Could I make homemade spironolactone like this?


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This may sounds silly, so don't laugh if it is... :)

If I buy ALDACTONE tablets (active ingredient spironolactone of course), crushed them up and mixed it up in a mortar & pestle and mixed it really well in moisturizing lotion, would this work?

Or is there some other thing I could use apart from moisturizer? What about olive oil? (or emu oil?)

If so - how could I ensure getting the right ratio for a 5% spironolactone cream?

If there is a way, but this is not it, can you please tell me what is it?

Cheers & Beers!


Established Member
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this topics been covered extensively in the past. use the search feature for more info.

and i dont think aldactone dissolves in olive oil.

use a cream called 'dermovan' if you have access to it or any other water based cream.

you can also dissolve it in glycerine+rosewater.

ten 100 mg tabs in 20 ml of a solution would perhaps give you 5% concentration of spironolactone.


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Okay...I did a search. But it's not much good. I hate it when people say that. I don't want to spend 4 hours peicing together scraps of information from 200+ posts. Thanks anyway.

Look, is there some link or something anyone can point my towards? What I am after is an easy to follow and consise directions to making home-made spironolactone.

I did browse through all the search results but couldn't find anything.

Thanks heaps if anyone can help!



I am wondering the same ting but I need to make a liquid, not a cream or lotion because I am treating diffuse thinning on my entire scalp and I can not apply any lotions.

How do you make Spironolactone LIQUID?? I found nothing via the search engine.

Old Baldy

Senior Member
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My GUESS would be 60 percent ethanol, 30 percent PPG, 10 percent distilled water (and an extra 1 percent - or about that much - of Germaban. Don't worry about getting Germaban exactly at one percent).

If I were to make a liquid, I'd use that recipe for a 3 percent mix.

Germaban can be purchased at alot of places. It would, I THINK, make the liquid more stable. It is a pretty good preservative. Germaban helps to dissolve solids a little bit also. (Store mix in the refridgerator.)

There's other liquid perservatives besides Germaban, just read up on them when you go to sites that sell Germaban and use your best judgment. It's a learning experience. Kind of fun really.

I don't have scientific answers to give you, only what I've read and used in concoctions for about 6 months now. Germaban type of preservatives keep stuff smelling good for at least that long based on my experience. I don't get that stinky smell from homemade spironolactone. as long as I don't mix it with phenytoin. Phenytoin and spironolactone. ended up stinky for me. (I could mask the smell with essential oils, but decided to throw the stuff away because it was stinky by its very nature.)