dermatologist woulden't do anything for my male pattern baldness..sugjestions?


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i went to a dermatologist the other day basically to ask him to prescribe propecia... i met with him for about 30 seconds he looked at my hair... told me my temples werent receeded enough and then he pulled on the hair on top of my head and told me because only 1-2 hairs were falling out not 5-6 that he wouldent prescribe anything because he's not sure its male pattern baldness yet and he wants me to wait untill it gets worse (because propecia is such a long term commitment.. with some serious possible side effects)... that basically goes against everything i've read on this site.

also if its not male pattern baldness it has to be a fairly serious medical condition... and most doctors would like to check that out.

basically the service that i was given was terrible... it's probobly because when i arrived to the dermatologist i learned that he is also a plastic surgion... and everyone in there looked like they've had their skin stretched so tight on their face that they cant close their eyes. (no offense to anyone in here... but these people looked redonkulous)

anyways... what should i do. I'm fairly certian that it is male pattern baldness as it has receeped in the temples and thinned over the entire top of my head. If it is male pattern baldness i would obviously like to start treatment as soon as possible because i want to save the hair i have (if i could keep it close to this i woulden't even have to worry about regrowth because its not very noticable to other people yet)... should i wait to make sure? is there any way to test and see if its male pattern baldness? obviously if its not i need some medical attention too... should i go ahead and order finasteride online? should i see another derm? (i don't want to have to pay for another 30 second "no" again though) any advice?


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I would say, go ahead and try self medicating like most here do. Chances are very good that you have MPH. The other forms of hair loss are much more rare. It might be a good idea to see a GP though, and have some standard blood tests done and if you can, get a hormone test as well (DHT, DHEA, androgens, estrogens). I'd say that would be a better use of your money than seeing another dermatologist.

Start with the safe stuff like the standard dose of finasteride, nizoral, and a topical (maybe folligen or something).

Just my two cents.