Cdngirl's Story - (Alopecia Universalis)


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My name is Manal and I am 29 y/o. I have had alopecia universalis all my life and have been wearing wigs since I was 10 years old. My eyebrows and eyelashes are very scarce, but I did try using a new product called RapidLash and it seems like it is working a little.

I am on here today to hopefully make friends who would understand what it is like to live this way. It has been a tough couple of years as I try to put on a brave face but deep down it is very hard to go through especially when I have had to tell the man in my life. I have yet to find someone who will accept me for who I am and not allow this condition to come between us.

I would love to hear back from anyone out here.



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it is great that you succeeded to get through this...I fell terrible with thinning...but it looks like you are a winner! congratulations!


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I just wanted to say that I understand completely you situation, I'v had AU for nearly all my life as well (I'm 25 y/o), and not surprisingly, I too have struggled to find that person who loves me no matter what.

I've notice your story was posted a long time a go. But I hope you get this message and we can possibly share our experiences and not feel so lonely.

I wish you the best of luck, please write if you ever feel like it.
