Chester716's Story - (24/finasteride and minoxidil started on Sep8 2009)


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Hey all,

this is my first post... I been reading a lot(mostly bad) stories on here... im a little worried but at the end of the day.... whats gonna happen will happen so why not try right.

I got a genetic hair loss test done. I should get results next week... tho I dont think I need them to notice the thinning so im gonna start with liquid minoxidil next week... i know everyone has been giving a lot of advice to a lot of people.. a lot of it conflicts so its hard to make decisions... seem that finasteride is causing nothing but more hairloss to most that post on here.... so im afraid to try that.... I'll probably wait for the test results before actually starting on anything... but i donno if that will tell me neg or pos results for certain treatments... either way i know im thinner at the crown then i used to be so i gotta start something..
i took a few pics with my phone. sorry quality is so bad. i lent my camera out but ill take more when i get it back to track..this is unwashed.. and has gel in it lol..... was out last night and just woke up and took them..

any thoughts are welcome...
btw. im newly 24...ive always had a bit of a high hairline it hasnt seemed to move much since i was young.... mostly noiced thinning in the crown area... my dads side has all their hair.. my moms side doesnt.. my moms side also has really fine hair.. even the women.

ill post updates

also just fyi

ive been using nioxin and revivogen for about 3 years.. just alternate between them... as well as a shampoo / cond called F.A.S.T... they all feel good and they last me forever so ratio wise they arent any more expensive... i also only shampoo every other day.


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Re: Just starting minoxidil next week

Hello there and welcome to the forums :)

An extensive first post and well documented starting point.

I, like you, had a severly hit vertex area. As you will have probably read around here, the most potent combo to treat hairloss is the famous "Big 3" : an FDA approved DHT inhibitor(finasteride), a potent growth stimulant (minoxidil) and a medicated ketoconazole containing shampoo (Nizoral). These treatments work better combined and quite well for most, the further back the better (hairline and temple hair is harder to regrow than vertex hair).

A tricky point here is that while minoxidil alone can provide new growth, it will not treat the underlying cause of your baldness which is the effect of a hormone(dht) on your androgen sensitive scalp follicles. Basically minoxidil will give you some extra hair but your hair image will probably decline in the long term.


Try cutting your hair a bit shorter before starting treatments, it will help you monitor your progress and it would not exaggerate your thinning that much. It will also make topical application easier.

You can without hesitation start using Nizoral shampoo tomorrow, it really plays a role and used 2-3 weekly can make a difference.

I been reading a lot(mostly bad) stories on here...
Take a walk over the Success Stories subforum. It might inspire you.

You are lucky to be at the right place and have lots of hair to fight for.


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Re: Chester716's Story - (24/Just starting minoxidil next week)

Ok... sooooo..
Results say im 70% chance of balding.. which I've heard on this forum before....Is that just the most common result.. the TEST is real right???

Anyways.. i noticed thinning on my own like I said.. I was looking everywhere online to buy proscar shipped to Canada.. apparently we need prescriptions here. Which is a huge hassle cuz the Doctor is an hour from me plus an hour from my work... well he said he could just call it in to my nearest pharmacy which is 5 mins fr my house...
And my work health plan covers it!

Just like that.. years supply. I pick it up tonight. I ordered Kirkland minoxidil online... that'll be here in 10 days im I'll take some pics with a proper cam tonight... and I start finasteride tonight...

I'm going to be dividing up 5mg pills into 4 bits. That seem normal? Lil over 1 mg per hit...

Just to give a breakdown of what I've been taking for the last four years for regular health.

Omega Essentials 3-6-9 - 2 per day
Ginko Biloba - 3 per day (unrelated this is for language study)
Mega Mens Sport Multivitamins GNC - 2 per day

Nioxin Shampoo/cond every other 3rd day
Revivogen Shampoo/cond every other other 3rd day
FAST shampoo/cond every so often in between

I shamp/cond every other day using one of the above...
I'll use up the quantities I got and stick with FAST or Revivogen
Both are pretty cheap considering they lather up nicely and last forever..
so does Nioxin but the smell is strong.

This is stuff I do already normally:

Now adding:

finasteride 1.25mg
minoxidil 5% once at night

Pills aren't much of a hassle to me.. I'll just add it to my regular regimen

About me: I'm 24, 160lbs, pretty good shape, gym daily, average diet...drink daily(hehe), dirty blonde hair, hair line receded slghtly but not much since was a kid, thinning at top and at crown

ppl can post if here if they have comments on progress etc.
this is to track my own progress as well as show others who can help and or want to see outcome as well.

