Clean transition to hair system without drawing unwanted attention


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hello guys. so after i quited minoxi and it destroyed my hair completely i realised that my only solution is hair transplant or wig.
The exccecivness of my hair loss due to minoxidil made me realise that even trasnplant won't help, and im kinda not willing to pay so much money for one.

im 25 years old student in my freshman year and im not willing to be bald in the end of my studies just before me strating my carrer. I never understood the big stigma hair system got on them and i knew that im gonna wear one when i go bald. The problem is that i dont want people to know it in my school, so i just wanna do a clean transition to hair system without people know it. i feel like my hair ready to be covered at least at the crown area. are you people think its possible to make a transition to hair system without attracting unwanted attention?

im posting picture of my hair so you will be able to analyze my options, do you think i can cover my crown in my current state of baldness?
i will really appreciate any kind of help.


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If it's only the crown you want to cover, then that is the easiest thing to do. You get someone to color and curl match your hair, and measure (or make a template of the balding area), and order a system. I would think most folks don't pay attention to the top/back of your head, and look you in the face. The difference will be minor.


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If you want to go down the hair piece route then its so much easier to do it now when you have plenty of hair.

Have you considered the meds route?


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good luck and keep us updated. No matter whih strategy you choose(meds or hair system), the sooner the better!


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propecia got me pfs 3 years ago, minoxidil only gave me more shed during usage and enourmos shed after quiting. so i have no much options left.
do you think its possible to start using hair system when i already have hair on my head? i mean i will need to shave every 4 days isnt it?
@Assemblage23 @mrdavies


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propecia got me pfs 3 years ago, minoxidil only gave me more shed during usage and enourmos shed after quiting. so i have no much options left.
do you think its possible to start using hair system when i already have hair on my head? i mean i will need to shave every 4 days isnt it?
@Assemblage23 @mrdavies

You only have to shave the balding area every time you replace the system. That can be from 1-3 weeks.


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Just to make sure, when baldbearded states replace the system he means when you detach and reattach you dont need to buy a new system every 1-3 weeks.;)