Curious about my situation


New Member
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Hey everyone, im new here and i have a question maybe some of you could help me with. I've read all the stuff about how wearing hats wont cause baldness, but i dont know if that applies to the way i wear my hat. Im 24 now and my hair is very thin on the front of my scalp and my temples. Ive worn a hat for over 12 hours a day every single day of my life since i was about 15. And i only wear fitted hats which are tight on my head so they dont blow off in the wind. And i often sweat alot, recently i looked in the front of my hat and saw alot of dead skin and little hairs built up in the mesh since i never wash my hat cuz its always on my head. I have completely stopped wearing a hat for about a week now and i see some little tiny hairs growing where its thin, but im not sure if they were always like that or just started to grow. Basically what im asking is do you think this balding could be from the hat or am i just going bald?? I would tend to think its from the hat because i wear them so tight and it only comes off when i shower or sleep, but its contrary to what i've read about hat wearing. Any help would be appreciated...i dont want to be bald :(


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What I would do is take the hat off for some time, take some pics and judge. If the situation worsens try to determine what type of alopecia you're suffering from. If its male pattern baldness, jump on treatments.


New Member
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Thank you for the response. I do not know anything about hairloss or treatments so i guess ill have to read up a little more.


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assuming you weren't wearing a rubber hat all these years :p, it's more likely to be male pattern baldness. Check the Norwood scale and compare to your level of hair loss.