Is finasteride 1.25 just a one a day? or do I have to go mornign AND night.. I don't want to take too much at once to start either.

Thanks! and here we go...


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Re: Chester716's Story - (24/Just starting minoxidil next week)

I would say cut your pills in fifths (1mg - take one piece daily) and use minoxidil 2x daily.


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Re: Chester716's Story - (24/Just starting minoxidil next week)

is it easy to cut into fifths???

seems like it would be too difficult and maybe just powederize it or something...

never cut pills before so i donno.. ill try....

also do i need to use minoxidil TWICe if its 5%?

the Doctor said he sells 6% and only need to use once.. but his prices are ridiculous...

its a hassle in the morning for me.. i can manage it. but like i commute an hour or two each morning to work meaning i get up very early and have like 25 mins to get ready... so i gel my hair but if its soaked with this stuff.... argh.. u know......

twice day really needed? or is it just being over zealous? if its NEEDED ill manage it but...dont wanna over do it if not ...



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Re: Chester716's Story - (24/Just starting minoxidil next week)


If 2x is that a hassle for you, you could try 2ml of minoxidil with a single night application I guess... Just keep an eye for heart palpitations (a sign of systemic overabsorption) and give it at least 2-3 hours before hitting bed. You could end up growing hair on your pillow instead of your head.

But... Why not try recommended dosages for starters?


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Re: Chester716's Story - (24/Just starting minoxidil next week)

Chester716 said:
seem that finasteride is causing nothing but more hairloss to most that post on here.

not sure where you're getting that. have you been over to the success stories forum? finasteride completely stopped my hair loss and i've had no sides.

congrats for at least trying the proscar, hopefully it will work for you too, as it does for probably 85% of people.

you'll definitely want to cut your hair shorter before starting on the minoxidil, especially if you're applying it to the top of your head. i'd definitely be applying it twice a day.

oh, and there's no question you've got the male pattern baldness gene. so do i, it sucks =)

i think you have enough hair and you're young enough that by this time next year you could have close to a full head of hair, if you keep up with your regimen.


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Re: Chester716's Story - (24/Just starting minoxidil next week)

hey all... ok so two nights on finasteride now...
and damn it was terrible trying to split it... i got a pill cutter... DOESNT work for this...........

i ended up with a big steak knife... the first few i ended up wasting a bit and splitting th rest in fours.... til i got the hang of it but even then.. some are pretty good... like 1mg and some are def 1.2 or 1.3 or somewhere between .80 and 1.3..... im decent at it now so.. theres only like 30% of the ones i cut up which makes like 2 months...of the year supply i got so the 70% of the two months is pretty good....

anyways rant aside... the minoxidil comes in tomorrow.. very fast shipping.. ill confirm its correct stuffff and maybe plug their site later...ill try the recommended twice apply per day.. id rather not cut my hair any shorter... we'll see.. i have a big head... short hair looks dumb on

heres some pics i took tonight fresh outta shower.... wet hair combed back...under insane light and with flash......if anyone is interested....


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Re: Chester716's Story - (24/Just starting minoxidil next week)

Ok, active follicles all over the place. No bald spots. Treatmets could make a real difference.

As for splitting pills, you will eventually get the hang of it- I currently bite the upper part and split the rest with my fingers in 4. I get even pieces, but do not freak out with having 1.02mg instead of 1mg dosing.

2x apps daily is a very good choice imo. As long as you are willing to keep the hair you have and possibly grow some, you will stick to your regimen and, eventually, it will merge with your daily program to an extent where you will have to touch your scalp to remember if you applied your night dose.

Sit tight.


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Re: Chester716's Story - (24/Just starting minoxidil next week)

some pics of hair dry... same lighting...;


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Re: Chester716's Story - (24/Just starting minoxidil next week)

looks way better than the first pics you posted with it going forward. looks ok with indoor lighting but im guessing it's not the same with medium to high lighting. just hope the meds work for ya man. im the same age with the same type of loss. here's hoping


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Re: Chester716's Story - (24/Just starting minoxidil next week)

Well its been 7 days on finasteride and 6 on minoxidil(2x daily)

I have tried to stay away from the forums and not read any more while taking this stuff.... i worrry a lot about everything and this is no exception.. but im glad i got the hairloss test done.. that really just took a load off... not knowing is the worst thing......even knowing more likely yes helps a lot stress-wise... actually im not stressed about it at all anymore.. im doing pretty much all i can.. so what is there to worry about.......

anyways.. i thougt id just post and say that a couple ppl have made comments on my hair since... saying things like " it looks thicker or it looks neater.. did you comb it or something?"

