Cutting back to 0.2mg still effective? Less sides?


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Hey guys,

Typical hair loss story here. I have been on finasteride for 4 years. It worked very very well and significantly increased the amount of hair I have.

HOWEVER, last year I started a medication called pregabalin and started developing pseudogynecomastia. I stopped pregabalin, gyno still there. Doctor said to stop finasteride.

One week off finasteride, and yesterday I had a rock hard erection, which I have not had for a while. This was while watching p**rn, for scientific purposes.

The last three times I tried to have sex this year, I either couldn't get it up, or lost the erection midway.

Yesterday I maintained a rock hard erection all the way through orgasm.

So here is the question: If I reduce finasteride from 1mg everyday to 0.2mg, can I retain some benefit without getting bad side effects? Anyone tried this?

Another side effect I've been dealing with for the past several months is extreme fatigue, soreness for several days after gym, lethargy, depression, anxiety, loss of muscle tone. I don't want to be too quick to blame finasteride, but yeah.


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Yes your inhibiting less DHT so makes sense you have less chance of sides. Again its all chances you could still get sides no way to predict for certain. Some other country approved propecia for .2mg instead of 1 and some paper by a researcher argued that .2 is actually better then 1 in terms of risk/benefit ratio in his opinion again its not math there are no exact answers.


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finasteride every other day:

finasteride every other day: ... other-day/



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Weird. As of right now, on 1.25mg/day (2.5 months in), and I get a thundercock of morning wood whenever I wake up from a good night of sleep. I haven't got such powerful erections since I was a teenager. I recently quit smoking and slimmed down a bit so that might have helped too.


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You might try stepping it down to .5mg a day and see how that works. People say "Ehh...finasteride has a flat response, so it doesn't really matter." However, I tend to disagree, based on personal experience. I was on .5mg for 3 years, with good success. About a year ago I went to 1.25mg a day, and my crown as filled in even MORE.

Although, I'm sure that it's different for everyone.


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Droping down to about .2 helped my sides a lot but I still get sides. I think so long as you have a large enough dose to help your hair, you are also going to get sides.


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I am in a similar situation as the OP. I took 1mg of finasteride for ~ 10 months, however, my libido was hit pretty hard (never ED issues though). I always felt like my sides were almost tolerable, anyone have any other success stories where they dropped dosage and helped eliminate some or all side effects.

I am thinking about going down to .25 EOD