current situation, age 28 and 1 1/2 years into regimen


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i am only thinning noticably on my crown/vertex, it's mostly a line style thinning towards the back/rear of my crown.. though i have lots of hair still and feel it could all thicken up and possibly regrow where it needs to.. i'd much rather be a hairline guy than a baldspot guy.. my hair looks great and is healthy all for that thinning area towards the back!

irritation isn't aaaas bad as it was before, however, it's still a situation i need to control even more.. that's why i have been using tricomin for a few months also.. it sooths.

i don't really scratch my head when it itches, and i only comb once or twice a day, depending on if my hair is wet or not.. i don't comb it when dry as i have thick/course hair which 'tugs' out easily, it's about 3 inches long probably... shorter on the sides.. kinda gangster kinda greaser/guido, but then i am of italian and lebanese background. ;)

after a shower i always put blood of the dragon styling gel in my hair, slicking it back (another reason my line is noticable is because of my slick backed 'greaser' do.. which means i could get a more choppy 'urban' looking hairstyle which is more modern, and have it styled all up and messy.. that way the thinning wouldn't be as noticable.

i don't mind a shaved head, but i'm 28 and i still have lots of hair so i don't wanna do that right now (i've had buzzed w/ no attachment on the clippers many times in the past, ex-air force and just comfortable.. no big deal).. my girlfriend likes my hair and said "don't shave it!"

the thinning is more noticable when you are standing over me.. otherwise it's not so much of an issue in my book.

i think the addition of minoxidil to my regimen will make a great difference.

now i have to figure out if i should ONLY apply to the thinning areas towards the back.. or cover entire crown for 'protection' ???


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any comments?

i'm going to take the minoxidil plunge. i am simply unsure of where to apply it.. thinning areas only?


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Seems we may be in the same boat (so to speak). Just about to turn 28 here and have been on a regimen for nearly 3 years with maintenance – pretty happy about that just quietly. You can find my pics if you do search on my recent posts…

Anyhow – you can see my regimen in the “My Regimen†link and to the extent I use topicals, I only ever apply them to my crown. I’ve done this since day one of my regimen and while things haven’t really thickened up back there, they don’t appear to be much worse…

I don’t see the point in using topicals in places they’re not required.

Good luck!
