Crown Thinning?


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Hi viewers,
Am an 18 yo asian male and got selfconscious about my crown after a remark about it at the barber's. Would like to know if my crown is thinning or just a natural whorl. Replies / opinions are greatly appreciated
Hair when dry:
Hair right after shower:

Bob Dylan

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Hmm, I would guess it's not thinning. If that's how your hair looks after a shower, it's very strong and thick. I'd say give it 6 months, see if it gets worse. If not, it's probably just a parting. Your hair looks really good and strong. No worries.

If it does get worse, Finasteride can be cheap and easy to use. You may have a tough time getting it as an 18-year-old, but it'd be worth a try if that time comes. But I really don't think that's necessary.


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Agree with Bob Dylan, it does look very strong and thick. Strength (i.e. quality of your hair) tells that it is NOT thinning (hence no male pattern baldness). Your full density confirms this. Nothing wrong with your cowlick, crown area.

Keep an eye on it by taking a picture every 3 months. If no change, it means you don't have to worry.

Most Asians have great genes anyway.