Cwells's Story - (24 /looking for some encouragment/advice)


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Hey hairlosstalk !! Let me first start with my names Chris and Ive been a lurker of this site for quite a while but i think we've all fell victim of that ! Well about my hairloss, right now i have thinning goin on all over the top mostly the front though i would give my self on the norwood scale a NW2 with very very slight NW3, with thinning temples. Ive experienced most of my hair loss these past 6 to 8 months, my temples had been receding for about 4 years before that but never really bothered me because ive always had A LOT of hair. As far as my family history goes with hair loss, my mothers father was always very thin on top and had a weak hair line, he lived until 91 but didnt really lose all of his hair until he was in his 70's/80's. My father is completely bald but with a lot of peach fuzz in the vortex (im sure he can grow it out but keeps it short) he didnt really lose his hair until his late 30's but im far past where he was at my age. All of my uncles on my mothers side are bald, and for the most part on my fathers side as well but he has no brothers i can compare to. Now ive already consulted a derm. and he prescribed me propicia in june, but i never ended up taking it, not because i was scared to but more that i was in denial about my hairloss!! Now present day my hair is a lot worse then when i first went to the doctor and i think its time for me to start treatment, and let me tell you after reading all these posts and doing a lot of research online im going to start off right with the big three. im going tomorrow to pick up my refill of propecia, i just recived my rogaine foam in the mail and i plan on picking up nizoral tomorrow as well and start everything fresh on monday.

Now i have a few questions for you guys hope you can answer !

1. With the rogaine, i plan on doing the suggested 2 times a day method but my question is i wear a hat pretty much daily, and its not because i want to hide my hair loss its that i work out side all day and i cant bare sweat in my eyes. So is it a problem with wearing a hat after the morning dose?? I wont be wearing one at night.

2. With propecia, im getting the real stuff (1mg), should i start with cutting it in half or just going for the whole pill? Also when is the best time to take it??

3. Maybe you guys can answer this one too, my hairloss seemed to have boosted it self right in the time that i just started going back to the gym and doing tons of weight lifting. I started to notice it a lot about 3 4 weeks after i started to work out, do you guys think that the gym had anything to do with it, or was it just a coincidence?

also i wanted to know about MSM i know alot of people on here take it and say it speeds up hair growth, and after researching a little online i also see some people in general feel good when taking it i.e joint's body movement and you guys know what type to get or what manufacturer to buy from?


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Re: New, looking for some encouragment/advice (24yr NW2)

c mon guys 43 views and no responses ?


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Wearing a hat will not be a problem, just make sure it dries before putting on a hat. I would just start with the 1mg, you may experience side effects in first few months but just try to ride it out as they usually go away. It doesnt matter when u take it as long as taken everyday. Heavy weight training has been reported to cause hair loss by some. I really know nothing about the MSM.