Charles Darwin's no-shampoo success story

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Cutsinger is God said:
I believe you are correct Wookster. That would explain his baldness. We keep forgetting, Lawrence is not just saying shampoo is the cause of baldness, he also mentions soap.

This keeps getting more and more barmy. Cutsinger, hair follicles contain type II 5α-reductase which converts testosterone to DHT. In men with male pattern hair loss, the balding scalp contains increased amounts of DHT. Men with a genetic deficiency of type II 5α-reductase do not suffer from male pattern hair loss. Nothing to do with shampoo. Nothing to do with soap. End of story.

Cutsinger is God

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The Gardener said:
[quote="Cutsinger is God":114f4]That would explain his baldness. We keep forgetting, Lawrence is not just saying shampoo is the cause of baldness, he also mentions soap.

Well that makes things even more ridiculous. I have been using soap all my life, and my body hair has not decreased, it has INCREASED.[/quote:114f4]

Perhaps we are a little confused Gardener. Diamond Dave and I have been talking about head hair not body hair. Of course soap has the opposite effect on body hair.

Diamond Dave

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Cutsinger is God said:
Perhaps we are a little confused Gardener. Diamond Dave and I have been talking about head hair not body hair. Of course soap has the opposite effect on body hair.

I was gonna say that CIG but I knew that would go way over the heads of most people here.


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Cutsinger is God said:
Of course soap has the opposite effect on body hair.

Well, obviously.... (arrghhh!)

I mean, it was just staring me in the face... all this time wasted reading peer-reviewed studies in reputable scientific journals and using clinically proven treatments... when it was all down to shampoo and soap!
:cry: :2gunsfiring_v1:

michael barry

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PIc of good ol' Darwin again. Lived from 1809-1882. Before shamoo. He went completely bald. Wonder why?

I have a hairy body ............................and am Norwood 2.5-3 ish with thick hair because I stopped the futhering of baldness with treatments including finas, prox-N, nizoral shampoo.

I wash my body in soap, and have to wash my hands several times a hands and even fingers have hair. The diameter of the hair on my fingers is large enough to be head hair. I have hair on both arms, chest, both legs, neck (which I shave). Im your typical hairy guy with male pattern baldness who is treating it. Shampoo sure as hell doesnt effect it.

I have a thick beard that I shave. I had acne as a teenager and scrubbed my face three times a day with a strong anti-bacterial soap....................and the beard is still thick....................goes all the way up to just and inch or so below my eyelids. Soap sure as hell never disturbed it


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The Gardener said:
[quote="Cutsinger is God":10a8e]That would explain his baldness. We keep forgetting, Lawrence is not just saying shampoo is the cause of baldness, he also mentions soap.

Well that makes things even more ridiculous. I have been using soap all my life, and my body hair has not decreased, it has INCREASED.[/quote:10a8e]

I do recall reading a Cutsinger fan mentioning that soap and/or other chemicals might stimulate DHT production in the skin, thereby increasing body hair and reducing scalp hair.


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JayMan said:
Cutsinger is God said:
P.S. What is up with that gay avatar you have going on. I am a newbie here so maybe I don't get it. Could you be anymore gay Jay? Good God. 99% of the people here are men. We dont' need to see some gay guy in white suit pretending to hump air. You have no idea how irritating that is everytime I see your posts.


You think you're allowed to come on this site and talk to me like that? Just shut up dude. No one here agrees with your bs theories anyway. Enjoy your NW7 and I'll keep enjoying my NW1, thanks to meds(including shampoos)

Come on Jayman, you have to admit his flaming of you was quite hilarious. I like how he doesn't know the guy in the white suite is a a storm trooper.

michael barry

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There is another picture of Darwin, famous shampoo NON_User

He's still bald. In fact he and his cousin (who was a brighter intellectual light than Darwin), Sir Francis Galton, both went Norwood 7 very early in life.

Baldness is genetic
Baldness is genetic
Baldness is genetic.

It only needs male hormone to be activated. Take away male hormone, like in castrates, and you have no baldness.


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michael barry said:

There is another picture of Darwin, famous shampoo NON_User

He's still bald. In fact he and his cousin (who was a brighter intellectual light than Darwin), Sir Francis Galton, both went Norwood 7 very early in life.

Baldness is genetic
Baldness is genetic
Baldness is genetic.

It only needs male hormone to be activated. Take away male hormone, like in castrates, and you have no baldness.

Still looking for the smoking gun evidence of identical twins, separated at birth, where one is bald and the other is not. The only difference being the environmental factors but with the same genetics.

michael barry

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I have provided smoking gun evidence with two pictures of women that got testosterone injections and went male pattern bald very quickly.

One is buck angel (didn't you look at her pictures that I posted?)
And the other was on the Oprah Winfrey show with her TWIN sister who had all her hair.

Ive posted a study of female transexuals who took testosterone and it described how half were balding in various states of Norwood patterns after thirteen years

What more do you need.

Hot shower water would cause baldness in females much more than men by the way......................gals tend to take longer hotter showers than guys. Its ALL HORMONES AND NOTHING ELSE>

People dont want to believe that their genes are responsible for most of what they are in life, but science finds that to be the case more and more. Face it, we are simply evolved from apes that bald. Our more advanced immune systems have gotten involved and made our baldness more irreversible that our living primate ancestors which is an extra kick in the balls.


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michael barry said:

I have provided smoking gun evidence with two pictures of women that got testosterone injections and went male pattern bald very quickly.

