Changing from Rogaine to Kirkland, experiences?


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I am considering changing Minoxidil brands, from Rogaine liquid (5%) to the much cheaper Kirkland liquid (5%). Are theese products really exactly identical? Anyone who changed between brands and experienced any problems or noticed any changes in the effect?

Any shared thoughts or experiences is appreciated!


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No they're not exactly the same.

Switching from Rogaine to Kirkland's, is like buying a one-way ticket to Itch City. If you never heard of that city, you will once you start using Kirkland's.

I switched to Kirkland's only because I couldn't afford Rogaine at the time. Now I switched back to Rogaine, no more itchiness.

Pros and cons of Kirklands[from my experience]:

Pros: Very cheap, it works, you don't have to worry about it melting.
Cons: You get what you pay for, takes a long time to dry, makes me look like I have dandruff/makes my scalp flaky and white, itches like crazy, I think it's been the cause of headaches.


Pros: Easy to use, it works, dries quickly, does not cause itchiness/flaking on MY scalp, it does not give me headaches.
Cons: It's still pricey after so many years, I wish it was cheaper.

Bottom line, only switch to Kirklands if you're really dying financially like me. I still use Kirkland's in the night, but I force myself to use it.


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They are same...

Krikland Liquid :- just take a bit long to dry.
Rogein Liquid : need 10% less time to dry from Krikland liquid
ROgein Foam Dries instantly.


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Kirkland = 50%ppg, 30% alcohol, 20% water
Rogaine = 50%ppg, 30% alcohol, 20% water.

Looks like an identical product to me.

And for those that don't know, Kirkland is manufactured by by Pfizer who also make Rogaine.

It's the same product with a different label on the bottle.


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Thanks everyone for awesome input!

Ok, so it looks like the same on the bottle ingridients, but some experienced more flaking and itching from the Kirkland liquid than Rogaine liquid. Hmm.. a hard choice, Kirkland is so much more pricey though...

Looking at my bottle of rogaine, it is actually made my the company McNeil, not Pfizer, or are McNeil owned by Pfizer?

From my experience (Rogaine since 2003), no itching or flaking from the Rogaine Liquid. Anyone else besides JimmyNeutron that got itching and flakes from Kirkland liquid?


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Sure it's the same as in ingredients. But you guys are getting really technical though. I am a long time user of Kirklands and Rogaine[and i'm sure a lot of you are too] and in my honest opinion they are not the same.

Obviously, one is foam, one is liquid[that's since you wanna get technical]. That's already a difference.

One itches way more than the other one, at least for me, Rogaine doesn't itch at all, no matter how much I put at once. Kirkland's itches like hell. One also leaves your scalp flaky[Kirklands]. So yeah, they're the same, sure they are, but you get what you pay for with Kirkland's, which is cheap minoxidil, with the same ingredients as Rogaine. Rogaine dries faster too. Can't really explain it further. You have to buy both yourself and you come back to bump this thread and tell us if they are really "the same". I use both, Rogaine in the day, Kirkland's at night. But honestly i'm about to make a full switch to Rogaine. Kirklands is really nice for my pocket, but not for my head, I can't keep abusing my scalp like that. For years I tried to convince my self that they are the same, being a cheapskate, trying to make myself feel better for buying the cheap stuff. But my scalp has had it, and it has been through enough already. I'm gonna use the remaining 6 bottles of Kirklands I have as much as possible until it ends and i'm not buying it unless I have to.


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Good luck and remember we're all different. So what might irritate me, won't irritate you. Its up to you to try it and make an assessment, but come back to tell us your experience with Kirkland's.