Can you stick to your regimen for the long run?

Can you stick to your regimen?

  • Yes, because it is simple.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I miss a few applications each week.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I just preach and research but could not possibly follow it.

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The 3 P's are Proven, Pictures, and Persistence. I want to know about your persistence.

You people using Xandrox15 and other greasy stuff, like spironolactone cream:

How easy is it for you to use it twice a day, every day? Have you been missing a day or two here and there?

I opt for a much easier regimen to stick to: a pill and shampoos, and am thinking of a quick drying topical before showering. Am I just super lazy, or is my regimen just more realistic? (it is also much cheaper than yours, btw)


Experienced Member
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I've been 100% persistent for a year and a month now. I've only missed a few
nights and rarely morning applications. My motivational level flucutates but I don't think there
is any way I can do what I'm doing now long term. I had planned on cutting down to just the
basics after the new year. Now that the new year is here and I took a good look at my hair this weekend
and was pretty happy with the recent results I'm thinking I'll give it six more months. Guess I'm addicted
somewhat to the gains.


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Like the band KISS says.........Keep It Simple Stupid

I've fiddled with zix, emu oil, even Nioxin in the past. Now my regimin consists of popping a quartered fincar tab and 6 sprays of Dr. Lees. Quick and easy, and I know these products work.

The best motivating factor in any regimin, though, is good results


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I'm kinda giving up with minoxidil. I applied it religiously for about 7 months now. I had some regrowth but nothing major.

After getting into a routine, the application process is pretty easy but I don't want to think about it all the time.

I got bored of waiting and looking at the mirror twice a day. So, it's goodbye to minoxidil from me.


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ali777 said:
I'm kinda giving up with minoxidil. I applied it religiously for about 7 months now. I had some regrowth but nothing major.

After getting into a routine, the application process is pretty easy but I don't want to think about it all the time.

I got bored of waiting and looking at the mirror twice a day. So, it's goodbye to minoxidil from me.

Some people say not to look in the mirror for 6 months. Did you take before pictures, or are you sure there was no change? For me it is just I don't want a messy regimen I can't stick to later when I have a girlfriend. No point in all the work now if it will just fall out later when I have a girl. That is why I'm all shampoo and pill. I am intertaining a 30 minute topical before my shower though, or at work or something.


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CCS said:
ali777 said:
I'm kinda giving up with minoxidil. I applied it religiously for about 7 months now. I had some regrowth but nothing major.

After getting into a routine, the application process is pretty easy but I don't want to think about it all the time.

I got bored of waiting and looking at the mirror twice a day. So, it's goodbye to minoxidil from me.

Some people say not to look in the mirror for 6 months. Did you take before pictures, or are you sure there was no change? For me it is just I don't want a messy regimen I can't stick to later when I have a girlfriend. No point in all the work now if it will just fall out later when I have a girl. That is why I'm all shampoo and pill. I am intertaining a 30 minute topical before my shower though, or at work or something.

Dude, it's not as messy as you think it is. Once you get into it, it's pretty easy. It takes half a minute before or after you brush your teeth.

I just got bored with the whole thing. If the result was a permanent gain, I would have persisted but it's all temporary. Besides, I have to look at the mirror when I apply it. It makes the whole not thinking about the hair stuff very difficult.

I'm the same as you now, shampoos and vitamins. I have to admit that I'm pleasantly surprised with nizoral.


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Cassin said:
Yes, because it is simple.

ali777 said:
I'm kinda giving up with minoxidil. I applied it religiously for about 7 months now. I had some regrowth but nothing major. .

Most people would kill for that.......

I had 3/4 inch peach fuzz growing from scalp that was smooth bald for 5 years, by appling minoxidil 5% 4x per day, 1 bottle per week. But I got tired of being drenched in minoxidil so I quit.


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The foam is ideal for people who have a hectic lifestyle.

Popping a pill in the morning, rubbing foam on your head that dries in minutes twice a day; then showering with Nizoral three times a week is as easy as it gets.


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i apply spironolactone twice a day and yeah it is a hassle trying to apply it through long hair. its more the greasiness than the apps themselves - i apply it straight after showering and it just greases up your hair straight away. ive just invested in that dry shampoo which has been a bit of a lifesaver actually.


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Got to love the greasiness... put that together with flakes of unabsorbed minoxidil dotting my scalp and it's no wonder I eventually cut back to a single, night-time, application of Kirkland's finest. Mind you, that was after about five years.

Thinking of a return to the 'old days' with the addition of Xandrox 15 to my regimen.


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Ali how can you quit? STOPPING hair loss is a success, regrowing is even better, like Cassin said some would die to be in your shoes. I believe you are doing a very big injustice to yourself. Then again you willingly know that once you stop you will lose it all and probably kick yourself for stopping it. I've seen so many people kick themselves for thinking it wasn't worth it until they lost all those gains!



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I have maintenance now, so I'm just not sure I'd get much of a dating edge if I had gease in my hair an hour or more each day just to get some regrowth which may or may not be cosmetically noticable. I mean my grafts did not even get me where I wanted. Buy my current pill and multi-shampoo regimen is so easy to follow. I just want to find one non-greasy topical I can put on that will disappear on my scalp and give a good extra kick, and not require me to re-arrange my schedule. I'm thinking of a simple alcohol/water/lavender mix, with maybe some apple poly in it. Just not sure how strong that would be and if worth it. If it were pure b2, b3, and c1 instead of just apple poly powder, I'd do it. Also want to see some studies on how much lavender inhibits sebum secretion. Or if EGCG is harmful to the hair cycle or not. Or some soy proteins, though they are not pure either and might make a mess.