Creatine 3 times a week?


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Hi everyone,

I'm currently 17 years old (18 this year) and I have a family prone to male pattern baldness (every male is around Norwood 5-7). I have been experiencing some thinning, and I'm very cautious regarding my hair loss as I want to retain my hair as long as possible. I currently use Nizoral 2% once a week and I'm planning on starting Rogaine this summer or winter, depending on how my hair loss progresses.

To my question; I have a mass gainer supplement which I am taking 3 times a week in conjunction with my workouts. My dose contains around 2.3 g of creatine. Since there is a correlation between creatine and increased DHT, I was wondering if taking 2.3 g of creatine only 3 times a week is enough to considerably increase my DHT levels?
And when I stop taking creatine, will the eventual decrease in DHT mean possible hair loss will be regrown?

I'd appreciate any input on this


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I used to take creatine too and have read articles about how creatine will increase your DHT levels. Through my personal experience I didn't notice any greater shedding at the time, but I decided to quit because I was afraid it could possibly speed up male pattern baldness. My advice, if you are very worried about hairloss and male pattern baldness then stop taking creatine. Creatine helps a little with strength in the gym, but for me Creatine helped with my mentality in the gym. It gave me a little more psychological boost to get those few extra reps in a set. You can build muscle and strength just fine without it. Just eat a lot, sleep well, and train hard.


My Regimen
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Thanks for you reply. The problem is that my mass gainer that I bought contains creatine, I am not taking creatine by itself. That's also the reason why I'm only getting this creatine does 3 times a week and not daily, since I only take my mass gainer during workouts.
I don't want to "waste" my entire mass gainer as it was quite expensive, however I will no longer buy mass gainers containing creatine after this.


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I think your fine. I was taking creatine every day and didn't notice anything at all. I think the people who experience something are those hardcore takers of creatine. There's people who take huge doses every day. But I'm thinking your goals are probably not of a bodybuilder right? If not , I think your dosage is fine.

Everyone's body is different but, yea, No sheds or anything for me and I take it everyday.


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7g a week is nothing but if you are shedding at this age consider adding proper vitamin and mineral complex along with mass gainer opti-men is a good one but be sure to drink a lot of water with it.
It contains 75 ingredients including saw palmetto and PSO that will lower your DHT.


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That F'd up. Out of all the performance and strength enhancement supplement out there Creatine has the most studies proving to be effective. It seems the few supplement that actually works affects Androgenetic Alopecia.


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I wonder at what dosage did creatine increase DHT levels by 40%. If it increases dht by 40% that means we taking a risk by supplementing with it. Creatine definitely helped me gain more strength which lead me to get more built

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trust me, creatine doesn't do much anyway, but if want to try it take about 5 grams (roughly one rounded teaspoon) everyday, period. Most people agree that it is best ingested right after your workout with some fast carbs and protein to take advantage of the insulin spike. No loading phase etc. is required, creatine is taken long term nowadays, the cycling is outdated. 6 grams a week will do absolutely nothing. And I don't believe that creatine has anything to do with DHT levels. It's made in your liver and kidneys everyday, so you have no chance of avoiding it anyway.

Kater Kahlohr

Creatine has worked for me. that is a fact


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i agree most supplements don't live up to their marketing hype but creatine is one of the few that works and it's cheap. i agree. you can't compare it with steroids or GHG but as far as creatine, I'm a well responder to it. a few more reps can make a difference believe it or not. it has for me. just my 2 cents

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but anything that is effective and has to do with performance enhancement one way or another can accelerate male pattern baldness. It's also f'd up that finasteride can give you gino and sexual side effects. Alot of things that benefit men also comes with side effects that doesn't makes me 100% confident in using the meds or products...


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I believe you that it worked for you. It's not uncommon to become a little "stronger" after the muscles are fully loaded with creatin. Actually though, I think that the 1 rep max is not really much enhanced by creatine (if at all), it's more like the muscular endurance/strength endurance is improved. So you can do a couple more reps per set and you might recover a little faster between sets, but at the bottom line, you will not really gain more muscle mass from that. You may experience a slightly better "pump effect" with creatine though.

Bottom line: drugs work, supplements don't ;-)

Kater Kahlohr
Couldn't have said it any better. I will never buy another supplement again except for: multivitamin, fish oil, whey, and a pre workout for energy boost on occasion.


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Creatine has no effect, it placebo so major fitness companies can sell you cheap white powder they produce in tons for huge price


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If you are genetically predisposed to go bald and you are not on any anti androgen (finasteride, spironolactone, RU, Fluridil) then I believe the extra DHT is going to cause harm to your hair. Won't turn you bald overnight but would fasten the process a bit.


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Hi everyone,

I'm currently 17 years old (18 this year) and I have a family prone to male pattern baldness (every male is around Norwood 5-7). I have been experiencing some thinning, and I'm very cautious regarding my hair loss as I want to retain my hair as long as possible. I currently use Nizoral 2% once a week and I'm planning on starting Rogaine this summer or winter, depending on how my hair loss progresses.

To my question; I have a mass gainer supplement which I am taking 3 times a week in conjunction with my workouts. My dose contains around 2.3 g of creatine. Since there is a correlation between creatine and increased DHT, I was wondering if taking 2.3 g of creatine only 3 times a week is enough to considerably increase my DHT levels?
And when I stop taking creatine, will the eventual decrease in DHT mean possible hair loss will be regrown?

I'd appreciate any input on this
Creatine shouldn't have any negative effects.


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I'm a fairly athletic, young (32) man and have had thick, healthy hair my entire life. As of 2 months ago I started on a new type of pre-workout - NO Bull XT + GNC's Creatine XXX. Those 2 combined supplements, I believe, caused my hair loss/shedding. Prior to taking them I never saw any hair in the shower... certainly none came out in my hand when I ran my fingers through it. Now the texture of my hair just feels different... weaker. When I shower I lose around 20 strands of hair per day. I can, for the first time in my life, see my scalp when I look at myself in the mirror head on. Also, when looking at my crown using my cellphone's selfie mode, I can see loss. The loss is extremely aggressive and there is no hair loss in my family except for my younger brother (though we have different mothers). So, really, I have no idea what to do except for my current regimen of Viviscal and MSM - I'm going on 5,000 mcg's of Biotin starting tomorrow. Any thoughts or similar experiences? Appreciate it guys.