Colon cleanser


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sublime said:
All - Day 5 was pretty bland, I didn't feel well all day and have been really tired. I found out I was not only passing parasites but also candida, I guess fun comes in pairs. No passing of plaque but I get the feeling that the oxygen based cleaners may not get big chunks of it out.

LG - Well there are some thoughts on parasites and plaque. Oddly we all have parasites and when are body's are healthy we fight them off and they die. When our bodies become weak they begin to gain strength and take over our colon. It's usually a balance and we can get these parasites from a lot of different things such as food or outside if we go barefoot, etc. Plaque is a different story and a lot of folks contest its existance even though there are plenty of documented cases. There are a lot of folks on curezone who have posted pics, as unpleasant as that sounds, to show what it looks like. In fact this plaque is what most folks who are colon cleansing are aiming to expel.

Ejuva is the daddy of the cleanses but I am choosing a different route that uses more potent ingredients but is also a lot more of a pain to take. The ejuva kit makes it a lot simpler.

Klink - Some folks believe in cleanses and some do not. I personally believe in the health benefits that will be achieved after a successful cleanse. If your statement below is all that you have read then I suggest you check There are plenty of people who have shown success in beating allergies, acne and other sorts of ailments.

MY only concern about enuvia is that it also involves the kidney and liver. I do not need to mess with my liver's balance. I just want to take care of the colon. Can I still do Ejuva w/o the kidney/liver component or is it a 3 in 1 plan?


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The Dr. involved with Swanson's product does recommend probiotics though.

I was referring to your comment about parasites and your body getting weak etc though. Besides probiotics fighting off the bad guys..they also help with your immune system.'s an interesting link(with more at the bottom of the page):


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sublime said:
I think that ejuva is a 3 and 1, which would be a waste of money if you are simply going for a colon cleanse. The thought on the liver is that there is stored up cholesterol stones contained within either it or the gallbladder. I am taking a wait and see approach on that one.

If you are open to take four shakes a day I would look into the P&B shakes. While not the most convenient they cleanse the colon really well. Of course you could always try the oxygen type cleansers that do not affect the kidney or liver.

Day 6 – Got rid of a lot of I do not know what this morning. The afternoon was weird as well because I could feel some not so comfortable things come out. Not sure what it was and since it is weird enough taking a back glance at what I may have unloaded at home in the toilet it probably would have been doubly weird to do it at work. Unless you have done a colon cleanse it’s hard to describe and even begin to understand the oddities that occur.

Jacob – The oxygen therapies do not require probiotics as they do not scrub clean your intestines in the same manner that herbal or fiber cleanses do. I take a probiotic anyway so in case there was any questions or doubts I have that portion of it covered.
I think that ejuva is a 3 and 1, which would be a waste of money if you are simply going for a colon cleanse. The thought on the liver is that there is stored up cholesterol stones contained within either it or the gallbladder. I am taking a wait and see approach on that one.

If you are open to take four shakes a day I would look into the P&B shakes. While not the most convenient they cleanse the colon really well. Of course you could always try the oxygen type cleansers that do not affect the kidney or liver.

Day 6 – Got rid of a lot of I do not know what this morning. The afternoon was weird as well because I could feel some not so comfortable things come out. Not sure what it was and since it is weird enough taking a back glance at what I may have unloaded at home in the toilet it probably would have been doubly weird to do it at work. Unless you have done a colon cleanse it’s hard to describe and even begin to understand the oddities that occur.

Jacob – The oxygen therapies do not require probiotics as they do not scrub clean your intestines in the same manner that herbal or fiber cleanses do. I take a probiotic anyway so in case there was any questions or doubts I have that portion of it covered.

Actually a wellness Doctor in NYC told me about organic coffee enimas to clear the gallbadder as a way of lowering cholesterol. He's been doing it since the early 60's. I just cant come to grips with giving myself an enima. Maybe I will man up.


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sublime said:
I consider the cleanse a good first step but will under take a different style cleanse in the future, maybe blessed herbs. I got a lot out and feel better. I am still working through my parasite cleanse.

Enema's are easy, you just don't talk with people you know about them. I think the dude's name is Gerson. In the 1930's or so he was healing people of cancer and had thousands of documents and testimonials from patients. He started the coffee enema and I have yet to do one of those. From the video the coffee enema's are top shelf when it comes to cleaning out your colon from the backside. Anyway the guy was from Germany and his success spread to the US, some nightly news guy even stated that cancer has been cured. Then the drug companies had a bill passed or something. There is a hold video deal on this. I will try and dig it up from my links.

interesting. The guy who rec'd them to me in my last post insists he cured his cancer 45 yrs ago when he was a med student. I just dont know how I can come to grips w/ sticking something up my keister. :freaked2:


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LookingGood! said:
sublime said:
I consider the cleanse a good first step but will under take a different style cleanse in the future, maybe blessed herbs. I got a lot out and feel better. I am still working through my parasite cleanse.

