Cloning questions


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So it seems cloning is the thing we are all waiting for.. But I dont understand why it is such a great solution. Maybe somone can explain the procedure in way that is easy to understand.

Lets say that I have 100.000 cloned healthy follicles. How am I going to get them on my head? Isnt this still a problem, to get them look as natural hair? Is somone going to put 100000 hairs in my head? thats gonna take a while..


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As I know it will be the same surgery as hair transplant but you will not be limited by your donor area of hair.

So the result should be far better than hair transplant as the doctor (scientist) could clone as much hair as needed to cover all your bald palces.

So I think that this is the biggest advantage of cloning, Correct me if I am wrong,pls.



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I hear they are working on a machine to put the hair in your scalp automatically this should cut down on the price of a doctor if its true, also you can graft I think 3000 hairs per session just keep going back until the desired thickness is achieved. I believe your numbers are incorrect it is not 100k on the top of your head but 100k for your whole head sides and back included.

Most H/T's use about 3 -4000 graphs depending on the thickness and they seem to look ok albeit a little thin but acceptable. Imagine what 20,000 woulld look like or 30, 000. Point is that we are only able to use about 5000 donor hairs at this time and that is all- no more to be had, so the H/T hair looks thin


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fredrik78er said:
So it seems cloning is the thing we are all waiting for.. But I dont understand why it is such a great solution. Maybe somone can explain the procedure in way that is easy to understand.

Lets say that I have 100.000 cloned healthy follicles. How am I going to get them on my head? Isnt this still a problem, to get them look as natural hair? Is somone going to put 100000 hairs in my head? thats gonna take a while..

Yes. Just because we have the supply of follicles to put on the scalp doesn't mean that the skin itself doesn't have limitations.

That being said, hair cloning, if it works as hoped, will be a significant leap in the fight against hair loss. If you could get 200,000 or 20,000 follicles clones from a mere 200 originals, that would virtually eliminate the scarring and donor area problems.

However, there is no guarantee that the grafts will grow in properly or look natural. This is surgery, after all, and the skin can only take so much pinching and cutting.


Bingo. It is still a hair transplant, and it is still limited by the amount of density that the front will allow for. You can only punch holes in a 4 inch area of skin so many times without destroying it. Unlimited donor hair won't help in that area of things.


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first off I visited the Bazan site and here is a link to some projections he has about how long it will take to get cloned hair put on your head. There is also a lot of other info there, but before I get jumped on none of this is proven, it is just what Bazan has predicted.

I believe that by the time hair cloning comes out to the public the issue with does the hair grow in the right direction and does it look real, will be solved. Every doctor, scientist and researcher have all mentioned these concerns when they talk about hair cloning so they are all aware of the problem. Some of them have already suggested ways they could possibly solve this problem, saying that it seems like they have those problems under control.

As far as the density goes people don't realize how small these holes are that are being placed on your scalp. People are also making it seem like people who have normal FUE transplants scalps get turned into lumpy mounds of skin. If you take a look at someone with a decent FUE hair transplant you can't tell that their skin has had holes punched in it once it heals up. And yes having unlimited donor hair will solve density problems because that is the only reason anyone can pick out a transplant. If their hairline was not transparent on closer inspection no one would be the wiser.


As I understand cloning, it will be a big plus in the weapons we have against male pattern baldness.

Wish I had it three transplants ago.


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Perhaps one solution to scalp damage is to remove skin from another area of the body, say your ***=), and use that for any botched transplants. But I agree with the idea that once cloning is available, the actual techniques of placing the hairs will be perfected.

Here's for hoping!!


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yes they are working on a from of robotics to transplant the hair quicker and more precisely, robotics are already used in many major operations they are much more precise than the human hand and prone to less error, much more efficient....


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elguapo said:
Perhaps one solution to scalp damage is to remove skin from another area of the body, say your ***=), and use that for any botched transplants. But I agree with the idea that once cloning is available, the actual techniques of placing the hairs will be perfected.

Here's for hoping!!

Chest hair has already been successfully removed and placed on the scalp. It takes on the property of "normal" hair, i.e., grows longer than your typical body hair follicle, which stops at a certain point. ... &Category=

Not the best looking hair, but god, at least with some hair gel this guy might not look like he drew his hairline in!


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I read on another site where they had a doctor saying that by Sept 2004 that he would be doing the hair cloning procedure at about 30,000-40,000 and only on at least a NW5 and at least 35 years old. That would be the initial numbers, but would change after a period of time.


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jrw said:
I read on another site where they had a doctor saying that by Sept 2004 that he would be doing the hair cloning procedure at about 30,000-40,000 and only on at least a NW5 and at least 35 years old. That would be the initial numbers, but would change after a period of time.

Unfortunately, that sounds like groundless speculation. But you never know.


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jrw said:
I read on another site where they had a doctor saying that by Sept 2004 that he would be doing the hair cloning procedure at about 30,000-40,000 and only on at least a NW5 and at least 35 years old. That would be the initial numbers, but would change after a period of time.

That is the same guy that I posted a link to in my first post. If you dare venture over to right on the first page it talks about what you read and how Bazan will be testing his HM on people later this year, but who knows if that is true or not. While I am skeptical about everything that seems too good to be true, I just hope that one day within the next year or two we all can sit around and talk about when we are getting our new cloned hair.

One more thing I would like to add to this post is concerning another post, but it was locked because some people can read the obvious. I guess on this site you just have to dumb down everything you say for some people who can't read the obvious. And yes I get what you were trying to say, but you were mistaken for jumping on the guys case from the get go, for something he never even said. What everyone should take away from the locked post at hand is that you should actually read the post instead of just skimming over it real quick, because there probably is more there than meets the eye. Just because some people miss the obvious or forget what they just read in the same post, does not mean the person who wrote the article is wrong. It's the readers fault not the writers.