Canadians: Where do you get your finasteride?


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MrAnon said:
P.S. I should add that I ordered from pharmacy2home based on the recommendation of another poster here, who said his Finpecia from them was working well for him.

Thanks bros!


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I got my order from Dr. Lee today (had it shipped by EMS). Man, this stuff seems expensive when it's a little pile of pills at the bottom of a container instead of a bunch of boxes of blister packs!

I was surprised to see that they didn't relabel the pill bottles as they indicate on their web site. It came with the regular finasteride label rather than the generic "gelatin for nail growth" one. It was declared as a cosmetics sample, value $4 on the customs label. Unfortunately, they also loosely attached a shipping label stating the "patient number" as well as "1mg finasteride sample" just below the fold. I think I'd ask them to be a bit more subtle next time...

I'll probably toss the last month of Finpecia and just stick with this stuff for now. There's a label on it saying it was compounded for them, so they're not doing it in-house. I feel a lot better about this product than ordering from a random online pharmacy, now that UP/Inhouse are no longer an option.

A 4 month supply was $117.95 shipped by EMS, and would have been $16 less by "air mail". That's not too bad, but as a previous poster noted, cut up Proscar could actually be cheaper. They give you a volume discount, but if the total is more than $150, you have to pay extra for registered mail (or EMS), so it's not any cheaper to order more than six months' worth.


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f*** the customs! :devil:


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I dunno if they ship to canada but i buy from They ship from india as well and arrives in about a week in California. Have been using them for 5+ yrs now.

why is everyone so stuck on united pharmacies? their prices are really expensive and they get their pills from the same company(cipla ltd).


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People are stuck on United and Inhouse because there are hundreds and hundreds of men who report good results with products ordered from these two sites. If you're going to buy generic drugs from a foreign online pharmacy, it makes sense to stick to ones that have well-documented good reputations, vs. a virtually unknown one with cheaper prices. It only takes one bad/fake batch of finasteride to lose everything you've maintained.

I have seen a few mentions of Alldaychemist (more than pharmacy2home or housepharmacy), but people tend to be very suspicious of their prices. A year's supply of Finpecia for $50 plus shipping seems too good to be true; or a year of Dutas for only $180, half of what United chrges. It might actually be a point in their favour that they ship straight from India, since I'm sure they are closer to the manufacturer in the supply chain than a place shipping out of Hong Kong. It's also worth noting that these drugs are actually even cheaper than alldaychemist's prices in India, so I'm sure they are making a reasonable profit after buying wholesale and marking up shipping.

And yes, they do still ship to Canada.


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elvis123 said:
Hey does that mean the pharmacy2home stuff is garbage?

I don't want to give you this impression. As far as I know, the drugs I received are perfectly legitimate. I had a look at examples of packaging online, and mine seemed to check out fine. The most logical explanation is that I am simply losing ground as my hair loss advances. However, at this point, I don't want to take the chance.

I hope this thread can continue to grow so other Canadians have a more up to date resource for how and where to get their hair loss drugs. It would have made a big difference to me back in February when I was scrambling to find a pharmacy that shipped to Canada.


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Just ordered 90 Fincar 5mg for 59.00 shipping included from . I tried with phamacy2home but there is no Canada in the shipping options.


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Please post your experience with ordering when you receive the Fincar. Hopefully they will keep shipping to Canada.


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MrAnon said:
Please post your experience with ordering when you receive the Fincar. Hopefully they will keep shipping to Canada.

yep I will!!


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squeegee said:
Just ordered 90 Fincar 5mg for 59.00 shipping included from . I tried with phamacy2home but there is no Canada in the shipping options.

AllDayChemist still ships to Canada? Last time I ordered from them (around January of this year), they were having problems shipping it to anywhere in Canada. I remember corresponding with them for weeks and then they finally decided to ship the meds to an affiliate in the States who will send it to Canada. Anyways, I decided it was too much of a hassle so I canceled the order and just ordered Proscar from my local pharmacy. I hope you don't have to go through the same ordeal that I went through. Oh and if I remember correctly, alldaychemist doesn't accept Canadian credit cards (if that's how you paid). You may get an email telling you to send a check instead.

My advice to Canadians: Just order from a local pharmacy. Most of the pharmacy websites won't ship to Canada and with the ones that do, there's no guarantee that the drugs will make it to your door. Canadian customs are pretty suspicious of packages coming from India so there's a good chance they'll seize it. I know because it happened to me a few times already within the past year.


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That's really lousy. I remember reading about the credit card thing, but I was under the impression that it was no longer an issue. Perhaps squeegee can update us.

Luckily I have not had a shipment seized, but I gather it is getting more and more common. As I posted earlier in the thread, pharmacy2home actually shipped my order from Germany, presumably so it would look less suspicious.

I absolutely agree that Proscar from a local pharmacy is probably our best option now, and I am going to look into it when my current supply of finasteride from Dr. Lee starts to run out. The customs seizure/online pharamacy shipping crap is quite a big deal for any Canadian taking dutasteride, I would think. Does it affect shipments of topical products like Rogaine? I know 5% is still under prescription in Canada.


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I think they are only stingy with shipments coming from overseas, especially India. Topicals (like rogaine or spironolactone) usually come from the US and the packages are discreet, so they usually pass customs.


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Found a good website to order meds in the Country...

Fill up a sheet to get a prescription then you can order your crap online!!


Disregard this one.. They don't ship anymore to Canada! lol


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MrAnon said:
That's really lousy. I remember reading about the credit card thing, but I was under the impression that it was no longer an issue. Perhaps squeegee can update us.

Luckily I have not had a shipment seized, but I gather it is getting more and more common. As I posted earlier in the thread, pharmacy2home actually shipped my order from Germany, presumably so it would look less suspicious.

I absolutely agree that Proscar from a local pharmacy is probably our best option now, and I am going to look into it when my current supply of finasteride from Dr. Lee starts to run out. The customs seizure/online pharamacy shipping crap is quite a big deal for any Canadian taking dutasteride, I would think. Does it affect shipments of topical products like Rogaine? I know 5% is still under prescription in Canada.

Dear Frederic

Thank you for the recent e-mail.

Please note that your order has already been shipped to one of our associate in USA and he will forward a shipment to you as soon as he receives the same.

We can ship your order from India as well but there is some customs problem with Indian shipments in Canada thus we decide to ship your order via USA.

This is for your kind information please.

With warm regards

Tel (US) +1-213-291-2588