CHL24's Story - (Age 24, pics included) *Updated*


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Just posting to update - I've been on propecia now for coming on 13/14 months, I think my hair as thickened and maintained since last year so thats a good thing! :p

Its close to 2 months on foam now (2 months of being consistant) I do see really small like 1/4 of an inch blonde hairs in the corner of my temples, these are the vellus hairs that everyone talks about ? :eek:

I would take some pictures but its pretty impossible to photo these hairs at the minute because their so fine and small...but they're deffinately there so I will update when/ if they grow out :wink:

bababa - hows it going with you ? I remember you saying you were gonna use foam around about the same time as me, any luck with it ?



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i agree with other posters that you are not a norwood 3,i would call you a 2.5 ,if there is such a thing ,it may be a mature hairline although it is maybe just that little bit more than that,either way looks good


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Hey man. Still haven't taken the plunge. I just got back from a trip to Europe and the funds are lacking. Plus I cut my hair really short. Since then it's been really hard to tell I've started to recede. I'm just gonna stick with the current regime at the moment till I start earning some cash, then reevaluate at the end of the year. I'm still cranking the finasteride, nizoral and MSM. Looking forward to hearing/seeing how you go man. It sounds exciting!!!



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CHL24 said:
Just posting to update - I've been on propecia now for coming on 13/14 months, I think my hair as thickened and maintained since last year so thats a good thing! :p

Its close to 2 months on foam now (2 months of being consistant) I do see really small like 1/4 of an inch blonde hairs in the corner of my temples, these are the vellus hairs that everyone talks about ? :eek:

I would take some pictures but its pretty impossible to photo these hairs at the minute because their so fine and small...but they're deffinately there so I will update when/ if they grow out :wink:

bababa - hows it going with you ? I remember you saying you were gonna use foam around about the same time as me, any luck with it ?


good to know you are at least maintaining.


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Re: CHL24's story

Just posting to update whoever reads this, been 16/17 months now since I started propecia and about 6/7 months on rogaine, I have deffinately maintained and possibly thickened up but that might be just because I've grown my hair out longer!

I get comments that my hair looks good even though I go through days where I want to buzz it all off, but atleast I deffinately havent lost any ground since getting on propecia 17 months ago...

uploaded a recent pic for reference too :) ... 371zm0.jpg



RaginDemon said:
beernuts_123 said:
Hey dude,

your hair looks good, I definitely wouldn't say you're a 3...

he is at max a NW2...only taug will say something ridiculous.

What? That he is a Norwood 3 as he has already admitted himself? Yes, it is true, i am gonna say that!


yeah, maintenance should be your goal. It looks fine dyed.

Good luck for the future!


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Re: Re:

Taugenichts said:
RaginDemon said:
beernuts_123 said:
Hey dude,

your hair looks good, I definitely wouldn't say you're a 3...

he is at max a NW2...only taug will say something ridiculous.

What? That he is a Norwood 3 as he has already admitted himself? Yes, it is true, i am gonna say that!


yeah, maintenance should be your goal. It looks fine dyed.

Good luck for the future!

He was convinced he was a NW3 because morons like you kept misleading others on Norwood scale.


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Re: CHL24's Story - (Age 24, pics included)

Hey, just a 19/20 month quick update. My hair has still 'maintained' and possibly thickened up abit. :)

I've grown it out alot now and the way I style it, to the average person, they probably presume I have no hair loss!

Hopefully I can be one who maintained for 8 + years like some of the stories I've read, that would be ace.

but yes, coming up to 2 years and things are still going well. :bravo:

heres is recent pic



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Re: CHL24's Story - (Age 24, pics included)

good to hear the great news CHL24, thanks for sharing that with us!


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Re: CHL24's Story - (Age 24, pics included)

Hey guys - just wanted to chime in and also ask for you're oppinions. I'm past my 2nd year on propecia now (switched to proscar and cutting it into 1/4s) and I still havent lose any hair since going on propecia 2 years ago.

I know 1 person said earlier in my post when they saw my initial pictures that they thought my hair was a mature hairline, which I didnt consider it to be at all...

However I was looking through some photos over the holidays and I found a picture of me when I was 15 and low and behold....I have a very similiar hairline to what I have now!

Here is the picture..


Obviously you cant see the full level of recession because I had my hair combed forward but Im certain that if my hair in this photo was wet and combed back like the first pictures ive posted then the hairlines would be VERY similiar - possible not even much change...

