cops get revenge on copkiller


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Given the situation, I have absolutely no problem with what happened. It would have been even better if he was confined to a wheelchair.


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i'm sure most people would's why the cops that did it didn't get persecuted for it..and it didn't lead to any outcry from the public besides his family


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hopewas said:
i'm sure most people would agree..

I wouldn't.

I think it's terrifying the police can do something like that and be cleared of it after an investigation. How is the public supposed to trust an institution like that?

cops are supposed to be professionals...


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aussieavodart said:
hopewas said:
i'm sure most people would agree..

I wouldn't.

I think it's terrifying the police can do something like that and be cleared of it after an investigation. How is the public supposed to trust an institution like that?

cops are supposed to be professionals...

feel lucky you live in america..any other country they beat your *** for disobeying the law...and they don't care if it's in front of the public or that situation, the guy killed a cop and the other cops who were friends of that cop beat's one thing if someone jay walks and cops do that to them..but when it's a clear murderer, etc..they deserve to get handled like that


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Given that their buddy was undoubtedly shot in the head---murdered in cold blood--- by this lowlife scumbag I would say the mere fact that this man still lives shows a great amount of restraint on the part of the police. They should be commended for not killing him.


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I agree why is this even being discussed when you mercilessly kill people in cold blood you give up your rights as a human being.
They should have done the world a favour and shot him on sight.


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Technically yes but the cops are human not robots I would be more concerned if they had for instance planted/falsified evidence to secure a conviction. This was just a physical/emotional reaction, like a crime of passage.
Anyway who knows the circumstances the guy probably resisted arrest and they went overboard on the restraining.


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I think that today it is a good thing cops do justice from time to time, i mean you cant really trust the curt to do justice these days.... they should have killed him and say he resisted an arrest.


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the investigation found the injuries were sustained from his escape jumping from a 6th story window.


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finfighter said:
Smooth said:
I think that today it is a good thing cops do justice from time to time, i mean you cant really trust the curt to do justice these days.... they should have killed him and say he resisted an arrest.

Yeah your right, the cops should be able to kill anyone, and then lie about the reason they did. Give me a break!
The whole point of a court system is to take time and consideration to determine beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is guilty of an alledged crime. I know in this instance it was oubvious that he was guilty, but what about the other instances where someone appeared guilty when they were not. Should the police have that much power, of deciding whether or not someone lives? No! Of course not. ''Absolute power corrupts absolutely''.

your system is corrupted either way, atleast this way we have less scums to deal with, and a bit cleaner streets.


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finfighter said:
The whole point of a court system is to take time and consideration to determine beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is guilty of an alledged crime. I know in this instance it was oubvious that he was guilty, but what about the other instances where someone appeared guilty when they were not. Should the police have that much power, of deciding whether or not someone lives? No! Of course not. ''Absolute power corrupts absolutely''.

Well it did'nt happen in other instances did it? It happenend to a blatantly guilty cold blooded murderer.


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monty1978 said:
s.a.f said:
Technically yes but the cops are human not robots I would be more concerned if they had for instance planted/falsified evidence to secure a conviction. This was just a physical/emotional reaction, like a crime of passage.
Anyway who knows the circumstances the guy probably resisted arrest and they went overboard on the restraining.

Went overboard on the restraining!?

Thats not what you call going overboard on the restraining thats called nearly beating a man to death
. Those cops as you call them (i find it weird to use the word) were extremely unprofessional and very lucky. However, if I was heading an inquiry into the incident I would probably be unproffessional and turn a blind eye. If it happened to a friend of mine under the circumstances it appeared to an I could get away with it and I had the balls i'd execute him in as quick and painless a manner as possible.

Would save a hell of a lot of hassle, food, money and space.

Well you dont actually know what happenend either do you, this guy murdered one of their friends in a crowded courtroom, do you think he would have come quietly with no resistance? Knowing what he was capable of resorting to no doubt the cops would have used maximum force if not for revenge then to simply lower the risk of them ending up dead like the other cop.
Make no mistake this guy would surely would'nt have hesitated to kill again to escape.

FWIW I dont believe this guy had it that bad I think either they did go heavy on the arrest and someone put a few kicks in when they should'nt have or if it was a beating down at the station it was probably just 1 or 2 big of the biggest cops giving him a couple of punches each. If I were that guy I'd be thankful that was all they did.
We all know theres much worse things going on in the majority of other countries around the world. In terms of corrupt police the west have a practicly saint like image.


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If the public wants to give the police the power to arbitrarily work people over then they'll have to accept the other stuff that comes with it: beating and deaths in custody of suspects who turn out to be innocent.


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s.a.f said:
Well you dont actually know what happenend either do you, this guy murdered one of their friends in a crowded courtroom, do you think he would have come quietly with no resistance? Knowing what he was capable of resorting to no doubt the cops would have used maximum force if not for revenge then to simply lower the risk of them ending up dead like the other cop.
Make no mistake this guy would surely would'nt have hesitated to kill again to escape.

The police have tazers and pepper spray....


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aussieavodart said:
If the public wants to give the police the power to arbitrarily work people over then they'll have to accept the other stuff that comes with it: beating and deaths in custody of suspects who turn out to be innocent.

I'm all for that, for every case like this one we see 100's of criminals get away with pathetic sentances that serve as no punishment or deterant.


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the only thing im sad about is that this c*** didn't get put in a wheelchair or 6 feet under


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aussieavodart said:
hopewas said:
i'm sure most people would agree..

I wouldn't.

I think it's terrifying the police can do something like that and be cleared of it after an investigation. How is the public supposed to trust an institution like that?

cops are supposed to be professionals...

News flash:
The constitution is just a piece of paper. If a cop thinks you did a crime, they can take some of your hair and dump it on the crime scene. Who do you think the jury will believe? We can't have cameras everywhere. What if a cop sees a crime committed, but can't prove it? Take it to court and the jury through it out? Take it to court and the jury take the cop on his word? Or cop do road side exicution? I guess the point of a trial is that at least the accused can have a chance to give their side of the story. But that would be guilty until proven innocent. If we really use innocent until proven guilty, 90% of the bad guys go free. Fact is if a cop wants to put you in prison, you will probably go to prison, unless the cop just likes to follow the piece of paper and not use his full power. And if you do put cameras everywhere, then what if 51% of the population whats to put marijuana dealers to death? They could do it very easily if they put cameras in your house. Now you know why your immune system can't detect the aids virus.


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he got what was coming to him

in Soft Touch Britain he'd have got a few years in the nick, cable telly and stereo in his cell, and an early release for "good behaviour". The coppers over here need to use their truncheons a bit more.


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beaner said:
Given the situation, I have absolutely no problem with what happened. It would have been even better if he was confined to a wheelchair.

You're an ignorant, dumb a**h**. We have LAWS for a reason. For this guy to break the law and kill someone is wrong, but for the cops to break the law that they are supposed to enforce and uphold, is also wrong! We are all entitled to a fair and speedy trial, he will get what's coming to him after he is found guilty and sentenced. To beat him up in addition to whatever punishment he gets is not right.