cmoneyt8ker's story - (w/pics) SUPERUPDATE APRIL


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Well I honestly have had the thickest head of hair of anyone I have met up until about 3 years ago when I started losing. I can't tell you how many barbers have told me I have the thickest hair they have ever seen and twice I jammed up the clippers with my hair. Anyway ill stop blabbing about that i just have always been known for my hair. I put off treatment till 2 weeks ago and I am very happy I finally am doing somthing about it. I would be so happy if I could just maintain what I have even though I am prob a Norwood 2.5 or 3 now. It is only in the front as the top of my head is just as thick as ever. I have some pics that I will post after 3 months I just want somthing to compare it too.
I have had some sides though. I am taking fincar spilt into 4's and taking rogaine twice a day with 5 msm pills a day. My nuts were killing me the first week to the point where I thought about stopping but I kept plugging and they have finally stopped hurting so bad. I can't wait to post my 3 month pictures on here and I do have befores too so we can compare.


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well i figure i would give a one month update...My hair is coming out like crazy and it looks worse than it ever has. All side effects from the finasteride have stopped. My sex drive is back to normal, my semen isnt as watery but it is still a little and my testicles have stopped hurting. From what I read I think I am going through a normal shed but it honestly looks horrible. I'm on rogaine, finasteride, and msm.

Far Too Young

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Keep going, bud. This shed could possibly be the jumpstarting of some of your follicles, or, at least, let's hope so.


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I think that the combining shedding from minoxidil and Propecia are whats causing your hair to look so bad.

anyway good luck cmoneyt8ker! and Im glad u're sides have stopped.


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link doesn't work for me, just takes me to your photobucket log in screen. why not just post the pics? photobucket should give you links to copy paste with image tags on it already.

anyways your story sounds very similar to mine. i've been told by every hair dresser my whole life that my hair is unbelievably thick. it still is very thick on the sides and back and my hairloss only affects the front as well. i'll make note to follow your progress! good luck hombre


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yes were intrested in seeing your pics


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First one is Dec 1st...2nd is Jan 15th.....3rd is Feb 1st





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The gel in your hair makes your hair look different in the pics. Your first pic has a lot more gel showing in your hair, not just at the front, but all over. In your second pick, there is a lot less gel and the hairs are "more free and natural looking" for lack of better words.

Because of this, it is useless to even speculate if your hair got worse. To me, the wet, gel clumpness in your first pick will make it look like you have thicker and darker hair.

Either way, you should be celebrating the fact that your weak, DHT damaged, miniaturized hairs are falling out so thicker, healthier, new hair can come in its place.

p.s. You are at least an NWIII. You gotta wait 9 months for results, as your hair is on cycles. Even Telogen Effluvium, were stress makes your hair fall out, takes 9 months to recover from asthetically speaking. Don't be fooled into thinking that curing male pattern baldness is anyhow different.


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thanks for the response....I have never used any styling product before though. These are both taken as soon as I got out of the shower and pushed my hair back and I might be getting to NW3 but not there yet. I have my head tilted so you can see it better.


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cmoneyt8ker said:
thanks for the response....I have never used any styling product before though. These are both taken as soon as I got out of the shower and pushed my hair back and I might be getting to NW3 but not there yet. I have my head tilted so you can see it better.

Ahh so your hair was more wet in the first pic. I dont know why, but my gut feeling is that you are going to be suprised at your recovery.

Remeber bro, 9 months. It takes three months for the new hairs to even start to grow. From there ya gotta wait a few more months for them to grow in.


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thanks world....I never (almost) miss a rogaine app. and take my finasteride every day at noon. I would be happy if just my middle would fill in thick again. Ill put another pic up in feb. thanks again.


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Keep in there man, I know that it's tough to be patient like this, but the time does fly by really quick before you know it. I think I've been on Propecia for 9 months now and it doesn't feel like it's been that long at all.


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we have the same hair loss pattern and the same regimen, i hope we both succeed!


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well here is an update hair is doing pretty good and has started filling in. Im happy with the progress so far and hope it keeps going!!! by the way im loving my shaved got to go to work ill post more pics tomm. and the flash makes my head look white?? my hair is great right there the only problem i temples...dont know why it looks like that.



Established Member
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massive improvement, congrats... once that is the same length as the previous photos you're going to look perfecto!


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holy crap! You have a huge improvement on your hairline. I'll be looking forward to seeing some pics w/o the flash.