Crazy sudden hair shed and a bit about my situation


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Ok guys, for the past 3/4 months I have been convinced I am going through the natural male pattern baldness process. Day by day I have been seeing my hair getting thinner. ( I'm 26 by Telogen Effluvium way)

This week however I have noticed a couple of things that got me thinking.
I don't seem to be following the regular thinning on top pattern has I thought I was. I am actually getting thin and losing hair all over. This morning I passed my hand through the back of my haid and 4/6 hairs came off like butter. Completely freaked me out. did it again and discovered that every time I touched my scalp 5/10 hairs will fall out!

My father made a remark that also scared the hell out of me. He said that he had never seen someone balding so fast. I mean, in the last 3 months the rate in wich my hair is falling and thinning is unbelivable. My Father only started to loose his hair by the age of 50.

There is just something in my sheds that isn't completely normal. Not only the rate but also the fact that in the begging of my hair loss I started to shed very tiny strong hairs, passing on to the random shed that I am experiencing lately.

If I keep this up I will be completely bald in 1/2 years time. Curiously, if you looked at me you wouldn't really say I was loosing hair, but if by touching my hair you would clearly be able to see my scalp. Not long ago I had thick curly dense hair, today my hair seems to have gone straight, due to the thinning I suppose, and it is just so horribly dry.

Just don't really know what to think anymore.

My girl friend seems to have a very similar hair loss patern. Her hair is so fragile that just by combing her hair the bath room floor is literally filled with her thin hair.

Have you guys ever heard of a similar situation?

I have a derm appointement next week, hopefully he will give me an insight of what is going on.