Default How to taper off of Rogaine


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I've been using rogaine for almost two months once a night, and I've decided to quit it, I was wondering how I should taper off it to avoid a possible shed. Thanks for the help!
Another question I have is if topical spironolactone like S5 really works or if its a scam, I was also wondering if Nizoral 2% cream would be effective


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Have to agree with the guys above. You should at least give it some more time (even if you are seeing no signs yet).

I've been on rogaine for 7months now and was close to quitting a while back but am starting to see an improvement. I am NW3(one side is better than the other) and thinning on top. I've noticed a decent improvement and even the hairline is molding into a NW2.5 (if such a thing exists).


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I'm exactly the same. I shaved my head at Christmas with a razor and it's growing back in at moment but can see a great improvement at the hairline.
Do you use any concealers to help boost the density or have it grown out?

My hair is like a bit longer than buzz cut right now and use some dry dermatch over the areas that are thin and it helps a lot.


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I was doing something very similar, although had it a tad longer on top. Maybe around 3 inches but kept it at 1/2 round the sides. Almost like a high and tight but with a more faded look at the sides.

I found that dry dermatch is pretty good for shorter hair and detectability of concealers especially under hard lights.

Do you cut your own hair too?


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Hi the reason that I wanted to quit rogaine is because my hairloss wasn't even bad to start with. I thought rogaine could maintain my hairline but it's just made it aloooot worse. I've only applied to my left temple which was barely thinning, and that temple has gotten a lot worse, i went from a nw1 to a nw1.5 and it's made me very depressed. I took something that wasn't even a problem and made it a lot worse. Before I make things even worse, I wanted to stop rogaine. Do you guys think the temple hair that I shed from rogaine will grow back? :/