Could An Engineer Have Solved The Mystery Of Balding?


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Doctors have been studying hair loss for ages, maybe an engineer could have solved it.

There is a GoFundMe for an engineer Glenn Harvey who says he has worked out how to stop balding. It would be a real miracle if people could stop it. I guess it's a matter of people providing real financial support if they hope for a solution.

search gofundme for Glenn Harvey, balding etc

There is already videos on YouTube by the same guy teaching people about hair loss without any advertising. Seems valuable for those trying to help themselves.

Here's a few, he has many

Worth a look and support if you don't want yourself or others going through the balding nightmare!


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Doesn’t seem like he’s doing what he’s preaching...


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I love your picture mark-up left4bald. It's brilliant as in funny, and brilliant as in feedback.

I guess the question would be what was it like previously.

I'll leave you with something to ponder....Ever considered you may have to loose hair to gain hair?


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I watched first 15 minutes of first video..
You got to be kidding. male pattern baldness is much more than wearing a hat or exercise.

Member 139756

Could An Engineer Have Solved The Mystery Of Balding?

Short answer: no.

Long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Member 139756


And, yes.
I did watch the videos out of curiosity.


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The videos are simply information to help people suffering hair loss, they have nothing to do with the solution. The forum didn't allow any links eg gofundme. The solution is not out there at this point.

Some people like most who have commented to-date use their eyes, not their brains. If your loosing your hair, in most cases to gain hair you have to loose hair. Much of the unhealthy hair is going to shed as say something as simple as massage is going to remove them initially.

Armando Jose

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Then, how explain mr Harvey the pattern of common hair loss and the different incidence between sexes?

OTOH Mr. Foote is also engineering


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I know Mr Foote from a long time ago (10+yrs?) and I think yourself? G'day. We used to follow similar views on a different forum (Tom's) many years ago. I see your still thinking on it, and that's great to see. Never give up!

It's actually the same problem in both men and women. So there's not really a female baldness, rather it is dispersed thinning and some men suffer from that type also. So pattern (male pattern baldness) and dispersed (often said to be FPB) are just at different ends of the range.

Armando Jose

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MadeUThink .... You are right, our post in Tom`s Haguerty forum....

Also I am with you regarding common hair loss is the same process in men and women

Have a nice day