One is buck angel (didn't you look at her pictures that I posted?)
And the other was on the Oprah Winfrey show with her TWIN sister who had all her hair.

Ive posted a study of female transexuals who took testosterone and it described how half were balding in various states of Norwood patterns after thirteen years

What more do you need.

Hot shower water would cause baldness in females much more than men by the way......................gals tend to take longer hotter showers than guys. Its ALL HORMONES AND NOTHING ELSE>

People dont want to believe that their genes are responsible for most of what they are in life, but science finds that to be the case more and more. Face it, we are simply evolved from apes that bald. Our more advanced immune systems have gotten involved and made our baldness more irreversible that our living primate ancestors which is an extra kick in the balls.

Estrogen has a protective effect for scalp hair, true. I didn't take a look at the pornographic transexual pics you posted though :wink:

Postmenopausal women also experience a type of alopecia related to the lack of estrogen and producton of DHT. You say your relatives have no sign of male pattern baldness yet you yourself are experiencing temporal recession to NW3 or so.

That would appear to be evidence in favor of some as yet undetermined environmental factor :D


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wookster said:
Postmenopausal women also experience a type of alopecia related to the lack of estrogen and producton of DHT. You say your relatives have no sign of male pattern baldness yet you yourself are experiencing temporal recession to NW3 or so.

That would appear to be evidence in favor of some as yet undetermined environmental factor :D

Not necessarily. It could just indicate inheritance of recessive genes.

michael barry

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I SAID MY DAD AND GRANDAD DID INDEED GO BALD. My uncles didnt lose any hair at all though.

I see you too have come under the spell of "theres something causing our baldness externally". These thoughts lead to alterna baldness theories like pillows, hair dryers, shampoos, sunlight, electric waves, powerlines, chlorinated water, scalp tension, short haircuts, etc.

All are bogus.

Male hormones cause baldness.

The transexual pictures I posted are of fully clothed human beings. Surely youre not so much of a shrinking violet to look at a picture for a scientific reason. Female-to-male transexuals provide an excellent example of what testosterone does to someone. We see that they add muscle, but age the skin. They add body hair, and decrease scalp hair. They make you have beards.

I seen a picture, and posted it (but Tom Hagerty pulled it down because it was pornographic) of a woman who is a p**rn star under the name Van Diesel. She's disgusting all right. A woman who takes testosterone. She has a full thick beard, breasts (she's not gotten them cut off yet), and alot of body hair like a man (including chest hair on her breast, abdominal hair, leg hair, arm hair, neck and facial beard thats thicker than mine which is alot, hair on the back of her hands even.........................

and guess what WOOK,

She went male pattern bald and performs in a skull cap. She has otherwise pretty good skin from what I can tell. This all happened in a couple of years.

What does that tell you?
Are you still trying to tell yourself kooky things like "if we wore our hair longer it would provide tension on the bulb?" or we are naked apes that water somehow made us evolve to baldness (women shower more than men and take longer hotter showers if youve ever lived with one...........they dont lose their hair).

Why in the hell cant people accept that they have genes that feature male pattern baldness if they simply get enough male hormone for the genes to act? Its amazing, how some are determined to blame it on something else.

The only alterna-baldness theory that might have a grain of truth are the acceleration of baldness through dietary choices that Dammitletmein is exploring throught the raising of androgens through high glycemic index foods.

Armando Jose

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Hi My Friend, you say:

"All are bogus.

Male hormones cause baldness. "

Then, why affect only certains hairs??

If your option is genetics,
Please, where are the real references?


Diamond Dave

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Armando Jose said:
Hi My Friend, you say:

"All are bogus.

Male hormones cause baldness. "

Then, why affect only certains hairs??

If your option is genetics,
Please, where are the real references?


Uh,'re really asking for it Armando.....

That's the same response I get from them when I say years of shampooing cause hairloss. Their immediate response is "why don't all the head hair fall out from shampoo?"

I love to see their default answer shot back at them.

Well...let's hear from the "genetics" crowd. Answer Armando please. :lol:


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The areas of baldness in males is directly correlated with androgen receptor and 5AR enzyme density. You loose hair from the areas where androgens have the greastest potential action.

Diamond Dave

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docj077 said:
The areas of baldness in males is directly correlated with androgen receptor and 5AR enzyme density. You loose hair from the areas where androgens have the greastest potential action.

Whatever you say Doctor....


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Diamond Dave said:
docj077 said:
The areas of baldness in males is directly correlated with androgen receptor and 5AR enzyme density. You loose hair from the areas where androgens have the greastest potential action.

Whatever you say Doctor....

I'm just telling you the truth. The 5AR type II enzyme that is normally located on the dermal papillae is simply not there in the occipital follicles. Dimished regional potential androgen response means no hair loss in that area. Men with frontal baldness often have an increase in the density of androgen receptors and 5AR enzymes in the area of baldness. If you look hard enough, you'll see that the same holds true for all forms of male pattern baldness.

It's way too simple.


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Diamond Dave said:
docj077 said:
The areas of baldness in males is directly correlated with androgen receptor and 5AR enzyme density. You loose hair from the areas where androgens have the greastest potential action.

Whatever you say Doctor....


Here's something to get you started on your intellectual voyage of discovery - ... t=Abstract


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michael barry said:
I see you too have come under the spell of "theres something causing our baldness externally". These thoughts lead to alterna baldness theories like pillows, hair dryers, shampoos, sunlight, electric waves, powerlines, chlorinated water, scalp tension, short haircuts, etc.

I am just exploring possibilities and speculations. Your general absolutist thought patterns do have me worried though :wink:
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