Could I Be Experiencing male pattern baldness? Hair Growing Back Slow After Buzzcut


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I'm 18 and I had a full head of hair before I trimmed my head to a 0 to prepare for the Navy, and my temples have been growing, but at a slower rate than the rest of my head. I've always had a natural widow's peek, and my mom is certain it's always grown back like that, but I'm still suspicious. can temple hair just naturally grow back slower, or is it probably male pattern baldness? My grandfather had a full head of hair at 70 when he died and my Dad went bald at 36


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Without pictures it's just pointless trying to guess.
But what I will say is that the temple area can be natural thinner or "slower" without it being male pattern baldness. Even if you look at some females with buzz cut you can see that the temple areas can be pretty thin.