(comments are random as no one knows im on anything for hair loss)

I haven't been watching it like a hawk or anything but.. overall its noticeably thicker... like. in decent sunlight my scalp on top would be pretty visible.. and in the bathroom under the super intense lighting of doom.. the front was very visible and the crown even more so..

now in both the sun and the bathroom i cant see my scalp at all at the front or the top or the high sides either.. .. and im really trying to see it... the crown still shines through a bit.. but not as much......

i lost the charger for my camera but im getting another one tonight and ill post some pics. but with flash and the lgiht .. the camera pretty much makes anyone look thinning... either way ill post up some....

I donno if its cuz my worry about this has gone down or if the meds are helping at all... if its meds or both. i think the minoxidil is making more of a difference at this point.. i donno if finasteride can even work that fast....

i do have a question tho... i read that finasteride doesnt last too long in the system.. so why only take 1mg does? why not 2? or twice daily.? the proscar split up into fifths.. the portions are so small, visually it doesn't look like they'd do anything.

oh also i bought 12mo supply of minoxidil from onlyhairloss, cost me $60 +shipping to Canada) arrived two days after ordering.

It says 12 mo and it says to use 1ml twice a day.. but i find it very difficult to use that amount and spread it evenly... i like to try and get the whole top of my crown and a bit at the front for good measure... i usually end up using 1.5ml so i donno if it'll last me a whole year but maybe the better part of... either way $70 ish dollars for that for the year and the proscar was covered under my work plan so i paid $5 for a year of that.. i can afford to keep this up.


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so it took literally 3 weeks for the camera charger to come in.. had to order from hong kong.....

anyways.. i took some new pics.... i donno.. i think the minoxidil just gives it this rough powdery feel which makes it poof and maybe seem thicker and thats what ppl are noticing... anyways. i did cut it shorter. and i just took some pics tonight...really i think its the same as it has been

this is after 22 days of minoxidil and finasteride.... the monix is 2x daily... i miss one here or there but pretty good. tho i use usually almost 2ml every time....its impossible to get it where u want it in 1 ml.... anyways.. comments welcome if you have any...

oh i thought i should mention. i notice im losing a LOT more hair then i used to jsut styling my hair. like a ton falls out.. but it doesn't seem to noticeable to anyone on my head. and i just donno.. so ... meh. but i never ever used to lose that much hair....


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few more....wet


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oh and since this is an experiment (lifelong) that im tracking for at least this first year... i should add.. there have been ZERO side effects from finasteride for me


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good luck!!! Be consistent with the applications of minoxidil. In 3 months it would look better.


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i figured id just add this...

im losing a TON of hair now... like its noticably thinner to me.... not to many others yet and in pics it doesnt look much diff.. but i can feel my hair and i remember what it used to feel like.. like even a month ago....looks wise it hasnt been to affected yet.. but i can definately feel it.. also i never used to lose much hair during the day.. i lose a TON now.. like im not even taking it out of proportion here.. i can shake my hair at any time and lose like 100 hairs... and do it again and again.. before id lose maybe one?

....... :dunno:


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- 1mg propecia is fine. it may not look like a lot but it's a good amount
- 1.5-2ml of rogaine is fine too. people with longer hair usually have to use more than just 1ml.
- sheds happen. could be good, could be bad, no one can really tell ya.
- keep us updated. you shouldn't be able to see any progress until about the 6 month mark IF you're lucky. 12+ months is usually the benchmark. some people in the success stories forum report seeing success after 24+ months.


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i dont really pay much attention to it... i just notice when i gell it or something amillion hairs fall out... heh....

with the minoxidil in the morning. i cant even use styling stuff anymore..

its not soo bad. the minoxidil has a bad texture but it makes my hair stylable at least and it volumizes it.. so it looks decent most the time....


Established Member
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chester, what minoxidil brand are u using? You could try the foam or dr lee's for the morning application, i use dr. lee's it dries fast. Consistency is the key imo.