Enema's are easy, you just don't talk with people you know about them. I think the dude's name is Gerson. In the 1930's or so he was healing people of cancer and had thousands of documents and testimonials from patients. He started the coffee enema and I have yet to do one of those. From the video the coffee enema's are top shelf when it comes to cleaning out your colon from the backside. Anyway the guy was from Germany and his success spread to the US, some nightly news guy even stated that cancer has been cured. Then the drug companies had a bill passed or something. There is a hold video deal on this. I will try and dig it up from my links.

interesting. The guy who rec'd them to me in my last post insists he cured his cancer 45 yrs ago when he was a med student. I just dont know how I can come to grips w/ sticking something up my keister. :freaked2:

Candles, lube, and some soft music will make it all seem right. :p


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sublime said:
LookingGood! said:
sublime said:
I consider the cleanse a good first step but will under take a different style cleanse in the future, maybe blessed herbs. I got a lot out and feel better. I am still working through my parasite cleanse.

Enema's are easy, you just don't talk with people you know about them. I think the dude's name is Gerson. In the 1930's or so he was healing people of cancer and had thousands of documents and testimonials from patients. He started the coffee enema and I have yet to do one of those. From the video the coffee enema's are top shelf when it comes to cleaning out your colon from the backside. Anyway the guy was from Germany and his success spread to the US, some nightly news guy even stated that cancer has been cured. Then the drug companies had a bill passed or something. There is a hold video deal on this. I will try and dig it up from my links.

interesting. The guy who rec'd them to me in my last post insists he cured his cancer 45 yrs ago when he was a med student. I just dont know how I can come to grips w/ sticking something up my keister. :freaked2:

Candles, lube, and some soft music will make it all seem right. :p

LOL very funny! OK, I have not seen the kind of activity that you described...loose stool/etc. I did notice they are large and smooth. No watery discharges. Maybe I have an efficient colon. I do go 3-5 times a day consistently. When should one see this activity or how long into the cleanse process/program?

Thanks again!


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I bought the nature's cure one from vitacost. I am not sure if this is a cold or not, but I have been coughing up flem two days after stsrting this. I also saw that the fiber part has psyllium in it and it apparently may cause problems with asthma. Not sure if anyone has seen thsi kind of thing, but I feel like I am getting under the weather 4 days into it. Not too much pooping either...kind of a let down so far.


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Stimulating bile

I consider the cleanse a good first step but will under take a different style cleanse in the future, maybe blessed herbs. I got a lot out and feel better. I am still working through my parasite cleanse.

Enema's are easy, you just don't talk with people you know about them. I think the dude's name is Gerson. In the 1930's or so he was healing people of cancer and had thousands of documents and testimonials from patients. He started the coffee enema and I have yet to do one of those. From the video the coffee enema's are top shelf when it comes to cleaning out your colon from the backside. Anyway the guy was from Germany and his success spread to the US, some nightly news guy even stated that cancer has been cured. Then the drug companies had a bill passed or something. There is a hold video deal on this. I will try and dig it up from my links.

Forgive me, Ive joined this thread rather late - please list what cleanses you are doing and why and how ?

Yes amongst other things the coffee enema stimulates bile so as to dump the livers toxic load and increases glutathione levels.



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sublime said:
LG - I noticed stuff during the second day of the cleanse. The oxypowder is pretty potent in that regard. To say all that came out was putrified stuck waste would not be a true statement, but you could tell the difference of what was coming out just by the smell alone. Most of the food that you eat comes out in a softer stool, although I am used to good movements.

Pete - I did a colon cleanse and am still underway with my parasite cleanse. Both of these are to be done first before you can undertake a liver/gallbladder cleanse which is the focus of my efforts. I do feel a lot better after my colon cleanse and am pretty happy about the parasite cleanse and all the stuff that came out. The liver is a a very versatile organ so I want to essentially cleanse it so it can function properly.

All of the cleanses are to rid my body of toxins and waste build-up. This should in turn enable my body to heal and restore itself at a normal rate and should foster a healthier body. I am looking to see what that will do for hair regrowth.

Here is a link to some of the functions the liver performs.
http://medicalcentereast.client.web-hea ... liver.html

I am quite familiar with the cleanses you mention.
Are you doing these cleanses as you suffer from a health condition?
Or is it purely for the sake of detoxification?



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Please forgive my ignorance here, but is there anything wrong with just going to walmart and getting an overnight colon cleaner - you know, the OTC one that the doctor tells you to go do the night before a colonoscopy?


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From Today's WebMD . . .

Today's Top Story: Colon Cleansers: Are They Safe?
Some believe you should routinely clean your colon just as you do your hair or your floor. But are artificial colon cleansers safe? We've asked the experts for their take on the topic. ... gid_051007


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hair transplant - Interesting article although rife with industry experts. One of them agrees that the ban on trans-fats in NY was a mistake. Another made the statement about the buffet, "if you don't love it don't eat it" and to eat whatever you like most on the buffet. It definetly is good to research and question everything and I carry that on to the so called "experts" who simply move at the pace of society. Plus someone from the "established" medical community that purports that the ban on trans fatty oils in NY was a mistake is going to "educate" me on colon health. I'll pass.

Plus I trust something that has been done for over 3000 years more than some chemcial that was created less than 50 years ago.

Pete - I suffer from minimal health issues. The only thing I notice is minimal acne, circles under eyes and a very non-noticable rash on the back of my arms and legs. Nothing debilitating, well that depends on how you rank hair loss.

Renegade - If you are going to go through the cleanse my opinion is you might as well do it right. I did quite a bit of research on curezone and other sites that discuss cleansing and there really only seemed to be about 5-6 choices when it comes to colon cleansing, 2-3 choices for parasites and also about 2-3 for liver cleansing.