Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

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Mitko I agree with a lot of the conclusions you have come up with, to do with craniofacial development, galea shape, scalp tension etc. However, when it comes to strictly speaking about the attractiveness scale from 1-10, your system is incredibly flawed. To begin, the way you see craniofacial development is very different to the average person. The average person sees good bone structure as striking, well developed bones, typically found in models anyway. Henry cavill for example is known for having incredible bone structure, even stated by Mike Mew himself. This is because he has a very dense, thick jawline, with a squarish nature. Another example is Taylor Hill. You rated her as a 5 or something, yet to the vast majority of people, she has an incredible facial structure, there's a reason she's a model.

But besides that, Mitko take no offence in this, but to the average person, you look completely average looking or 5/10. Even though you believe your craniofacial structure is 8/10, to the average person it would be a 5/10. Now in terms of mechanical tension and hair loss, your craniofacial development may well be 8/10, however in the realm of aesthetics, it is no more than a 5/10 (again I'm speaking about how the vast majority of people would view your facial structure). An example of a 10 in terms of aesthetics for craniofacial development would be somebody like Henry Cavill. But there is far more to attractiveness than solely craniofacial development anyway. If you really want to get into he field of facial aesthetics, there is so much more you have to account for, such as soft features (eyes, hair, eyebrows, lips, skin, colouring,) and harmony (overall ratios of the face).
I don't care. I don't believe in the blackpill, look scales and other nonsense. I don't take into account traits like eyebrows, nose shape and eye color. I don't put people in narrow range of beauty standarts. I like how people have different genetics. It would be boring If people were the same. My system is incredibly accurate and Taylor Hill is just an exception. I don't undertand the obsession of this girl at all. Even If I didn't know anything about craniofacial develpment I would still think that she's plain and average. She has recessed maxilla, narrowing lower third with a narrow jalwine.



Many girls I see on daily basis look better than her. She has assymmetrical masculine face. Her galea looks kinda expanded and I am sure If she start taking testosterone her hairline would start receding.
I like women with more feminine features.

The girl above is 5/10 too I think and the maxilla is weak but she's far more attractive. As I said some 5/10 have attractive features and some don't. There is no power in the universe that can convince me that Taylor HIll is more beautiful than the girl above. She's very overrated. I will ask the second girl on a date while I am not interested in Taylor. That she's a model that doesn't mean that she has superior looks. Many models have unattractive faces. They become models because of their body figure ,because they are tall and skinny.


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@Ritchie Creating the scale about craniofacial development and my theory about attractiveness really boosted my confidence. It made me realize that I am much more attractive than I thought I am. I posted on r/Rate me and in my next post I will tell you want kind of feedback I received.

In this post I will tell you how I will be back into the game. I will start texting random girls on facebook again. I think that I have no other option now. Nowadays it's much more difficult to find women in real life than before. People today stay at home more and use social media. The proportion of heterosexual couples who have met online is growing bigger and bigger.


If an attractive men text a woman she would be happy about that. If you have good bone structure you don't need game. One Hi, How are you is enough. When I had a conversation with a girl in myata what I said is Good evening and she responded. During the conversation she complimented me that I am both smart and good looking.


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@Ritchie I posted on r/Rateme. I received 4 ratings. 5, 6.8, 6 and 8.5. By this I estimate my level of attractiveness to be about 7/10. I haven't reached 8/10 yet but it's quite good. It's still above average. In the next year I will continiue to try to improve if I haven't reached my maximum genetic potential. I will continue to aim to breathe only from my nose and keep my tongue up here. I will get tooth implant this autumn and I wil replace my missing tooth. I will have better chewing mechanics and my jawline which is one of my weak spots will get stronger. I will talk to women and see how interaction with women changes over time.


