Chinese inventor


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This whole hype with Chinese inventor is making me curious if it really works. Seems to be an oxidizing process much like acne treatment with epidou (benzoyl peroxide). Does it clear up the clogging pores and allow the hair to emerge?

If you go back and check the threads we do find many links between acne and male pattern baldness. DHT Is a cause for both. Is this why hence CB works?

Many folks with diffuse thinning if they really think about it, will recall it started early on around 16-19 yrs old. Around same time most folks have acne flare ups. Both itch both have oily skin

- - - Updated - - -

Lol maybe we should start putting oxiclean on our scalps or even tide or vanish lol.


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I have doubts that the stuff does anything at all and the regrowth photos if legit at all are nothing to jump for joy over. Seems like the risks are not worth those kinds of 'results'.


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I have no clue if it works. But oxidation or process of unclogging pores seems to work for acne. The sebous gland seems to be impacted too. I don't believe unless I see the actual proof for myself.

I want to have my hair back that's all I know


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I have no clue if it works. But oxidation or process of unclogging pores seems to work for acne. The sebous gland seems to be impacted too. I don't believe unless I see the actual proof for myself.

Here you go:


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Thanks Hellouser. I have seen those (I still need a member to vouch for me to sign up)

What i meant is I need to try it on myself and see if iT works. Sure in theory it work and like if have pointed out in my other post. There are several things that might work and produce vellus hair but the real need here is terminal hair.

Again, this oxidation process might work. Has any really achieved progress with benzoyl peroxide ?


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I will wait until all the labrats are done with this one. Worse case scenerio is that they have harmed their follicles permanently.


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Phyton, speaking of which....

If wounding works and we have Dr cole and other speak of splitting follicles and resulting in regeneration. Wouldnt you think that perhaps we could make an incession right in the graft let it heal and hope a better and healthier follicle will grow and be restored to a state where it was before miniaturization. We have also seen the guy that fell off his chair into hot coal and started miraculously growing hair. In the same token, why hasn't anyone take a miniaturized follicle by FUe and implanted it elsewhere to observe what would happen.

What do you think @hellouser


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Some explanation/background on the active ingredient and the supposed mode of action? Unclogging doesn't make any sense at all for regrowth, but hypoxia would.


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Minoxidil is suppose to increase blood supply thus also increase in oxygen. Oxidation wih the chloride is a by product of the chemical process. This process of oxidation is unrelated to hypoxia.


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Minoxidil working via blood supply is only one of the possible explanations for its still unconfirmed mode of action, but its effect of increasing PGE2 is, in my opinion, a much better explanation. It also explains why hairs are suddenly forced into prolonged and synchronized anagen, which minoxidil does and cannot be explained through blood supply.


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Minoxidil working via blood supply is only one of the possible explanations for its still unconfirmed mode of action, but its effect of increasing PGE2 is, in my opinion, a much better explanation. It also explains why hairs are suddenly forced into prolonged and synchronized anagen, which minoxidil does and cannot be explained through blood supply.

Agreed. Increased PGE2, and upregulation of Bcl/BAX and ERK/Akt make much more sense, in my mind, that vasodilitation. Especially the PGE2, because compression and dilation of blood vessels has been proven to release prostaglandins.


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Where are these folks getting this stuff? Seems to be doing SOMETHING for them... I'd definitely be interested in giving it a try - Maybe on the temples, with photo documentation and such.

If anybody can refer me to a link, it would be much appreciated!



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Where are these folks getting this stuff? Seems to be doing SOMETHING for them... I'd definitely be interested in giving it a try - Maybe on the temples, with photo documentation and such.

If anybody can refer me to a link, it would be much appreciated!


Not so hard to get a hold of bleach


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So witty.. I mean the actual chemical mixture.

You make it yourself. All of the components are easy to get a hold of. So he wasn't being witty.


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You make it yourself. All of the components are easy to get a hold of. So he wasn't being witty.

I guess I wasn't clear in my last couple of posts -- I'm not trying to come off rude. I was just looking for a list of those components. I was reading a thread earlier which discussed the product and its potential efficacy, but couldn't find anything about the actual ingredients! If you could direct me to a link or thread, it would be greatly appreciated! :)

Btw, are you thinking of trying it out Hellouser? I've seen you all over these boards and think we (along with SO many others) stand on the same side of the board about finasteride. Just showing some appreciation for your time and help here.



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I guess I wasn't clear in my last couple of posts -- I'm not trying to come off rude. I was just looking for a list of those components. I was reading a thread earlier which discussed the product and its potential efficacy, but couldn't find anything about the actual ingredients! If you could direct me to a link or thread, it would be greatly appreciated! :)

Btw, are you thinking of trying it out Hellouser? I've seen you all over these boards and think we (along with SO many others) stand on the same side of the board about finasteride. Just showing some appreciation for your time and help here.


So here is the link to a forum post everyone is taking about.

From what I've heard the poster is trustworthy. Perhaps HELLOUSER knows him. The pictures in my opinion are some are not the best but hey not everyone is handy with a cam. Just wonder why the latest one is or looks bald and white


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So here is the link to a forum post everyone is taking about.

From what I've heard the poster is trustworthy. Perhaps HELLOUSER knows him. The pictures in my opinion are some are not the best but hey not everyone is handy with a cam. Just wonder why the latest one is or looks bald and white

Don't know the guy, but regardless of the pics, the hairs are still scarce. Far from what I would consider a 'cure'... more work needs to be done on that end.