Cure for baldness


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Shave your head. I'm over it, I'm over this f*****g site. I'm over it all. Nothing f*****g works for me, i get side effects with everything and my hair looks like sh*t. Lift weights, build up your shoulders and f*****g tan. That's it. Shave your head and get on with your life. Girls will like you if you have a nice shaped head, nice lips and nice eyes. I'll just have to fake and bake once a week and hit the weights daily. f*** it. Just shave it, people all can tell. people know you're going bald. just get it over with and end it. It's better than hanging onto a thread of dignity and trying your best. Just increase your testosterone, shave your head, tan up, and man up. f*** all this bull sh*t on this site. adios, thanks for everything.


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You'er right, i'll be back. I just got frustrated becuase i started taking beta sis, and immediately my nipples swell and look ridiculous and of course my hair completely stops shedding. it's a catch 22 i hate it. either i take propecia and get ALL my hair back, but also grow b**ch tits and femized body. same thing happened with saw palmetto. i also tried rogaine and it made my real puffy like a moon face, so that's out. I'm pretty much screwed. my only other thought would be to take propecia a 1/4 pill ed and then take something else at low dose to fight the sides. It's my last ditch effort. If that doesn't work then I'm out, shaving my head and calling it quits.. . it's not easy trying to fight this because everything has 2 sides and they never meet in the middle and no one agrees on anything. i will keep using nizoral shampoo. but now i hear ALL shampooing is bad. whatever.


Established Member
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Mate, I'm in the same boat.

I took finasteride and got regrowth but had to stop because of sides, even at 0.5 dose.

I had to stop Rogaine foam and nizoral because my head became extremely sensitive and very dry. Strangely after a year of use.

Now all I can get away with is topical spironolactone cream, so I just use that twice a day and hope that I can hold on to what I have until a good treatment comes along.

I also shave my head once a week, it's the best thing I ever did. Even if I could grow a NW1 back I would still shave my head.


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Lol, dude if you got sides on Beta Sis then I doubt 1/4 of finasteride is going to do the trick.