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@Ritchie I posted on r/Rateme. I received 4 ratings. 5, 6.8, 6 and 8.5. By this I estimate my level of attractiveness to be about 7/10. I haven't reached 8/10 yet but it's quite good. It's still above average. In the next year I will continiue to try to improve if I haven't reached my maximum genetic potential. I will continue to aim to breathe only from my nose and keep my tongue up here. I will get tooth implant this autumn and I wil replace my missing tooth. I will have better chewing mechanics and my jawline which is one of my weak spots will get stronger. I will talk to women and see how interaction with women changes over time.
You're a 5/10 at best, you freak.

Mr. Slap Head

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No woman will ever want you. You’re a mentally ill incel who writes paragraph upon paragraph on a hair loss forum about your insecurities. You have no chance with even a fat pig. Find another hobby, retard


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@Ritchie I found this study and now I am convinced that the black pill is created to promote misoginy. As I said earlier there is no significant
difference of how women rate men and how men rate women. The whole thing "women find 80% of men unattractive" is false and the OK cupid studies are bullshit. Here's how men and women rate each other in reality. In both cases it's a bell shaped curve and the deviaton is 0.5.


Another study demonstrated the same thing. This times the scale is 1-7 instead of 1-10. Men rate women on average 3.29 and women rate men 3.62.


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@Ritchie Different people indeed have different level of attractiveness and beauty is not entirely subjective.


Here is a study of subjects rating faces. As you can see people who have an average rating of 4 get rated 6 at best. They never get rated 7 or 8. People who hit 5 range get rated as high as 8 and as low as 3. They are in the most subjective range of looks. People who receive average rating 7/10 or above never get rated below 5.


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@Ritchie I have new evidence that models not always have attractive faces. I say again: They get selected for models because they are tall and skinny. Armine Harutyunyan is a big example of this. It's quite visible that her face is below average in attractiveness. I would give her 4/10.





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@Ritchie Cubehairline says that most people would think I am 5/10. Luckily he isn't right and most people would give me at least 6. People don't give 5/10 to faces unless they have traits like recessed jaw, recessed maxilla or assymetrical eye area with no eye support. Here is how a man who received mostly 5/10 on r/rate me looks like:


He has long face with missing cheekbones, narrow and dropped down jawline, eyes with negative cantal tilt and no support and a lot of upper eyelid exposure. People notice if there is symmetry and solidity in the face and if bones are well developped or no and give higher rating to faces who are well developped. That's why I think my scale is mostly accurate.


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@Ritchie I think that craniofacial development is mostly enviromental but I think there is a genetic part aswell. I don't think that a white man can achieve such perferct craniofacial development as native americans.



I think that not evryone can reach 10/10 like Rob Lowe aswell but 7/10 is possible for everyone. I made a post back in the thread why I think that it's mostly enviromental and not genetic. If you want to know here is the post: . I notice that everyone who has poor facial structure either often breathes from his mouth or has a tongue posture on the bottom of their mouth.


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@Ritchie I can look at photos of men from the past and can tell if the man has gone bald or not during all these years. For example I saw a picture of Chico Buarque when he was young.

I saw that he has decent, solid and symmetrical face shape and a flat headshape. I said to myself that he 100% has stood Norwood 1. I googled him and without a surprise he is.


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@Ritchie A lot of people think that galeas of balding men looks more expanded because they are bald and don't have a hair to cover the galea. WaccWaccWacc said that he can't wait to have a small galea after hair transplant. Xerdan Shaqiri has had a hair transplant and his galea looks very expanded.



He has had receded hairline since he was young

If you think that this is just a coincidence and people naturally can have a hairline like this you are retarded.


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@Ritchie Here are my results from myata. The first time I evaluated in sympathy about 75 girls. Got only 2 mutual sympathies. Changed my main picture and evaluated about 95 girls. Got only three mutual sympathies. So trying another hairstyle did almost nothing for me. There was not a massive boost. It's mostly the facial structure and not the hair as I said before.

If I manage to change my location on android I am going to try this on tinder and see how much mathches a bunch of selfies can get me. I am going to try this in another country because in my country nobody uses dating apps and there are very few options even in the biggest cities.