So it got me thinking - do I actually have male pattern baldness? I have no hairloss anywhere but for this hairline of mine and my hair has always been quite 'fine' but the density has remained the same since my early teens - nearing 11 years now.

Obviously the hairline does looked alittle receeded but if I'd saw my hairline on someone else at age 15 I'd be thinking that by the time he reaches 26 (my age in afew months) he'd have pretty significant hairloss but alas mine hasnt changed yet *touch wood* - do you guys think this is just my normal 'mature' hairline or do I just have a painfully slow balding process? :(


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anyone? :grouphug:


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I think it might just be a mature hairline. It definitely looks the same as the 15 y/o photo. I find this reassuring as your story is virtually identical to mine.
My hairline is the same as yours and it has been more or less the same since age 17. I turned 24 this year.
I often compare my hairline now to how it was when I was 17 using my year 13, 6th form photo. Sometimes I think it looks better now, and sometimes I think it looks worse, so overall, I think it is the same. It is sometimes hard to tell as my hair is short on the 17 y/o photo and now it is long (also like you)!

I think there is a slight difference however between my year 12 photo and the year 13 photo although again it is even shorter on the year 12 photo. This makes me think that maybe I have a mature hairline that I developed through puberty around 16-17.

I think you should stick with the treatment just to be on the safe side.

I've been on the big 3 for around 10 months and have noticed very slight regrowth around the temples. I have also noticed less hairs in the sink which amazed me as I was never worried about the hairs in the sink in the first place as I had read that men with male pattern baldness don't lose hair any more so than if we haven't got male pattern baldness, just that the lost hairs don't get replaced if we do have male pattern baldness.


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Hey man, thanks for taking the time to read my thread...

Yeah I am going to just stick to proscar and the infrequent use of Nizoral now, I dropped rogaine foam, gave it a good 10/12 months and never really saw siginificant enough benefits to justify its cost...

My future plans really is just to stick on proscar now and once I reach 29/30 then see if things are still stablised, then I think after 15 ~ years of 'hair loss' I would be in a good position to possible think about getting a hair transplant in the front to just fill in the recession but still being conservative with the aim just to take away the 'receeding' look, but not lower the hairline or anything like that. :)

Anyway I hope you too can also maintain as I have been doing...I'm still not really believing its a 'mature' hairline and if it is its annoying to have a natural hairline that looks like this :)

*touch wood*



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hi guys - just another update - 2 1/2 years now - no chance, still maintaining well :)


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Hi CHL24, I too have decided to stop minoxidil after 11 months on it as I have'nt experienced any regrowth. I would shed alot on minoxidil so 5 months ago I went on finpecia and its stabilised my hair loss a great deal, don;t shed a lot of hair now.

I am just wondering, without minoxidil are we to expect only maintenance and no regrowth. I have lost a lot of hair around my temples and would like to get it back, but without minoxidil wonder if there is some other topical I could use...


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hey guys, i am now 27 (gosh) and have been on propecia now for nearly 5 years!! wow how time flys

I can tell you that i remember still making this first post at university (those pics are in my uni room) and worrying that by the end of the year i would have no hairline at all, well 5 years on I am still the same as I was in these photos, my hairloss doesnt seem to have advanced, I dont know wether its because I always had slow hair loss (check the post of my pic @ 17 years old with my hairline) or if propecia is to thank - either way Im very happy I got on it early, i can only advise anyone else who may be in the same position to do the same!

I could take some more pics to show u guys that my hairloss has halted but my phone is currently broke at the moment so I only have a webcam and its quality is pretty sucky but if people want me to show some update pics i will do it with that.

Anyway i just thought i would chime in, alot of people dissapear after posting on these forums but i thought i owed it to the forums to come back and keep anyone interested updated as I learnt alot from these forums and through them learned about propecia!



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here is a pic from exactly a month ago, again this isnt a hairline pic (I can take some of people want, but I think it shows good that in the 5 years since my post my hair hasnt gotten worse)



Established Member
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hey mate im happy for u.
u see any change on u'r sex life this time when u take finasteride.
.sorry for ma english


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Hi - I never had any of them type problems, actually I had no side effects at all, I dont know if those side effects are blown out of proportion or not but I never experienced any problems in the years I've taken it - maybe im lucky... who knows :)

mr man

New Member
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CHL- Did you use Propecia or a generic? Does anyone know if gneric propeica is just equally good as the real thing? Thanks