Crushing up spironolactone tabs?


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Been trying to research this but no diffinitive answers yet; can you make topical spironolactone by simply crushing up some spironolactone tabs in dissolving them in alcohol?


New Member
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I do the following;
1.Crash 12-13 tabs of 100mg spironolactone
2.Put them in a jar with 28ml ethanol and 27ml ppg
3.Shake them really well for several minutes
4.fix a coffe filter on another jar and pour the mix in. This way, spironolactone tab fillers stay in the filter. The rest goes in the jar. I leave it in the refridgerator for several hours until all liquid falls in the jar
5.Put 12-15 ml of distilled water. Final mix is approximately 60ml

This gives me approximately 2% spironolactone. I've no way to verify that and this is a recipe I found on another forum