Changing my mind...


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Okay, I'm a little worried about minoxidil dependent hair, and I'm really not ready to be applying grease to my hair 2 times a day. Now, I'm considering Nizoral 2% and Proscar, fits my lifestyle WAY better.

Now, will this regiment give me somewhat considerable regrowth? I'm fairly early on in my loss, so does this improve my chances of regrowing on just finasteride and nizoral 2% without minoxidil? Also, is Nizoral 2% available over the counter in North America, or do you still need a prescription? I guess it's not a big deal if it IS a prescription, I gotta go in for the Proscar anyway.

Thanks for any feedback.

The Gardener

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If you are fairly early in your hairloss, then I would say that a finasteride and nizoral regimen would be a good place to start. One word of caution.. gotta have some patience with the finasteride, the internals take lots of time to work, seriously give it a year before bitching about it... but in the long term, a regimen comprised of a simple pill a day is much more lifestyle-friendly than prematurely dabbling in minoxidil.


Kevin fretwell

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Have you been in any Jesus Christ plays ?Anyway , your hair looks like it only needs minimum attention such as finasteride and nizoral .


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Kevin fretwell said:
Have you been in any Jesus Christ plays ?Anyway , your hair looks like it only needs minimum attention such as finasteride and nizoral .

if thats his picture all he needs is a good hair cut and get rid of the catapiller on the top lip

The Gardener

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ShedMaster said:
yes it is me in all my glory. minoxidil and propecia have served me well.

The minoxidil has done quite a number on your facial hair from the looks of that moustache. I can only imagine what your back hair must look like, Shed. Or should we be calling you Koko?


deaner, if thats a picture of you in your avatar, i'm sorry, but you've got to be the ugliest motherfucker i've ever seen.
BTW, welcome to And good luck with your regiment.


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k, either you guys are thick or don't watch funny movies, hahah. He's Dean from a movie called Fubar, and if I had hair that thick, I sure as hell wouldn't be posting messages on a hair loss forum.


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The Gardener said:
ShedMaster said:
yes it is me in all my glory. minoxidil and propecia have served me well.

The minoxidil has done quite a number on your facial hair from the looks of that moustache. I can only imagine what your back hair must look like, Shed. Or should we be calling you Koko?

oakaly doakaly neighborino. :roll: