical system is. Guys who have had a fairly good health record their whole lives have never had to deal with the ins and outs. You've never had to wait 6 to 12 weeks after being diagnosed with Leukemia just to get your first treatment because there wasn't a F'ing available appointment. And yes, that girl died, within 12 months.

This is a seriously personal issue, and she's one of 10 people I know who have been completely walked on by the medical system. Some have died, some are currently still living in pain. All cases were due to doctor f*** ups, doctor lack of giving a shits, and medical system misorganization. This doesnt have a thing to do with "Doctors aren't perfect". There should be ACCOUNTABILITY and there should be CONSEQUENCES for f*****g up on the job, just like there is for EVERYONE who has a job everywhere.

Unfortunately, nothing you say about how great things are is going to erase what I have seen, so don't waste your breath.

And with that, this thread is closed.
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