deciding on a topical regimen


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Hey! The last week ive been studing different topical aproaches. Since I cant handle propecia.

There is so many products out there, that its really hard to choose. Im really confused, i just want to start a regimen, and stay on it.
But the problem is to choose the best combination.

So im considering these products:

Xandrox 15%
Xandrox 5%
Regular minoxidil
minoxidil Foam
Spec DNC

So now the problem is, which to chose, and in which combination?
And BTW; im norwood 2, with extreme thinning in the whole norwood 6 area.



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Rogaine foam.

Hands down the best imho - might not be the most potent in terms of concentration (vs like xandrox 15) but it's pleasant smelling, looks good in the hair (for most of us, anyway - kinda tricky at first to figure out how to make it look good but once you do you're golden), and seems to work like gangbusters.

I am really, really thrilled with it personally, and would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone. I can't see any reason to use the older style (liquid) minoxidil, either.

(cripes, every post I make makes me sound like I'm a paid rogaine spammer. sorry guys. :) i'm just turning into a fanboy here, you know?)

I have also heard good things about mixing - IE rogaine foam in the morning, spectral dnc in the evening.

Also, if you're not using it yet, use some kind of Nizoral-ish shampoo. I love Revita myself, and used sparingly every day it lasts 3 or 4 months - I prewash with a gentle shampoo that I rotate every few days (my gf keeps like 90 bazillion kinds, so I'm lucky in that regard) and then apply the revita as a second shampoo while I wash my body, face, brush my teeth etc. Leaves my hair feeling surprisingly nice. Not sure if it's working or not, but it has all the stuff in it that's supposed to.

Overall my hair has definitely thickened up, but I also use finasteride - so... ymmv i guess.

Why can't you use finasteride?

Also, add in some good multivitamins for overall health if you can. Maybe some MSM (I take it with glucosamine for my back and joint health, but it's supposed to help w/ hair growth as well - i don't know if that's true or not but there are people here who swear by it as an aid to growing hair).


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I'd take flutamide off your list (side effects!) and maybe replace it with Fluridil. I'm currently on it, though can't make a decent comment on the effectiveness just yet.