Can You Lower Your Hairline With A Hair Transplant?


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I'm NW2.5 I think, I'd like to get back to NW1.5 or better

If enough grafts are extracted


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First of all its possible, you can type "hairline restoration" in YouTube and see very impressive results.
Anyway you should consider it because it not gurantee that the rest of the hair will not stop to fall, unless you maintain your hair with finasteride for period of time.
Another thing you should consider its that transplant hairline its kind of "permanent" hairline so don't bring yourself to a situation that you would have teen hairline in your fifties.
Last thing - hairline is the hardest and most important part of transplant so make sure you do it with high skilled doctor that will not give you "dull head" look.


My Regimen
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First of all its possible, you can type "hairline restoration" in YouTube and see very impressive results.
Anyway you should consider it because it not gurantee that the rest of the hair will not stop to fall, unless you maintain your hair with finasteride for period of time.
Another thing you should consider its that transplant hairline its kind of "permanent" hairline so don't bring yourself to a situation that you would have teen hairline in your fifties.
Last thing - hairline is the hardest and most important part of transplant so make sure you do it with high skilled doctor that will not give you "dull head" look.

What's wrong with having a teen hairline in your 50s? I'd love to have that.